May 22nd, 2011 by Pastor Solley
052211AM When Men Pray
Sub. Prayer
Theme: What happens when men pray
Text: Acts 12:1-5
“When Men Pray” Acts 12:1-5
With a two day conference on prayer beginning tomorrow I have felt the leading of the Lord to preach on prayer this morning. There will be another message on prayer this evening and the text for the message this morning is one that has been used the […]
April 10th, 2011 by Pastor Solley
041011AM God’s Very Best
Sub. God’s gift of Jesus Christ
Theme: God gave His very best in man’s salvation
Text: John 3:14-17
“God’s Very Best” John 3:14-17
IntroductionThis will be the third message in as many weeks using John 3:16 as a text. There is no clearer presentation of the gospel message found anyplace else in the Bible. John 3 begins with a lost sinner seeking Jesus Christ, gives us the Biblical plan of salvation, and ends with God’s simple […]
April 10th, 2011 by Pastor Solley
040311AM Whosoever
Sub. Salvation
Theme: God’s gift of salvation seen in John 3:16
Text: John 3:14-18
“Whosoever” John 3:14-16
IntroductionI am beginning to understand how evangelist Henry Moorhead who lived and preached in the 1800’s could preach for 17 years and use a single text for each message. – John 3:16 – Evangelist Moorhead said at the close of one of his meetings, “My friends, for a whole week I have been trying to tell you how much God loves […]
April 10th, 2011 by Pastor Solley
032711AM For God So loved
Sub. Love
Theme: God’s great love
Text: John 3:13-18
“For God So Loved” John 3:13-18
IntroductionThe message this morning is built upon John 3:16. This is perhaps the most well known verse in the Bible. Often it is the first verse people memorize and the last they forget. This one verse has brought multitudes to Christ. This is a verse so simple that a child can understand it, yet so profound that none can fully […]
March 13th, 2011 by Pastor Solley
031311AM A Sinner Set Free
Sub. Barabbas
Theme: Barabbas set free
Text: Luke 23:1-24
“A Sinner Set Free” Luke 23:1-24
IntroductionIn Luke 23 we find the Lord Jesus Christ about to sacrifice His life for our sin on the cross of Calvary having been arrested by the Jewish high council and after a mock trial turned over to Rome. What Jesus Christ came into the world He was about to accomplish. That which was first promised in the book of […]
February 7th, 2011 by Pastor Solley
020611AM Commonly Known. – Sub. The Christian – Theme: How the Christian is known. – Text: 1 Cor 5:1-8
“Commonly Known” 1 Cor 5:1-8
IntroductionI would like to bring a message this morning I have titled “Commonly Known” using 1 Cor 5:1 as a text verse. For the most part when a message is brought using 1 Cor 5 as a text it has something to do with church discipline. The church at Corinth had more problems that any other […]
January 16th, 2011 by Pastor Solley
011611AM Someone Willing to help
Sub. Miracle of John 5 and healing of the impotent man.
Theme: Analysis of miracle in relation to salvation.
Text: John 5:1-17
“Someone Willing to Help” John 5:1-17
IntroductionI would like to bring a message this morning using John 5 and the healing of the impotent man as a text. – John 5:1-17 This particular miracle is recorded only in the gospel of John and in it we see not a man healed by Jesus […]
January 10th, 2011 by Pastor Solley
010911AM What Thou Must Do
Sub. Paul
Theme: Paul an example of what one must do.
Text: Acts 9:1-20
“What Thou Must Do” Acts 9:1-20
IntroductionI would like to bring a message this morning titled “What Thou Must Do” taken from Acts 9. Acts 9 is a familiar portion of Scripture in that we find recorded the conversion of Saul of Tarsus. – Acts 9:1-20 – As the account begins we see Saul trying to persecute the church of Jesus […]
October 23rd, 2010 by Pastor Solley
102410AM Lessons for the Christian from Hell
Sub. The rich man in hell
Theme: Lessons for the Christian
Text: Luke 16:19-31
“Lessons for the Christian from Hell” Luke 16:19-31
IntroductionI am going top bring a message this morning from the account of the rich man and Lazarus found in Like 16.
Luke 16:19-31 This is not a parable but a literal account and historical record of events that took place during the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. The […]
April 5th, 2010 by Pastor Solley
040410AM The Day the World Changed.
Sub. Christ’s Resurrection
Theme: The changes the resurrection should bring.
Text: Matt 27:57-28:7
“The Day the World Changed” Matt 27:57-28:7
IntroductionI would like to speak this morning on the day that the world changed. That Easter is the most important of the Christian holidays cannot be disputed. What we remember today, what we celebrate is what sets the born again believer, the true Christian apart from all others in this world. We who kn […]