011622AM Walk
Sub. Walk
Theme: Walking with the Lord.
Text: 2 Chron 7:17-22
“Walk” 2 Chron 7:11-22
I want to speak to you this morning about a walk, a walk through this world, a walk with the Lord, about a spiritual walk, about a walk that matters to the Lord and one that should matter to the child of God. I hear from people from time to time that it doesn’t so much matter to God how we live […]
010922AM Will They Revive
Sub. Revival
Theme: Need of revival
Text: Neh 4:1-3
“Will They Revive” Neh 4:1-3
IntroductionI want to speak to you this morning about revival as a prelude to the special services we have beginning next Sunday morning. The word revival has several shades of meaning but it speaks most of all to a rekindling, of a return to that which may have been lost, of an awakening. Revival also points to being moved to that which […]
010222AM Jubilee
Sub. New Year
Theme: How to make 2022 a year of jubilee.
Text: Lev 25:9-13
“Jubilee” Lev 25:9-13
IntroductionI want to speak to you this morning about a year of jubilee. The word jubilee means to be filled with joy and gladness, to be rejoicing, to be shouting praises and thanksgiving. As we look back as we often do at the end of a year and as we welcome in a New Year it hardly seems that the […]
“Baptism, Death and New Life” Romans 6:1-10
IntroductionI want to speak to you this morning about baptism. Baptism in an entirely New Testament doctrine. The words baptize, baptizing, baptism, and baptized are found almost one hundred times in the Bible, all of them in the New Testament. First in the book of Matthew, last in the book of 1 Peter, baptism is a New Testament doctrine. It was first practiced before the New Testament church was established, was preached on […]
082921AM Three Stages of Christianity
Sub. The Christian life
Theme: Stages of the Christian life as seen in Peter.
Text: John 1:36-42 ; Luke 5:1-11
“Three Stages of Christianity” John 1:36-42 ; Luke 5:1-11
IntroductionI want to speak to you this morning about stages in the Christian life using the Apostle Peter as an example. Of all the Apostles of our Lord Peter is the one most of us can more readily identify. Most of us will have at least […]
062721AM Ordered Steps
Sub. Steps in life
Theme: God’s ordered steps.
Text: Ps 37:23-25
“Ordered Steps” Psalm 37:23-25
IntroductionThe thirty seventh chapter of the Psalms has long been one of my favorites. I read it, or parts of it several hundred times each year. There are many precious truths contained in this Psalm that speak to my heart. (1) The promise that if I trust in Him, commit my way to Him, the Lord will give me the desires of […]
092219AM Message to the Remnant
Sub. Haggai
Theme: Haggai’s message
Text: Haggai
“Message to the Remnant
“Message to the Remnant” Haggai
IntroductionI want to speak to you this morning about a message to the remnant of Israel from the book of Haggai. A remnant is a smaller portion of something, usually a bolt of cloth or a carpet of which the greater part has been cut or sold. The remnant would be the surviving piece. It is also a word […]
021614AM A Treasure in Earthen Vessels
Sub. The gospel and salvation
Theme: Possessed in man should change man.
Text: 2 Cor 4:1-11
“A Treasure in Earthen Vessels” 2 Cor 4:1-11
IntroductionI want to speak this morning about a treasure in earthen vessels. A treasure is something that is of great value, at times something that cannot be replaced, something to be prized, shown off, something that very special, something that can give security for the […]
082612AM Joy Set Before
Sub. Joy
Theme: How to have joy set before us.
Text: Heb 12:1-3
“Joy Set Before” Heb 12:1-3
IntroductionThe subject of the message this morning is joy, something that God wants us to have and something that is lacking in the lives of many if not most people today. The fact that joy is lacking can be seen in the faces of people today. I do not believe that you can […]
081411AM Constrained to Enter the Storm
Sub. The disciples on the sea in the storm.
Theme: Why Jesus constrained them to go into the storm.
Text: Matt 14:22-33
“Constrained to Enter the Storm” Matt 14:22-33
IntroductionMatthew 14 contains two of the more well known miracles of Christ, the feeding of the five thousand and Jesus walking on the water. Very few people, even among the lost do not know that […]