020424AM Holy Garments #4
Sub. Believers in Christ.
Theme: Things we are to put on.
Text: Col 3:12-14
“Holy Garments” #4 Col 3:12-14
We continue this morning looking at holy garments that the child of God is commanded to put on. – Col 3:12-14 – I was watching the news on Friday morning and clips of the Groundhog Day event in Punxsutawney. One man from Ohio who travels in each year for the event was […]
012124AM Holy Garments #2
Sub. Born again believers
Theme: Things we are to put on.
Text: Col 3:12-17
“Holy Garments” #2 Colossians 3:12-17
IntroductionWe are going to continue this morning with a message that began last week looking at holy garments that are to be put on. In the Old Testament under the Law holy garments were provided for the High Priest that separated him from the people. Ex 28:2 And thou shalt make holy […]
011424AM Holy Garments
Sub. Christians
Theme: Garments for the Christian.
Text: Col 3:12-17
“Holy Garments” Col 3:12-17
On the front of our bulletin this morning is a picture of the High Priest of the Old Testament who served in the tabernacle and then the temple under the Law. The High Priest as well as the priests who served under him were given holy garments. Ex 28:1-2 And take thou unto thee […] -
010724AM Dig Again the Wells
Sub. Wells
Theme: Digging the wells.
Text: Gen 26:12-18
“Dig Again the Wells” Genesis 26:12-18
I want to speak to you this morning about digging wells or re-digging wells. In Bible lands a well of water was a fortune. If a king dug even one and it produced water he was considered a great king and became famous. Battles were fought over wells, lives were risked to get […] -
123123AM A Divine Guide
Sub. God
Theme: God’s guidance.
Text: Psalm 32:1-11
“A Divine Guide” Psalm 32:1-11
IntroductionThe next time we come together, with the exception of the service this evening, it will be a New Year. Many of us can remember the questions and uncertainty that surrounded the New Year as we went from 1999 – 2000. Computers were going to crash, hospitals were going to shut down, planes fall out of […]
121023AM My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord.
Sub. Mary
Theme: How Mary magnified the Lord.
Text: Luke 1:46
“My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord” Luke 1:46
IntroductionI want to look this morning at one who magnified the Lord. To magnify is to enlarge, to make large. In reference to a person it is to make that one appear as great, to show their greatness to others. Spiritually speaking it is to […]
120323AM Two Men Ask; One Saved, One Lost
Sub. Salvation
Theme: Why one man who asked was not saved.
Text: Luke 23:32-45
“Two Men Ask; One Saved, One Lost” Luke 23:32-45
The message this morning is about salvation, Bible salvation, real salvation, life changing salvation, eternity placing salvation. Not about the world’s salvation, not about easy believism salvation, not about Jesus gets all of us salvation. The message this morning is about […] -
111223AM Timeless Truths for Troubled Times #4
Sub. Troubled times.
Theme: Truth from the Bible for troubled times.
Text: Romans 8:28-34
“Timeless Truths for Troubled Times” #4 Romans 8:28-34
IntroductionWe are going to continue in Romans chapter eight this morning looking at timeless truths for troubled times. There are certain chapters in the Bible that seem to speak directly to us as believers in Christ when we experience troubled times. Chapters such as […]
111223AM Timeless Truths for Troubled Times #4
Sub. Troubled times.
Theme: Truth from the Bible for troubled times.
Text: Romans 8:28-34
“Timeless Truths for Troubled Times” #4 Romans 8:28-34
IntroductionWe are going to continue in Romans chapter eight this morning looking at timeless truths for troubled times. There are certain chapters in the Bible that seem to speak directly to us as believers in Christ when we experience troubled times. Chapters such as […]
110523AM Timeless Truths for Troubled Times #3
Sub. Troubling times
Theme: Bible truth for troubling times.
Text: Romans 8:28-34
“Timeless Truths for Troubled Times” #3 Romans 8:28-34
We have been looking, and continue this morning, looking at some timeless truths for troubled times. We are certainly living in troubling times as we see Bible prophecy being played out in the middle east and the enemies of God’s people united as they […]