071424AM God’s Masterpiece
Sub. The family
Theme: God’s order for the family.
Text: Eph 5:31-32
“God’s Masterpiece” Eph 5:31-32
I want to speak this morning concerning one of God’s masterpieces. The Holy Spirit has been leading for a time now to bring a message or messages on Sunday morning concerning the family. Being a long time in the ministry in one place is a great blessing but it also brings […]
070724AM God’s Good Soldiers
Sub. Soldiers
Theme: God’s good soldiers.
Text: 2 Tim 2:1-4
“God’s Good Soldiers” 2 Tim 2:1-4
IntroductionI want to speak to you this morning about being a good soldier. We celebrated our freedom this past Thursday, our Independence Day, because good soldiers answered the call. Good soldiers gained our freedom, secured our freedom and have preserved our freedom down through the years. Praise God for America’s good soldiers.
I. […]
063024AM Your Place and Purpose
Sub. Believers in Christ.
Theme: Three classes their place and purpose.
Text: 1 John 2:12-14
“Your Place and Purpose” 1 John 2:12-14
Most of the epistles that make up our New Testament begin with the one that the Holy Spirit set apart to write the epistle identifying himself and then those to whom the epistle was written. Rom, 1 Cor, 2 Cor, Gal, Eph, Phil, Col, […] -
052624AM Press On
Sub. Caleb
Theme: Caleb pressing on.
Text: Joshua 14:6-13
“Press On” Joshua 14:6-13
IntroductionThis is a Memorial Day message although it may not seem like one until the end of the message. Memorial Day began as a day set aside to honor all those who gave their lives, both North and South, in the Civil War. It has been expanded to include all those […]
042824AM What’s Your Aim
Sub. Paul
Theme: Paul pressing on.
Text: Phil 3:12-14
“What’s Your Aim” Phil 3:12-14
IntroductionLast Sunday both morning and evening messages asked a question. What’s your name in the morning and what’s your address in the evening. The message this morning asks another question, what’s your aim? What’s your aim in life? Most people set goals for their lives that mean nothing because they are centered in […]
042124AM What’s Your Name
Sub. The name Christian
Theme: Are we living up to the name?
Text: Acts 11:26
“What’s Your Name” Acts 11:26
The title of the message this morning, “What’s Your Name” leads into the question of the message, are you living up to your name? In Acts 11 we find born again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ called Christians for the first time. – Acts 11:26 – […] -
041424AM The Emerging Church
Sub. The emergent church
Theme: Danger and end of the emergent church.
Text: 1 Kings 22
“The Emerging Church” 1 Kings 22
I want to speak to you this morning about the emerging church, the dangers of the emerging church and the end of the emerging church. The emerging church has spawned the mega church movement and is all about church building, building bigger and bigger churches. That is the first […] -
031024AM Building Blocks of Revival
Sub. Revival
Theme: Steps to revival.
Text: Ps 85:106
“Building Blocks of Revival” Psalm 85:1-6
I want to speak to you this morning about building blocks of revival. We have special services coming up in two weeks, revival services. Some are looking forward to the services, some dreading them. Some are making plans to attend each service, some making plans to attend not at all. One thing for sure, we […] -
021824AM Holy Garments # 6
Sub. The believer in Christ.
Theme: Things we are to put on.
Text: Col 3:15-16
“Holy Garments” #6 Col 3:15-16
We continue this morning looking at things God would have us put on as born again believer, at holy garments. – Col 3:12-14 God would have us put off the old and put on the new for several reasons. These holy garments will make us different than […] -
021124AM Holy Ground #5
Sub: The believer in Christ.
Theme: The believer putting on the peace of God.
Text: Col 3:15
“Holy Ground” #5 Colossians 3:15
We continue to look this morning at holy garments that we as born again believers in Christ are to put on. In the Old Testament God had holy garments for the High Priest to put on that separated him from the people. Now in this age of grace God […]