031410AM The Vessels of God.
Sub. History of the vessels of God.
Theme: Spiritual application for the Christian.
Text: Ezra 1:5-8; 2 Tim 2:19-21
“The Vessels of God” Ezra 1:5-8; 2 Tim 2:19-21
IntroductionI would like to bring a message this morning looking at the vessels of God. The words vessel and vessels are very common ones in the Bible being found 200 times between them. But I wold like to look at some very uncommon vessels today, I would […]
022810AM Under Complete Control.
Sub. The Holy Spirit
Theme: Being under the control of the Holy Spirit.
Text: Eph 5:14-18
“Under Complete Control” Eph 5:14-18
IntroductionThe message this morning flows out of the message from last week just as the message last week flowed out of the message from the week before. It has not been my intention to preach a series but the Spirit of God has not permitted me to take my attention away from the spiritual walk […] -
022110AM Let Us Walk In the Spirit.
Sub. A spiritual walk.
Theme: Things that hinder a spiritual walk.
Text: Gal 5:22-25
“Let Us Walk In the Spirit” Gal 5:22-25
IntroductionThe message this morning flows out of the final point of the message from last week. In looking at God’s threefold cure for weariness it was noted that one needs to walk in the power and grace of the Holy Spirit. – Gal 5:22-25 – We do not do the things […] -
021410AM God’s Threefold Cure for Weariness.
Sub. Weariness
Theme: God’s cure for weariness.
Text: Gal 6:1-9
“God’s Threefold Cure for Weariness” Gal 6:1-9
IntroductionLets begin this morning by reading in Galatians 6. – Gal 6:1-9 I would like to speak this morning on God’s cure for weariness. Weariness or to be weary is defined this way in Webster’s 1828 dictionary. Having the strength much exhausted by trial or violent exertion. To be tired or weary of doing something. Having patience […] -
0202710AM Why No Drawing of Men Today.
Sub. Drawing men to Jesus Christ.
Theme: Why few are drawn to Christ today.
Text: John 12:20-32
“Why No Drawing of Men Today” John 12:20-32
IntroductionThis morning I would like to look at a statement made by the Lord Jesus Christ in John 12. A statement that was certainly true when Jesus made it and because the Word of God is eternal truth should be true today as well. But it is a […] -
012410 Being Prepared.
Sub. The importance of being prepared.
Theme: How to be prepared.
Text: 2 Tim 2:20-21; 2 Chron 14; Eph 6:10-18
“Being Prepared” 2 Tim 2:20-21; 2 Chron 14; Eph 6:10-18
IntroductionI am going to bring a message this morning on being prepared and the importance of being prepared before God. In doing so I would like to use an Old Testament illustration and then a New Testament application. The word prepared means to be fitted and adapted, […] -
011710AM Moving Forward.
Sub. The people of God.
Theme: The people of God moving forward.
Text: Deut 2:1-7
“Moving Forward” Deut 2:1-7
IntroductionI am going to bring a message this morning titled “Moving Forward”. There are many trials and dangers in the Christian life, many pitfalls along our way in this world. But there are two that most all of us will fall to at one time or another. One is that a Christian may often rush impatiently before the […] -
011001AM The Baker, the Cake, the Bow.
Sub. Three illustrations in Hosea 7.
Theme: Lessons for Israel and for us.
Text: Hosea 7
“The Baker, the Cake, the Bow” Hosea 7
IntroductionThe Old Testament is full of illustrations, much more so than the New Testament. This because the Hebrew language of the Old Testament is a much more picturesque than the Greek language of the New Testament. The Hebrew is much more given to word pictures and illustrations. In Hosea […] -
122009AM Jesus Is Still the Answer.
Sub. Jesus being given into the world.
Theme: Jesus still the answer to the needs of man.
Text: Gal 4:3-5
“Jesus Is Still the Answer” Gal 4:3-5
IntroductionI want to look this morning at Jesus Christ still being the answer for the needs of man in this world. The Bible tells us in Galatians 4 that Jesus Christ was given to this world in the fullness of time. – Gal 4:3-5I. The fullness of […]
111509AM What Was Jesus Thankful For.
Sub. Jesus Christ
Theme: Jesus thankful and humble to serve man.
Text: John 13:1-5
“What Was Jesus Thankful For” John 13:1-5
IntroductionThe title of the message this morning asks a question; What was Jesus thankful for? We will hold our annual Thanksgiving Day service one week from Thursday and in that service many will stand and give thanks to God and the Lord Jesus Christ for answered prayer and blessings throughout 2009. We do […]