January 12th, 2025 by Pastor Solley011225AM Our Complete Shepherd
Sub. Jesus
Theme: Jesus as a shepherd.
Text: John 10:14 ; Heb 13:20 ; 1 Peter 4:5
“Our Complete Shepherd” John 10:14 ; Heb 13:20 ; 1 Pet 5:4
I want to speak to you this morning about our complete shepherd. As was noted last week we are referred to in the Bible as sheep and in order for sheep to thrive they need a shepherd to follow. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is identified in the Bible as a shepherd. Jesus is also identified as Jehovah, as a rock, as a foundation, as a corner stone, as the great I AM, as the bright and morning star, as the Alpha and Omega, as a king, as a mediator, as an intercessor, as the Son of Man, as the Son of God and many more. But when people think of a shepherd in the Bible they think of Jesus. Jesus is identified in the Bible as a shepherd for the sheep.
I. In the New Testament Jesus is identified as a shepherd in three different ways: As the Good Shepherd in John 10, as the Great Shepherd in Hebrews 13, and as the Chief Shepherd in 1 Peter 5. One Shepherd, three aspects of that same shepherd.
A. One can know Jesus as shepherd today in all three ways, all three aspects of the shepherd: But they do build one upon the other.
1. One cannot know Jesus as the Great Shepherd until they first know Him as the Good Shepherd:
2. One cannot know Jesus as the Chief Shepherd until they first know Him as the Good and Great Shepherd:
3. The three aspects of Jesus as shepherd build one upon another:
B. Do you have a shepherd that you are following today? That answer is yes. Sheep do need a shepherd to follow and each one of us are following a shepherd this morning.
1. It may not be the right shepherd: We find many false shepherds in the Bible. In both the Old and New Testaments we find many false shepherds. They are not of God, they are of Satan but many chose to follow those false shepherds.
2. But there is a true shepherd set before us that we can follow today: Jesus is identified as a shepherd in the Bible.
II. In want to look at the three aspects of our shepherd this morning: One shepherd, Jesus, seen in three different ways.
PROP: Do you know Jesus Christ as a shepherd today? TS: In what way do you know Him as your shepherd?
I. Jesus is our Good Shepherd: John 10:11-18 , 27-30 One must first know Jesus Christ as the Good Shepherd in a personal way for the Good Shepherd is the one that gave His life for the sheep. – John 10:11 – This Jesus did willingly and without hesitation or reservation at all. – John 10:17-18 – The Good Shepherd gave His life for all, Jesus died for all, “For God so loved the world”, and because of that truth we at times overlook the love that the Good Shepherd has for a single sheep.
A. In the Old Testament David is an example of the love a good shepherd has for a single sheep: 1 Sam 17:33-36 David was keeping his father’s sheep, a shepherd to his father’s flock and by all indications it would have been a large one. Jesse, David’s father, was a shepherd himself, had a large family and would have had a large flock.
1. Would you notice how many sheep were in danger from first the lion and then the bear: 1 Sam 17:34 Not the flock, not half the flock, not a few, just one. – 1 Sam 17:34 – David, just a young boy, called a youth, risked his life to save one lamb.
2. David had other options: He could have moved the flock and stated he saved all but one. He could have ran for help so he did not have to face the lion and bear alone. He could have blamed it on a wondering lamb. He could have said the lamb was so small it didn’t matter. David had other options.
3. But David was a Good Shepherd: David risked his life for one lamb. – 1 Sam 17:34
B. Jesus Christ is our Good Shepherd: And while Jesus did die for the sins of the world, for all, salvation is very personal to Him. Jesus Christ, our Good Shepherd, gave His life for one, for just one lost lamb. – Luke 15:3-7 – You are the lost lamb.
1. As valuable as one lamb was to David so are you to Jesus: Luke 15:4 That is why Jesus detoured through Samaria in John chapter four, one needed to be saved. That is why Jesus went to the pool of Bethesda, one needed to be saved. That is why Jesus looked up and called Zacchaeus, one needed to be saved.
2. That is why Jesus, the Good Shepherd, went to the cross, shed His blood, died, and rose from the grave, because one needed to be saved: Because you needed to be saved. Jesus did it without hesitation or reservation, because you needed to be saved.
3. That is how valuable you are to the Good Shepherd: What makes you that valuable? The love of the Good Shepherd.
C. But you must follow, you must answer the call of the Good Shepherd: John 10:3-4 , 27 Sheep are not driven, sheep are led, and you must answer the call of the Good Shepherd. The sheep hear and then they follow.
1. Our Good Shepherd has done all He can to make the sheep hear and follow: But the sheep must follow.
a. Today we have the written and eternal Word of God that points to the Good Shepherd.
b. Today we have Bible believing, Bible preaching church where you can heard the good news of the gospel message.
c. Today there is the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit of God pointing you to Christ.
d. The Good Shepherd uses the circumstances of life to turn you to Him.
2. But you must decide to answer the call of the Good Shepherd: Have you answered that call, are you born again?
3. In order to know Jesus Christ as the Good Shepherd you must be born again: Do you know the Good Shepherd today?
D. Jesus is our Good Shepherd: John 10:11-18 , 27-30
II. Jesus is our Great Shepherd: Heb 13:20 Death is behind the Good Shepherd, He is alive forever more. – Heb 13:20 – Now Jesus is our Great Shepherd. Jesus has not stopped being our Good Shepherd, but now is become as well our Great Shepherd.
A. This Great Shepherd has to do with constant care, protection, and provision for the sheep of His flock: When you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior He has not only died for you, He lives for you. – Heb 13:20 ; Heb 7:25 – The Great Shepherd is alive forever more and He lives for His sheep.
1. This is illustrated once again with David and the shepherd Psalm: Ps 23:1-6 David was willing to die for one lamb, now he had found a shepherd not only willing to die for him but to protect and keep him.
2. That is what a Great Shepherd does, lives for His sheep: Heb 13:20-21
B. We see this Great Shepherd living and caring for His sheep throughout the book of Hebrews: Throughout all the Word of God and we could spend weeks looking at the different passages but this morning we will confine ourselves to the book of Hebrews alone.
1. He speaks to us: Heb 1:2
2. He anoints us: Heb 1:9
3. He tasted death for us: Heb 2:9
4. Sanctifies us: Heb 2:11
5. Delivers us from bondage: Heb 2:15
6. Has sympathy for us feeling our need: Heb 2:18
7. Gives us rest: Heb 4:9
8. Grants access to the throne of grace: Heb 4:16
9. Has compassion for us: Heb 5:2
10. Never forgets what is done in His name: Heb 6:10
11. Gives us refuge: Heb 6:18
12. Gives us hope: Heb 6:18-19
13. Saves to the uttermost: Heb 7:25
14. Makes intercessory prayer for us: Heb 7:25
15. Chooses not to remember our failures of the past: Heb 8:12
16. Puts His laws into our heart and mind: Heb 10:16
17. Invites us to be near to Him: Heb 10:22
18. Gives us examples to look at: Heb 12:1
19. Gives strength to run the race: Heb 12:1-2
20. Corrects us when we are wrong: Heb 12:6-7
21. Makes a straight path for us to follow: Heb 12:13
22. Invites us to the city of God: Heb 12:22
23. Promises to never leave us: Heb 13:5
24. Gives helps that conquers fear: Heb 13:6
25. Perfects us: Heb 13:21
C. What would you call a shepherd like this one? He is the Great Shepherd. – Heb 13:20
1. When will our Great Shepherd stop being these things for us? It is an everlasting covenant. – Heb 13:20 Who would not want a Great Shepherd like this one?
2. But in order to have this Great Shepherd watching over us one must follow Him: John 10:2-4 , 27 You must know Him as the Good Shepherd first, you must first be born again. No Great Shepherd until you know Him as your Good Shepherd.
3. I could not make it through one day without Jesus being my Great Shepherd: You might contend that many, that most do make it without the Great Shepherd. They do not flourish and live empty and unfulfilled lives. I need my Great Shepherd.
D. Jesus is our Great Shepherd: Heb 13:20
III. Jesus is our Chief Shepherd: 1 Peter 5:4 This is the third aspect of Jesus as our Shepherd. Jesus is our Good Shepherd, Jesus is our Great Shepherd, and Jesus is our Chief Shepherd. – 1 Pet 5:4 – The Chief Shepherd is one of reward.
A. Any and all rewards in this life are fleeting: Noting in this world, no matter how dear to us, no matter how important to us is lasting, no matter how rewarding is lasting. What do you have that is lasting?
1. Wealth and riches can be gone in a moment:
2. Health can disappear in a moment:
3. Homes can be lost, cars get old, clothes wear out:
4. Families that we grow up in are taken as we age:
5. What do we have in this world that is lasting? Any wonder why the Bible says 1 Tim 6:7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. No wonder Jesus instructed Matt 6:20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
6. The things that bring us the greatest joys in this world are not guaranteed to last: Any and all rewards in this life are fleeting.
B. But our Chief Shepherd holds some rewards for His sheep that will be lasting: Matt 6:20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: Rewards in heaven will last.
1. I don’t need a mansion here, one is waiting for me in heaven: John 14:1-3 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
2. I don’t need gold here I have a crown of gold waiting for me in heaven: Ps 21:3 For thou preventest him with the blessings of goodness: thou settest a crown of pure gold on his head.
3. I don’t need praise here, I would rather have lasting praise in heaven: Matt 25:21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
4. Even family lost here will be found again in heaven: 2 Sam 12:22-23 And he said, While the child was yet alive, I fasted and wept: for I said, Who can tell whether God will be gracious to me, that the child may live? But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.
C. The greatest reward in heaven will be our meeting with our Chief Shepherd: It will be when we stand before Him and see our dear Savior face to face. Heaven is a beautiful place, not must be, heaven is a beautiful place.
1. We will see angels that have been hidden from our view in this world:
2. We will see the mansions of gold: Rev 21:1-2
3. We enter into a place where no tears will be: Rev 21:4
3. We will see loved ones who were saved and have gone on before:
4. But my brothers and sisters in Christ, Jesus will outshine them all: Rev 1:10-17 Our greatest reward will be Jesus.
D. This Chief Shepherd and His reward is yours only of you know the Good Shepherd as your savior:
This morning we have looked at Jesus Christ as Shepherd in three different ways, one Shepherd, three aspects.
I. Jesus is our Good Shepherd: John 10:11-18 , 27-30
II. Jesus is our Great Shepherd: Heb 13:20 Death is behind the Good Shepherd, He is alive forever more. – Heb 13:20
III. Jesus is our Chief Shepherd: 1 Peter 5:4