January 5th, 2025 by Pastor Solley010525AM Follow Me
Sub. Jesus
Theme: His command to follow.
Text: John 10:27-28
“Follow Me” John 10:27-18
The message this morning rests on a two word command that we find in the Bible, follow me. The words follow me appear in that order side by side in the Bible twenty five times. Of those twenty five times they are used by Jesus eighteen times as recorded in the Bible. Anything recorded that Jesus said eighteen times should capture our attention.
I. People need something or someone to follow: That is why we are called sheep in the Bible, we need someone or something to follow just like sheep need a shepherd to follow in order to flourish. Even the sheep you see in the fields around here would be much better off if they had a shepherd to lead them, care for them, and one they could follow. That is why the 23rd Psalm is so precious to us.
A. But people do not always follow the right thing or the right one: Sheep are foolish and people are foolish and often follow the wrong one or the wrong thing.
1. People follow the trends, the actions, the styles of the day: Most all of them Satanic and they lead one away from the Lord.
a. We watch protests to push a homosexual agenda upon us today and that remains and always will be an abomination before God.
b. People dress in ways that are hideous and revealing to answer a style. Even in grocery stores you have to look at the floor.
c. The trends, the actions, the styles of our day are Satanic but the masses follow them.
2. People follow government: Our government, even the one coming in is more interested in power than the citizens of the US.
a. President Trump said what he wants for people in 2025 is to be happy, healthy and well. Hope he leads that way.
b. But President Trump should not be one we follow.
3. People often follow the wrong one or the wrong thing into foolish things:
B. So who or what should we follow as we have entered into this New Year? Who or what to follow in 2025?
II. I find one is John 10 who is able to lead in right paths and one who is worthy to follow, the only one: John 10:27-28 Here we find the Divine appointed good, great, and chief shepherd, one who will lead in right paths and is worthy to follow. – John 10:27-28
A. Who would not chose to follow this one considering what is set before us in these verses: John 10:27-28 This one knows me by name, this one leads in right paths, this one holds the sure promise of eternal life. Who would not want to follow this one? Many, most turn away from this one and choose not to follow Him.
1. Most refuse the salvation found in this Good Shepherd: They choose to depend upon self, on good works or on a church to save them and they turn away from this Good Shepherd and the end of their path is hell.
2. Many who do know Jesus Christ as personal Savior still refuse to turn all over to Him and follow Him: Sheep are foolish.
3. Some then are fearful not knowing exactly where this Good Shepherd will lead: Our Good shepherd has a path for His sheep to follow, but we can’t clearly see that path, only our Good Shepherd can, and that cause some doubts and fears in foolish sheep.
B. I want to look today at Jesus and His command to “Follow Me”: It does raise some questions but it also provides the answers that we need so we can follow the one who wants to leads us in His path and provide for us these things. – John 10:27-28
PROP: Who are you going to follow today, follow in 2025? TS: There is one who says to us “Follow me”.
I. A decision to follow Jesus does not mean we will know all that is before us when we choose to obey His command “Follow Me”: Matt 4:17-22 ;Matt 9:9 Those four fishermen, that tax collector, they had no idea where Jesus was going to lead them, but they chose to follow.
A. The five of them left something sure and secure for a great unknown: Peter, Andrew, James, and John left a successful business. Matthew had the best job one could have at that time. They all left something sure and secure for a great unknown.
1. What they did know was that Jesus was one worthy to follow, one able to lead them: Perhaps they remembered the words given to David in Ps 32:8 I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. And now they wanted a Divine guide for their lives.
a. Peter, Andrew, James and John had been guided by the one that started the business they were in. The father of two of them was there and most likely he started that business and was guiding that next generation as they took over.
b. Matthew was guided by Roman government in his work.
c. But now they wanted a Divine guide for their lives, now they chose to follow Jesus.
2. These men were saved, born again, sometime before this: This is not an account of their salvation as Jesus does not call one to serve Him that does not know Him. These men, all five of them were saved sometime before this. They were all making a living and nothing wrong with that at all, we all have to make a living. But it wasn’t want Jesus wanted them to do.
a. Over time they all had an overwhelming desire to follow Jesus, to allow Jesus to guide their lives.
b. When they heard those words, follow me, they left all to follow Jesus.
3. Not knowing where Jesus would lead, they were willing to follow: Follow Jesus everyday.
B. None of us know what is before us in this New Year: We may make plans, but none of us know what is in front of us even over the next few days. – James 4:13-15 – None of us know what is before us. – James 4:14 – None of us know what is before us this year.
1. But I know one who does know what is before me: Acts 15:18 Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world. Known unto God are ALL His works. My God knows what is in front of me. Why not then follow Him?
2. I need to preface every plan I make with me not knowing what is coming and God knowing what is ahead: James 4:15 Not only does my God know what is coming He has only good in mind for me. Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
a. So even when my plans change they are changing for God’s glory and my best.
b. Ps 84:11 For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.
3. If I truly believe why not turn all over to Jesus and follow Him even not knowing where He will lead? I don’t have to know, all I need to do is trust. Prov 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
4. If you trust Him today, why not follow Him today?
C. A decision to follow Jesus does not mean we will know all that is before us when we chose to obey His command “Follow Me”:
II. A decision to follow Jesus often brings division when we chose to obey His command to “Follow Me”: Matt 8:18-22 That decision will not always bring division, but it often does.
A. For the scribe and the unnamed man a decision to follow Jesus would bring division: Matt 8:19-22 One is called a disciple and to be a disciple one must believe on Jesus as the Christ, the Messiah, the Savior. – Matt 8:21 – This implies that both of those men were saved, that both had believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. But now to follow Jesus was going to bring some division.
1. The scribe would have to leave his position in Israel: Matt 8:19-20 The scribes were well taken care of. They had an income, they had homes to live in, the scribes were well taken care of. That would change if this particular scribe chose to follow Jesus.
a. Most of the scribes denied Jesus was the Christ and for this one to follow him would mean he would have to separate.
b. When he separated from the scribes he would give up all they had to offer and that is why Jesus said this. – Matt 8:20
c. For that particular scribe it was too much to give up to follow Jesus.
2. For that particular disciple he would have to separate from family: Matt 8:21-22 Interesting the words of Jesus. – Matt 8:22 – His father was still alive but at that time, and for hundreds of years after for a Jew to convert often meant that their family would disown them and treat them as if they were dead. Some family went so far as to have a public funeral for the one that converted to Jesus Christ.
a. That man knew his family would disown him. He had probably kept his conversion a secret from them.
b. For him to follow Jesus meant he was going to lose his family.
3. For the scribe and that disciple it was going to bring division if those chose to follow Jesus, chose to obey the command:
B. It will continue to bring division today for the one who chooses to follow Jesus, to obey His command to “Follow Me”: Many families have been divided because one was born again and chose to follow Jesus. – Matt 10:35-37 – Friendships have been lost because one gets saved and chooses to follow Jesus. – 1 Peter 4:1-4 – Notice speaking evil of you. – 1 Peter 4:4 – When you chose to follow Jesus it is going to cause some division.
1. It will cause division when you obey the command to come out from among them: 2 Cor 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
a. When they have to have alcohol at that family gather and you choose to obey Jesus and stay away it will cause division.
b. When they have to plan that gathering at church time and you choose to obey Jesus and go to church it will cause division.
2. It will cause division when you obey the command to not fellowship with unbelief: 1 Cor 5:11 Study this chapter and you find this points to having no fellowship with one in sin, ignoring that sin, condoning that sin. We are to separate. – 2 Thess 3:14-15
a. People will hate you when you obey the command to come out from among them, to separate.
b. When you follow the command of Jesus to follow Him it will cause division.
3. Not only will it cause division, some will hate you:
C. A decision to follow Jesus often brings division when we chose to obey His command to “Follow Me”:
III. A decision to follow Jesus often brings trials when we chose to obey His command to “Follow me”: Luke 9:23 People wear crosses on gold chains around their neck, make necklaces out of them, ladies have earrings that are crosses, we make them beautiful today. There was and is nothing pleasant, nothing easy, nothing beautiful about a cross.
A. What did the cross mean for Jesus? The Roman cross was the worst way yo die, the most shameful way to die, the most bloody way yo die, the most painful way to die devised by man. Noting pleasant, easy, or beautiful about the cross of Jesus Christ.
1. What did the cross bring to Jesus: Anguish, suffering, blood shed, pain, bones torn from their joints, loneliness, pierced hands and feet, sword in His side, mockery, ridicule. Noting pleasant, nothing easy, nothing beautiful about the cross Jesus bore.
2. There is meaning in this command to follow Him bearing a cross: Luke 9:23 Let those words get a hold upon you.
B. By human reasoning when one does what is right only good things will follow: That is our line of thinking and following that line of thinking if we obey the command of Jesus and follow Him only good things will happen. That is human reasoning.
1. But what about Job: Job must have been a terrible man but what does the Bible say about Job? Job 1:1 There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.
2. What about the apostle Paul and all that he went through? Paul must have been a terrible man but what does the Bible say about Paul? 2 Tim 4:8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
3. What about John the Baptist and what he went through? John the Baptist must have been a terrible man but what does the Bible have to say about John the Baptist? Matt 11:11 Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
4. What about the apostle John and all that he went through? The apostle John must have been a terrible man but what does the Bible say about the apostle John? John 13:23 Now there was leaning on Jesus’ bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved.
5. Human reasoning says that only good things should happen when we obey: But that is not reality.
C. In this world we will have trials and tribulations even when we obey the command to follow Jesus: John 16:33 Even though we know Jesus as personal savior, even though we obey His command to follow Him, we will have trials and tribulation.
1. That because we live in a world of sin, are surrounded by sin, and the prince and power of the air wants to destroy us:
2. But through the trials of life Christ wants to strengthen us: Job 23:10 But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.
3. God uses the trials of life to make us stronger in Christ:
D. A decision to follow Jesus often brings trials when we chose to obey His command to “Follow me”: Luke 9:23
IV. A decision to follow Jesus will demand we give some things up when we chose to obey His command to “Follow me”:
Luke 18:18-23 This passage has nothing to do with working for salvation or giving up something for salvation, salvation is by grace, a gift from God, and we cannot earn or buy salvation from Christ.
A. But this rich man had many tings that were keeping him from Christ: Things he was depending upon to get him to heaven.
1. He had his good works that he did not want to let go: Luke 18:20-21
2. And he had his riches he was depending upon: Luke 18:22-23
3. Those things he would rather hang onto than follow Jesus:
B. There are things in our lives that we need to give up because they are keeping us from fully follow Jesus: Some bad, some perhaps not bad, but things we hold onto more than we want to follow Jesus.
1. Those are things that are to be given up: Lay them upon the altar of sacrifice.
2. Those are things that hurt us more than they help us: Lay them upon the altar of sacrifice.
3. Whatever hinders us from following Jesus needs to be set behind and we need to push forward: We need to be like Paul Phil 3:7
But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Some things need to be set aside as we go forward in the Lord.
C. A decision to follow Jesus will demand we give some things up when we chose to obey His command to “Follow me”:
V. A decision to follow Jesus will bring reward when we choose to obey His command to “Follow me”: Luke 18:23 Don’t miss the treasures in heaven that are in this verse. – Luke 18:23 Where do you want your treasures to be. – Matt 6:19-20 – Where do you want your treasure to be laid up?
A. Everything I gain in this world that is of this world will one day be left in this world: 1 Tim 6:7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
1. What will I be able to carry out of this world that is of this world? Nothing.
2. We need things in this world but they should not be our all in all: We need a home, we need clothes, we need a car, we need money, but those things should not be our all in all.
3. Any of those things can be lost in a moment: They should not be our all in all.
B. But treasures in heaven are different: Matt 6:19-20
1. I would rather get my mansion in heaven:
2. I can wait on my crown of gold:
3. Treasures in heaven will be better:
C. A decision to follow Jesus will bring reward when we choose to obey His command to “Follow me”: Luke 18:23
Having looked now at the command of Jesus to follow Him what can we say?
I. A decision to follow Jesus does not mean we will know all that is before us when we choose to obey His command “Follow Me”: Matt 4:17-22 ;Matt 9:9 Those four fishermen, that tax collector, they had no idea where Jesus was going to lead them, but those chose to follow.
II. A decision to follow Jesus often brings division when we chose to obey His command to “Follow Me”: Matt 8:18-22 That decision will not always bring division, but it often does.
III. A decision to follow Jesus often brings trials when we chose to obey His command to “Follow me”: Luke 9:23 People wear crosses on gold chains around their neck, make necklaces out of them, ladies have earrings that are crosses, we make them beautiful today. There is nothing pleasant, nothing easy, nothing beautiful about a cross.
IV. A decision to follow Jesus will demand we give some things up when we chose to obey His command to “Follow me”:
Luke 18:18-23 This passage has nothing to do with working for salvation or giving up something for salvation, salvation is by grace, a gift from God, and we cannot earn or buy salvation from Christ.
V. A decision to follow Jesus will bring reward when we choose to obey His command to “Follow me”: Luke 18:23 Don’t miss the treasures in heaven that are in this verse. – Luke 18:23 Where do you want your treasures to be. – Matt 6:19-20 – Where do you want your treasure to be laid up?