
September 29th, 2024 by Pastor Solley

092224AM Vine, Branches, and Fruit #2
Sub. Parable if the vine and the branches.
Theme: Purging to bring fruit.
Text: John 15:1-11
“Vine, Branches, and Fruit” #2 John 15:1-11
We continue this morning looking at the Parable of the vine and the branches in John 15. – John 15:1-11 – This parable stands out in importance to us today for a few reasons. First, when it was given. Jesus in on the way to the Garden of Gethsemane with the eleven remaining disciples, with Judas having departed from them it is only born again believers that Jesus is speaking to. Most of the other parables were given with believers as well as unbelievers standing before our Lord, but not this one, only born again believers hearing this parable. That makes this parable one for us today. Second, it is the last parable given by Jesus. Last words are important words and that makes this parable stand out for us today as well.

I. Last week we looked at two warnings that are given in this parable: There is instruction and encouragement in this parable, and that we will look at. But there are two warnings as well. – John 15:6 ; 15:2

A. The warning in verse six points to pretenders within the group: John 15:6 There had been one with them for the past three years who claimed to be one of them, acted like one of them, talked like one of them, endured persecutions with them, but was never truly born again, he was a pretender, one who professed Christ, but never possessed Christ.

1. Just as there are many today who pretend to be Christians, act like Christian, claim Christ, but do not posses Christ: There was a pretender in that group and he was removed and burned. Judas is in hell today.
2. The first warning to pretenders: One can claim to know Jesus, know the language, have the actions, but never have been saved.

B. The second warning to those of us who do know Him but keep things before Jesus in our lives: John 15:2 The branch is not burned here, this is not about salvation, but about things we allow in our lives that hinder us from being what God would have us be.

1. We are to set those things aside and if we will not Jesus may set those things aside for us, remove them from us: Things that may not be evil, may not be sin, but they are hindering us in our walk with the Lord.
2. The second warning for the redeemed: John 15:2

II. This morning we are going to look at the purging of the Lord and what that will do for us as we serve Him: John 15:2 The word purge here means to prune and it fits with the parable.

A. The husbandman looks at the vine, the branches on that vine capable of bearing fruit, a prunes those branches: Jn 15:1-3 Those three, the husbandman, the vine, and the branches are identified so there is no question who they represent.

1. The husbandman is God the Father: John 15:1 All things begin and end with God the Father.
2. The vine is the Lord Jesus Christ: John 15:1 The one capable of giving life to a branch. The vine is Jesus Christ.
3. The branches in the vine have life because of the vine: John 15:2 , 5 Branches are born again believers in Jesus Christ, those who have eternal life through the vine sent by the husbandman. All begins with God the Father, then God the Son who came into this world to give eternal life to all who would believe, repent, and receive, and then the branches who have life through the true vine.

B. That mans the purging or pruning process is for us as well as born again believers: John 15:2 Every branch in Him. If you are saved this morning this parable is for you and the purpose of the purging is for us as well.

1. Purged that we might bring forth fruit and more: John 15:2
2. Purged some more that we might bring forth much fruit: John 15:5 , 8

PROP: It is important that we as believers in Christ understand this purging process. TS. So that we might bring forth fruit for our Lord, more fruit, and even much fruit in His name.
ILL. I want to begin with this illustration. When I was a boy growing up my father’s uncle and aunt had a farm where we now have our camp, John and Bertha Solley. The farm house was about where our pavilion is now and out the back door off the kitchen were some pare trees. They were winter pares and they were quite good even eating them off the tree before they softened. Those trees produced good fruit and were fruit trees that were cared for, pruned, the old branches taken away, the younger ones cut back and those trees produced good fruit. After my father married and moved off the hill the trees began to be neglected as he had the care of them as a boy. After my uncle died in 1973 they were all together neglected. They became overgrown, no pruning at all and while they continued to produce fruit those pares became smaller and smaller, spots all over them, and that fruit and trees were not what they once were. When they were taken out as we built the camp they did not remotely resemble what they were in my youth. They were neglected by the owner, they produced inferior fruit and not as much of that as before. There was no pruning and that hurt the trees.

I. As branches on the vine our husbandman is never going to neglect us: John 15:1-2 How many branches on the vine come under the hand and draw the attention of the husbandman? Every branch. – John 15:2 – That should be a great blessing to every branch on the vine although I fear that at times it is not. As branches on the vine the husbandman is not going to neglect us, any of us.

A. That means the husbandman has a very intimate knowledge of every branch on the vine: Every branch. What was said of Jeremiah is true of every born again child of God in this sanctuary this morning. – Jer 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. – Those words ring true for every born again believer in Jesus Christ today. If you are in the vine the husbandman knows all about you today.

1. The Psalmist knew of that knowledge: Ps 71:5-6 For thou art my hope, O Lord God: thou art my trust from my youth. 6 By thee have I been holden up from the womb: thou art he that took me out of my mother’s bowels: my praise shall be continually of thee.
2. The Apostle Paul knew of that knowledge: Gal 1:15-16 The Apostle Paul known from the womb.
3. David knew of that knowledge: Ps 139:15-16 My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
4. The husbandman has a very intimate knowledge of every branch on the vine: I would echo the words of David this morning “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me”.

B. The husbandman will also lay His hand on every branch on the vine: Every branch on the vine. – Ezek 1:3 – Seven times in the book of Ezekiel we find this truth, the hand of the Lord was upon the prophet. Seven times the prophet reveals through the words given to him by the Holy Spirit that the hand of God was upon him. That is important because of the number of times it is stated but even more important because of the truth it sets before us. The hand of the Lord, the hand of the husbandman is upon every branch that is in the vine. His hand upon us today in the same way as the prophet. There is a lesson here for us today for as the hand of the Lord was upon His prophet so is His hand on His child today. There is a lesson here for us today.

1. His hand expressly upon us: Ezek 1:3 That means clearly, directly, and distinctly. God’s hand upon each and every branch in the vine distinctly. We are all to be certain things as set before us in the Word of God. We are to live Godly, we are to be separated, we are to be yielded to the Holy Spirit, we are to walk in obedience to His Word, we are to be in church, we are to study His Word, we are to be given to prayer, there are certain things we as Christians are all to do and be according to the Word of God.
a. But God also has things expressly for us as individuals. None of them against His Word, all in agreement with His Word.
b. But God has something distinctly for me and God has something distinctly for you. His hand upon us distinctly.
c. To know that God has something special for you should move you to find out what that something is.
2. His hand upon us in times of bitterness: Ezek 3:14 We all face times of disappointments in this life, things that hurt, things that discourage, and things that can bring bitterness to our heart. The husbandman will not forsake us in those times.
a. There is one who understands exactly what you are going through, what I am going through at this very moment.
b. His had is still upon me, still upon you in those times of bitterness.
c. Bitterness, like a fungous on a tree, can destroy us.
3. His hand upon us when we feel like we are all alone: Ezek 3:22-23 Ezekiel apart and alone, a time of loneliness.
a. In our times of loneliness we are never really alone. Just as He was with Elijah in the darkness of the cave He is with us.
b. His hand is still upon us in our times of loneliness.
4. His hand upon you and your home: Ezek 8:1 His hand upon our homes and that is a great blessing.
a. Who is going to take care of my wife, my children, my grandchildren? The hand of God will be upon them.
b. What a blessing to know the hand of God is upon our homes.
5. In the evening, in the darkness of the night His hand upon us: Ezek 33:22 In the darkness of the night we are never out of reach, never out of the touch of His hand.
a. Darkness brings times of distress, times of fear, times of uncertainty.
b. But even in the darkest of nights His had is upon us.
6. Then in the brightness of the morning His hand is upon us: Ezek 33:22 As the darkness gives way to the morning light His hand is upon us to lead and guide us through another day.
a. How we need His hand to guide us through every day.
b. In the brightness of the morning light His hand is there to guide us through another day.
7. Even in the midst of spiritual drought His had is upon us: Ezek 40:1 Israel sinking into a spiritual darkness so great that the very presence of God would be removed from the temple. But the hand of the Lord was still on the prophet.
a. Our nation, many churches, have become a spiritual wasteland, are in spiritual drought today.
b. But the hand of God still rests upon each branch in the vine.

C. All of those things to make this one point, as branches on the vine our husbandman is never going to neglect us: But what does that have to do with the parable before us in John 15?

-3-II. Our husbandman is constantly purging, constantly pruning the branches on the vine so we will continue to bear fruit even in the times we just looked at in Ezekiel: Any and all of the things we saw in Ezekiel can be used by Satan to try and stop the born again believer from bearing fruit for our Lord. Seven times when we saw the hand of the Lord upon the prophet, any of those seven things, all of those seven things, or any combination of them can be used by Satan to try and keep us from bearing fruit for our Lord.

A. When any or all of those things begin to hinder the branch that in on the vine from producing fruit the Husbandman will purge:
John 15:1-2 The husbandman will take out his tools and remove those things from the vine that hinder fruit being produced.

1. This is a continual purging or pruning process: John 15:2 The Greek word translated purgeth in this verse is in the present, active tense and that means it is a constant and ongoing process. It is a continual process.
a. Something in my life today that hinders fruit being produced, God will begin to purge to remove it.
b. Something I allow in my life tomorrow that hinders fruit being produced, God will begin to purge remove it.
2. God wants fruit to be produced in my life today so there will be a continual purging process: John 15:2

B. Now consider the seven times in Ezekiel the hand of the Lord was on the prophet and make a clear application to the purging process that takes place in the life of the believer in Christ so we might bear fruit: It is not difficult to see how those things can hinder our fruit bearing of they are not constantly purged out of our lives.

1. Times when we wonder does God really have something distinctly for me? We wonder exactly what the will of God is, does God have something expressly for me. The more we wonder the more confused we get. But understand God does have something distinctly for you. It will always align with the Word of God but God has something expressly for you.
a. We learn what that is as we walk in obedience to His Word and seek His will.
b. God does have something expressly, distinctly for you.
c. When we begin to think God has nothing distinctly for us why do anything at all?
d. The husbandman will prune away those doubts and fears and bring us to His will.
2. Times when we have become bitter over disappointments and trials: That bitterness left alone will ruin a Christian from within. The Bible says bitterness will defile the child of God.
a. But our God understands those times of disappointments, those times when we allow bitterness to enter into our lives and so the husbandman will begin to work to soften the blows and bring to us a spirit of forgiveness and love.
b. The husbandman begins to purge and move us away from those times.
c. If we allow Him He will purge that bitterness away and make us better instead of bitter.
3. Times when we feel all alone: How many of us have experienced those times when we feel alone, when we feel none understand how we feel and none can help? But the husbandman is there and does understand and does stand with us in those hours of loneliness.
a. He purges away those doubts and fears that come with a supposed loneliness.
b. He allows us to feel His presence and we are no longer alone.
4. His hand upon your home: We can spend a great deal of time in worry over our homes, over our families, over children, over grandchildren, over what will happen if we are no longer around. Worry over those things is a terrible thing and can consume us.
a. He purges uncertainty over home and family away assuring they are also under His care and guidance.
b. If I pass, who will take care of my wife? The husbandman will.
c. Who is going to take care of my children and grandchildren in this evil world? The husbandman will.
d. He can take care of the home given to Him.
5. What of those dark hours of the night when fears and doubts seem to grow? Every trouble, every doubt, every worry, every pain seems to increase in the darkness of the night. There are times when I love to see the night coming, and times of rest and peace.
a. And there have been times when I have dreaded to see the darkness of the night. No peace, no rest, as the darkness only seems to multiply the troubles of the day or the pains of the body.
b. But the husbandman is there is the darkest of night and He will make His presence known if we look to Him in those times.
c. We can find sweet rest and peace even in the darkest of night as the husbandman purges away doubts and fears.
6. Then in the brightness of the morning His hand upon us to guide us through each day: He is not only a lamp unto our feet in the night but a light for our path each day.
a. But how few times we ask God to guide us through our day and how foolish that is to not ask for hand upon us each day.
(1) Most of us know now what we are going to do tomorrow so why ask for guidance?
(2) Because none of us know that even within the structure of our day tomorrow what God may have for us.
b. The husbandman wants to guide through the day and when we allow that some very special blessings may come our way.
7. Even in the midst of spiritual drought we can find refreshment: Our nation is in a spiritual drought today, most churches are in a spiritual drought today and that spiritual drought can spread and touch even the most devoted Christian.
a. Why even try today when Satan seems to have the upper hand in all things?
b. Because the husbandman is still on the throne and He can end a drought through those given to Him.
c. Remember how Elijah was used to end a drought that was both physical and spiritual?

C. The husbandman is constantly watching and purging so those things and others will not hinder us producing fruit: John 15:2

III. Instruction now for the branches on the vine: John 15:2-5 A physical branch on a physical has no say in the purging or pruning process. Those pare trees on the farm many years ago had no say in a pruning process as they could neither ask or reject pruning from one in charge of the fruit trees. That is not the case with the branch on the vine that is Jesus Christ today.

A. The branches on the vine that is Jesus Christ are commanded by the husbandman to abide in the vine: John 15:4-7 The word abide is found in this parable eight times, the word abideth one time. Nine times that Word is found here in this parable. Would you say we are being instructed to abide in the vine.

1. To be in the vine is the work of the husbandman, the vine, and the Holy Spirit of God: There is no work that you and I can do to get in the vine. The work of salvation rests entirely in the hands of the husbandman, the vine and the Holy Spirit of God.
a. The husbandman gave the vine into this world.
b. The vine came winningly and gave His life and shed His blood on the cross so branches could enter into the vine.
c. The Holy Spirit sent conviction to the heart of a dying branch.
d. And by “Grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.” To be in the vine is the work of the husbandman, the vine and the Holy Spirit.
2. But the branch does have a part when it comes to abiding in the vine: John 15:4

B. What then does it mean to abide in the vine we are already a part of? The word abide means to stay in a given place or state, to continue in, to dwell in, to not be moved away from that state or place. Now we can never be taken out of the vine and the Bible clearly states that the born again believer in Christ has eternal life, has everlasting life. We never be taken out of the vine.

1. But to be commanded to abide indicates that we can choose not to: I am not commanded to keep my salvation, that is also the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am not commanded to stay in the vine, but I am commanded to abide there.
2. When I am abiding I am walking in obedience to the Word of God: John 15:10 I choose to obey His commandments.
3. When I am abiding I am yielded to His pruning and allowing Him to remove things that hinder fruit: John 15:2
4. When I am abiding I seek a continual cleansing in my life: John 15:3
5. When I am abiding I know I cannot do these things but I need to depend upon the vine and the husbandman: John 15:5
6. When I am abiding I follow Him: John 15:8
7. To bear fruit I need to choose to abide:

C. Not every Christian will choose to abide in the vine: I know many as you do who profess Jesus Christ, profess to be saved, but have little or nothing to do with our Lord, with His work, or with His Church. They are not abiding. Are they truly saved? Only God knows, but they are not abiding.

1. I know many as you do who were once on fire for the Lord, who lived for Christ, who were abiding, but now who have turned away: They choose no longer to abide.
2. When one is abiding in the vine they have made a full commitment to the vine and continue in that commitment: To abide is not to be saved but is to continue in the vine.

D. And when one is abiding they yield to the purging of the husbandman to remove all things that hinder their abiding in the vine: I cannot share with you all the ways that the husbandman will work to purge us in order to allow us to abide in the vine. I do not have the time to share with you all things the husbandman has purged out of my life to keep me abiding in the vine.

1. But we looked at seven things earlier that can hinder our bearing fruit and when we choose to abide we allow the husbandman to remove the things that can cause us to doubt, to fear, and to stop abiding: Just to being those things to our minds once again.
a. To think that God has nothing special for you, noting distinctly for you needs to be purged away.
b. To be bittered by something or someone, to be hardened by that bitterness needs to be purged away.
c. To feel all alone, to feel that no one understands, to feel like none have gone through what we are going through need to be purged away.
d. To think that God cannot watch over our homes and families needs to be purged away.
e. To allow the darkness to bring added fear and worry to our lives needs to be purged away.
f. To begin a day without seeking His will and counsel needs to be purged away.
g. To think that we cannot be refreshed in times of spiritual drought needs to be purged away.
2. When we are abiding we are yielding to the husbandman and are allowing Him to purge things that hinder our bearing fruit from our lives: I am to yield to the husbandman, the vine, and the Holy Spirit of God.

E. I wonder how many of us want to abide: We all want to be in the vine, but how many want to abide in the vine and there is a difference between the two.



Having looked once again at the last parable given by Jesus, at the parable given to only those who have been born again, what can we say this morning?

I. As branches on the vine our husbandman is never going to neglect us: John 15:1-2 How many branches on the vine come under the hand and draw the attention of the husbandman? Every branch. – John 15:2 – That should be a great blessing to every branch on the vine although I fear that at times it is not. As branches on the vine the husbandman is not going to neglect us, any of us.

II. Our husbandman is constantly purging, constantly pruning the branches on the vine so we will continue to bear fruit even in the times we just looked at in Ezekiel: Any and all of the things we saw in Ezekiel can be used by Satan to try and stop the born again believer from bearing fruit for our Lord. Seven times when we saw the hand of the Lord upon the prophet, anyone of those seven things, all of those seven things, or any combination of them can be used by Satan to try and keep us from bearing fruit for our Lord.

III. Instruction now for the branches on the vine: John 15:2-5 A physical branch on a physical has no say in the purging or pruning process. Those pare trees on the farm many years ago had no say in a pruning process as they could neither ask or reject pruning from one in charge of the fruit trees. That is not the case with the branch on the vine that is Jesus Christ today.

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