January 16th, 2011 by Pastor Solley011611AM Someone Willing to help
Sub. Miracle of John 5 and healing of the impotent man.
Theme: Analysis of miracle in relation to salvation.
Text: John 5:1-17
“Someone Willing to Help” John 5:1-17
IntroductionI would like to bring a message this morning using John 5 and the healing of the impotent man as a text. – John 5:1-17 This particular miracle is recorded only in the gospel of John and in it we see not a man healed by Jesus but also a man saved by Jesus. In only about 1/3 of the miracles preformed by Jesus in the gospel accounts do people get saved, this is one of them. The last words Jesus says to this man are “sin no more”. In other words lived a changed life. If this man still needed to be save Jesus would have told him as He told Nicodemus “ye must be born again”. This man gets saved out of this miracle.
I. There was at Jerusalem a pool having five covered patios or porches called the pool of Bethesda: John 5:2 Bethesda is a Hebrew word that means “house of mercy.” This pool was called that most likely because of the miracles seen there. This pool was located on the North side of the Temple just outside the Sheep Gate that entered into the city of Jerusalem. The Sheep Gate was the gate through which the priests brought the sacrifices going to the Temple. Modern excavations have uncovered this pool just outside the Sheep Gate of the city of Jerusalem.
A. This pool area was filled with those having physical imparities and diseases: John 5:3 The reason those people were there was because they were prohibited from entering into the Temple area. The Law of Moses prohibited anything or anyone unclean from coming into the Temple. By the time you get to the New Testament the religious leaders were associating any disease or infirmity with sin, so those described in John 5:2 were considered by the Pharisees to be unclean. Remember what the disciples asked Jesus concerning the man born blind in John 9? “Who did sin, this man or his parents…?”
1. So as the feast days of the Law approached these people would gather at this pool: John 5:1
2. They were shut out of the Temple so they would gather at this pool:
B. At times an angel of God would stir the water of the pool and whoever was first in would be healed: John 5:4 The reason these ones were at the pool was so they could be healed and then go to the Temple and sacrifice at the time of the feast.
1. Their physical condition, their disease had cut them off from God: That is not fair but remember it was not God that cut them off. Man had by this time added his traditions to the Law of Moses.
2. Fair or not, these ones were cut off from the Temple, from sacrifice, and from God:
C. Jesus on His way to the feast enters into Jerusalem through the Sheep Gate passing through this pool area: John 5:1 How fitting that the Lamb of God would enter into the city through the gate that all the other lambs of sacrifice were brought. Jesus never did anything by accident.
1. This is where Jesus meets this man who had an infirmity 38 years: John 5:5 He may have been born with this, perhaps not.
2. But this is where this man meets Jesus Christ, when this man is healed: John 5:6-9
D. And there is salvation seen in this miracle: As was said, the last thing Jesus tells this man is to sin no more. – John 5:14 Jesus is not telling him to live a life of reformation to please God, Jesus is telling him to live a changed life because he has been made whole, been saved by the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world. So we do have a picture or type of salvation here. A picture of the salvation provided by the Lord Jesus Christ and a picture of a man getting saved.
II. There is also a lesson and challenge for the Christian seen in this passage: I would remind you this morning that as Christians we have a responsibility to witness for our Savior, to take the gospel to the lost. There are some sobering lessons and a challenge for the Christian seen in John 5.
PROP: An analysis of the miracle of the healing of the man at the pool of Bethesda should awaken us as Christians to our responsibility before God in doing our part in leading the lost to Jesus Christ.
I. First let us take note of the man in need: John 5:3-5 This man stands as a type of those who are lost in sin, those cut off from God, not by man but by sin. And there are a few things that I would like to point out concerning this man.
A. In the same way his physical condition cut him off from the temple, sin cuts man off from God: It was not this mans fault that he was cut off from the temple. Circumstances and unjust treatment by others did that and it was not his fault.
1. But it is that persons fault who stands in sin that he or she is cut off from God: Now we are born into sin that separates and cuts us off from God. It is the sin nature that we are born with that does that. – Rom 5:12 A person is born not knowing this fact. But as time passes and a person grows God does make it known to them that they are in sin and in need of a savior.
2. It is the ministry of the Holy Spirit in this world to make that known to each sinner: John 16:7-11 It is the ministry of the Holy Spirit concerning the lost to show them Jesus Christ and to convict of sin. And we will consider is a few moments the tools used by the Holy Spirit. But the Spirit of God does these things concerning all individuals.
3. Else how could God hold all men everywhere accountable before Him? Rom 1:19-20 No person in hell will be able to say God didn’t want them to be saved or that God never gave them opportunity. They are without excuse before God.
4. Else how could it be said that God is no respecter of persons: Romans 2:11 If God did not want some to be saved, if God ordained certain ones to hell it could not be said He is no respecter of persons.
5. That man who stands in sin, cut off from God, it is his or her fault: God wants them to be saved.
B. This man was utterly unable to help himself: John 5:3,5 This man was impotent. The word means weak, feeble, wanting in power, to languish in disease. The Greek word means the same as the English word. This man was unable to help himself.
1. Just as the man in sin in utterly unable to help himself: When one says that man in sin is depraved it means that the lost sinner is unable to remedy his lost condition.
2. This pool when stirred offered this man what he needed: But he is unable to get there by himself. – John 5:6-7
3. Man in sin plays no part in his own salvation: Eph 2:8-9 tells us “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”
4. Man in sin is impotent as far as salvation goes:
C. This man needed the help of someone else: John 5:4,7 The angel here is a type of the Holy Spirit. He stirs the water, he makes man aware of the need, he points man to the remedy of his condition.
1. But this man needed someone to help him: John 5:7 His only part in being healed would be to allow someone to pick him up, carry him to the pool, and drop him in. Her would play no part in the healing. But he needed someone to help him.
2. Just as lost people today need someone to help them find Jesus Christ: The Holy Spirit is doing His job in salvation but He does use certain different tools in helping the lost come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
a. The Spirit of God uses the preaching of the Word of God in reaching the lost.
b. The Spirit of God uses the witness of the Christian in reaching the lost.
3. This man needed the help of someone else in coming to Jesus Christ:
E. We do see a type of a lost individual in this man in need at the pool of Bethesda: (1) He was cut off from God. (2) He was unable to help himself. (3) The angel would trouble the water but he needed the help of someone else.
II. We can see as well those that surrounded this man and the others who were in need: This man was not alone. John 5:7 The fact that he says there was no man to help him infers that there were others there assisting those in need in getting to the waters as they were stirred. Someone would have to help the blind person for they could not see when the waters were troubled. Someone would have to help the halt for they could not get there on their own. There were others around helping those in need. Who were they? Who were those that surrounded this man in need?
A. There would be those concerned only with those who were dearest to them: John 5:3 If you had a child who was blind, a sister who was halt, a brother who was impotent, you would make sure you had them at the pool of Bethesda as the feast days drew near. You would make sure you were there to help them when the waters were stirred by the angel. You would want to assist those who were dearest to you, those who were closest to you in getting into the healing waters.
1. Just like people want to see their loved ones saved today: Nothing wrong with that. How I prayed and prayed for my children to be saved. There is nothing wrong with wanting those who are dearest to you to be saved.
2. What do parents want most of all for their children, grandparents for grandchildren, sisters for brothers, brothers for sisters, and so on: Do you want those dearest to you in this world to find Jesus Christ?
a. And you ought to do everything in your power to lead them to Jesus Christ.
b. You ought to bring them to Jesus every opportunity you have.
c. You should make sure there is nothing in your life that would be a stumbling block to them.
d. You should live for Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone so they can see that in you day by day.
e. You should be doing all that you can to lead those dearest to you to Jesus Christ.
3. The problem in John 5 is that some had no concern for anyone else at all: That one there with one who was blind, who was so far removed from the water they could never get there in time had no concern for the impotent man.
a. The impotent man could have been lying right beside the pool but no one would help him.
b. Even though they could not get their loved one there they still would not help anyone else.
4. They never thought that by helping the impotent man that they could move their loved one closer to the water: They never thought that if they helped the impotent man they would move their loved one closer to the healing waters.
5. There were those who were only concerned with those who were dearest to them:
B. There were those concerned only with those they deemed worthy of a healing: Some would be there to help those they deemed worthy of healing. Not a family member but someone they knew and someone they wanted to be healed. They were a good person, lived down the block, a clean person, someone they liked, they would add to the Temple they were someone they wanted to see healed. So they would go there to see if they could help that one who was worthy into the water.
1. Just like many make judgments concerning people today: They will look at someone and say they would make a good Christian. They are a good person and they ought to be saved.
a. Wouldn’t that person make a good addition to our church. They are clean, have a good job, don’t drink, don’t fight, have a good personality, they would make a good addition to our church.
b. They come from such a good family, they ought to be saved.
c. They think just like I do, they ought to be saved.
d. They are worthy of having what I have, they ought to get saved.
2. The problem was that they did not consider that the water was troubled for everyone and anyone: Not just the ones they deemed worthy. The waters were troubled for anyone and everyone.
a. Even for that one who was withered. – John 5:3 – That isn’t a pretty picture. That one would not look good.
b. Even for that blind beggar. – John 5:3 – What would they add to the Temple.
c. Even for the halt. – John 5:3 – Why would you want that one around.
d. Even for the impotent man. – John 5:3 – No person wanted to help him. He was not worthy to be healed.
3. But the waters were troubled for anyone and everyone: Not just for someone they thought worthy to be healed.
C. There were those who most likely thought the diseased were getting what they deserved: The people around that pool were often looked down upon by others. Many thought they were getting what they deserved. – John 9:1-2
1. People took on the attitude that what goes around comes around: Those people didn’t deserve a healing. The reason being that they were already getting what they deserved.
2. Just like many people make the same assumption today: We think it all good and well that others get what they deserve.
a. That homeless person probably lost all they had because of alcohol or drugs. They are getting what they deserve.
b. That person in jail did the crime, let them do the time. They are getting what they deserve.
c. That person in the rehab center did it to themselves. They are getting what they deserve.
d. That person who separated from their spouse should have been a better husband or a better wife. They lost their children but they should have been a better mother or father. They are getting what they deserve.
3. The problem was that God would want everyone at that pool to be healed: The waters were troubled for the undeserving.
4. The problem is that Jesus Christ died for all, even those undeserving of His great love: 1 Timothy 1:15
5. There were those who would not help others who they deemed unworthy of a healing:
D. There were those who were so self righteous and steeped in their own religion that they would not stop to help those in need: This pool was right outside of the Temple, right beside the Sheep Gate into the city, the gate through which they brought the sacrifices to the Temple.
1. Who was it that was bringing the sacrifices through the Sheep gate, passed the pool on the way to the Temple: It was the job of the Levites, the priests, overseen by the Pharisees. The religious leaders were in charge of this.
2. Yet none of those ones were there to help the impotent man: They were so self righteous that they could not stop to help those in need of a healing.
a. Like the Pharisee who went to the Temple to pray. – Luke 18:10-12
b. Like the priest who came upon the injured man. – Luke 10:30-31
c. Some could not be bothered with those at the pool, with those in need.
3. They forgot that one day they were just as far from God as the impotent man was from the Temple: They may not have suffered the circumstances of life as the impotent man did but they were still cut off from God.
4. Just like many today become so self righteous that they forget who they were and what Jesus did for them: God must be pleased with them, God must be pleased with me today. I read my bible everyday this past week, prayed everyday, did not commit any open or gross sin, went to church for every service. God must be pleased with me today.
5. The problem is that we are nothing without Jesus Christ: It is good to walk in righteousness but when we attempt to do it apart from Jesus Christ those righteous acts are nothing more than filthy rags.
6. There were some so self righteous they forgot what they were saved from and who they were saved by:
7. There were some so steeped in religion that they would do nothing to help anyone else who were not as they were:
E. There were those who were just unconcerned with the plight of anyone else: Everyone in Jerusalem knew where that pool was and knew who was there. But most people were simply unconcerned.
1. There were enough people in the the city that if everyone just took a turn at the pool it would have made a difference: That if they would have spent just an hour or two there one day a week it would have made a difference. People would be healed.
2. Then if each one who had been helped would return to help it would make a greater difference: That blind person who was helped into the pool could have returned and then helped the impotent man. Each one help one would make a difference.
3. But the vast majority of the people in Jerusalem had no time to help anyone at the pool: John 5:7
G. There were those upset at the efforts of others: John 5:10,16 You would think that with this miracle that everyone would have been praising God and rejoicing. But that wasn’t the case.
1. These ones were upset because someone else was at work and not them: If they didn’t think it should be done then it shouldn’t be done.
2. They began to fight against the efforts of others: And there are people that do the same today.
3. Some people. Some churches do nothing, so think no one else should do anything: And they even work against the efforts of others in bringing the lost to Jesus Christ.
G. Finally we see one willing to help: John 5:6-8 My friend Jesus was willing to help. Jesus was always willing to help.
1. Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, was about to die for this man: When Jesus went to the cross he was going to die for this man and those like him. – John 5:3 And Jesus wanted this man to be healed just like He wanted him to be saved.
2. Jesus was never, is never far from one seeking salvation: There was more than a physical need with this man.
3. And when this man left the pool of Bethesda he was not only healed he was saved by Jesus Christ:
4. Jesus was one willing to help:
III. In this miracle we can clearly see a picture of salvation in Jesus Christ today: All that is in this account can be seen today as we look around us. Just as the multitude gathered around the pool of Bethesda needed a healing so does the multitude lost in sin need salvation today.
A. Consider all that we see in John 5 with all that we see today in regards to salvation in Christ: There is a type here.
1. You have those lost in sin, those who are impotent, the halt and the blind all needing Jesus Christ: As Jesus looked out on the fields ready for harvest He was looking down through the ages of time, looking to our very day and age. – Matt 9:36-38 This was most certainly true in that day but even more so today.
2. That lost man, that lost woman, that lost child is utterly unable to help themselves: There is nothing they can do in and of themselves to meet the lost condition of their soul. They are as helpless as the impotent man.
3. The Spirit of God like the angel is troubling the water: He is the drawing agent of God. It is the Spirit of God that moves in the circumstances of life, in conviction, in drawing one to Jesus Christ. The Spirit of God does His part.
4. But that lost man still needs someone to help him or her find Jesus: There is no one here this morning that was not assisted in finding Jesus Christ. You may very well have been alone when you were saved but you did not find Jesus Christ on your own. Those situations are very few and far between.
a. Someone took you to church some time.
b. You hear the gospel message someplace, sometime, from someone.
c. Someone spent hours praying for you.
d. You read a gospel tract, heard an evangelist, met a missionary, someone talked to you about Christ sometime.
5. The world is the pool of Bethesda today: And we are surrounded by people in need.
B. What type of Christian then are you this morning? All the people in John 5 who were around or passed by that pool can also be seen today. Which one are you?
1. Are you concerned with those dearest to you and no one else? Would you do all to see your children saved, your grandchildren, brother or sister, dad or mom? Would you do all you could to see them saved?
a. What about everyone else? Are you concerned at all with those around you?
b. Have you ever considered that family member may just be watching you and would be brought that much closer to the Lord by seeing your concern for others?
c. Where does your burden for the Lord begin and where does it end?
2. Are you concerned only with those you deem worthy of salvation? That person we say in our minds should be saved. A person like that just ought to be saved, they would be so good for our church.
a. Jesus Christ didn’t die for those who were worthy of Him.
b. Jesus Christ died for those who need Him, Jesus Christ died for all.
(1) Jesus Christ died for that down and out alcoholic.
(2) Jesus Christ died for that bum who will not work.
(3) Jesus Christ died for that one who left his family.
(4) Jesus Christ died for that one so dirty we don’t even want to look at him or her.
c. Jesus Christ died for the unworthy.
3. Are you like those ones who just thought people get what they deserve: After all they are sinners, let them die in their sin.
a. Have you ever stopped to consider what would happen if God gave you what you deserve?
b. Jesus Christ died for people who did not and do not deserve Him.
4. Are you so self righteous that you simply do not want to bother with those who are less than you are? I go to church every service, take communion, have been baptized, don’t drink, don’t swear, live according to the Bible.
a. If people want to get saved have them pick themselves up just like I did.
b. I don’t want to get my suit dirty by reaching down to help someone else.
5. Are you just so self centered that you are unconcerned with the plight of the lost: Just too busy to help others find Jesus.
a. After all we do have to work.
b. And then we have family matters to take care of.
c. Then we have this club meeting and that social thing to attend.
e. If we had time we would be a witness, but we just don’t have the time.
6. Do you get upset then at the efforts of others? The church is always doing this or that, VCBS, Camp, visitation. So and so is always doing something.
a. I wish they would just stop and leave well enough alone.
b. Do you get upset over the efforts of others.
7. All these different people are still one the scene today: Many of them may be in this building this morning.
C. Or are you one willing to help? Jesus was willing to help, are you willing to help in the work of the Lord?
1. Please understand Jesus wants you to help: Matt 9:36-38 What did Jesus ask prayer for in verse 38? Workers for the harvest. Jesus wants your help.
2. That is why we have been commissioned to go: Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
3. That is why we have been given the words to say: Luke 12:11-12 And when they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates, and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say: 12 For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.
4. That is why we have been empowered: Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
5. The only question is; are we willing?
D. Let me ask you today; are you willing?
Having made an analysis of the miracle seen in John 5 what can we say then today?
I. First let us take note of the man in need: John 5:3-5 This man stands as a type of those who are lost in sin, those cut off from God, not by man but by sin. And there are a few things that I would like to point out concerning this man.
II. We can see as well those that surrounded this man and the others who were in need: This man was not alone. John 5:7 The fact that he says there was no man to help him infers that there were others there assisting those in need in getting to the waters as they were stirred. Someone would have to help the blind person for they could not see when the waters were troubled. Someone would have to help the halt for they could not get there on their own. There were others around helping those in need. Who were they? Who were those that surrounded this man in need?
III. In this miracle we can clearly see a picture of salvation in Jesus Christ today: All that is in this account can be seen today as we look around us. Just as the multitude gathered around the pool of Bethesda needed a healing so does the multitude lost in sin need salvation today.
IV. And then the question we all must answer; are we willing to help?