October 23rd, 2010 by Pastor Solley102410AM Lessons for the Christian from Hell
Sub. The rich man in hell
Theme: Lessons for the Christian
Text: Luke 16:19-31
“Lessons for the Christian from Hell” Luke 16:19-31
IntroductionI am going top bring a message this morning from the account of the rich man and Lazarus found in Like 16.
Luke 16:19-31 This is not a parable but a literal account and historical record of events that took place during the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. The use of personal names and the fact that Jesus does not identify this as a parable prove that it is not. Most messages on this passage of Scripture are about hell and are aimed primarily at the lost because we do have the most vivid picture of hell that we are given in the Bible in Luke 16. And there are many message for the lost man, for the sinner from hell found in this passage. Most of what we know hell to be like we take from this passage of Scripture.
I. But there are other lessons to be found in this passage as well: A lot of what we know about heaven can be found in this passage as well. Abraham’s bosom or Paradise was the resting place of the righteous before the cross so we do have information in this passage about what heaven is like.
A. All that the rich man experiences in hell Lazarus experiences the opposite in Paradise: It is just the opposite for Lazarus.
1. While the rich man experienced torments Lazarus was delivered from the former things: Luke 16:25
2. The rich man could look into Paradise, see and recognize people but was separated from them: At the same time Lazarus could see, recognize people and was reunited with them.
3. The rich man screamed out in great pain: Lazarus would be singing great songs of praise and deliverance to God.
B. There are a lot of lessons about heaven and hell found in this passage: A lot of lessons for the lost to be sure.
II. But there are lessons for the Christian as well: Luke 16:27-28 It was the request of the rich man that his voice be heard from hell. – Luke 16:27-28 While his voice was never literally heard from the fires of hell this written record does indeed speak to all who read it. And there are some lessons here for the Christian today.
PROP: What lessons from hell are found for the Christian in Luke 16? TS. Let us consider these six things this morning.
I. First we learn that hell is real: Luke 16:22-23 That may seem like a silly point to begin the message with because while there are many who would deny the existence of hell the Christian most certainly cannot not. There is little reason to believe the gospel message, to turn to Jesus Christ, to trust Him as your savior from sin and make Him your door to heaven if there is no hell. What would a person be saved from if there is no hell? So a Christian most certainly would believe in hell.
A. But the indifference the world shows toward hell often rubs off on the Christian: And the world is most definitely indifferent when it comes to hell, sin, and Satan.
1. The major cults deny the very existence of hell: The Jehovah Witness and Mormon cults claim there is no hell.
2. The liberal preachers claim a loving God would never damn anyone to hell: If God is love and we know He is, and God sent Jesus to save the world and we know He did, then all the world must be going to heaven. After all God loves all of us.
3. False religion offers different ways to escape hell: Do this work, or that work, follow this tradition or that tradition, make sure you are baptized and you will be on your way to heaven.
4. People make light of hell: Make jokes about hell and Satan and his little red outfit and pitchfork.
5. The world is indifferent as far as hell is concerned: People act like they will live forever, as if this world is all that matters, as if there is no hell to be concerned about.
B. But according to the Bible hell is real: Luke 16:23-24 And as a Christian we should never loose sight of that fact. Hell is real my friend and there are people screaming out in terrible pain right now in hell, there are people pleading for mercy right now in hell, there are people, men and women, screaming in the flames of hell this very moment with no way of escape. As a Christian we should never loose sight of that, never forget it, and never make light if it. Hell is real.
1. Remember that hell is real will help us remember what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross: Will help us remember that He suffered and died an agonizing death for us.
2. Remember that hell is real will help us remember what Jesus saved us from: Mark 9:43-48 Jesus said if there is something you are doing that keeps you from getting saved then cut your hand off for that is better than going ton hell. If someplace you like to go is keeping you from getting saved cut your foot off for that is better than going to hell. If something you like to look at is keeping you from getting saved put your eye out for that is better than going to hell.
a. In hell people cannot get away from the constant smoke, fire, flames and pain. It is unending, no break, no relief.
b. But not even a worm will die there. – mark 9:48
3. Remember that hell is real will help us from making jokes about it and taking our salvation for granted:
C. We learn and must remember that hell is real:
II. Second we learn that there are Christian in hell: Luke 16:22-25 I am not speaking about Lazarus in Abraham’s bosom, or about a person getting saved and then loosing their salvation, but about someone who thought they were a Christian being found in hell. There are many professing Christians in hell this very moment but they were never really Christians at all.
A. Notice the relationship between the rich man and Abraham: Luke 16:24-25 The rich man called him “father Abraham” and Abraham called the rich man “son”. Abraham was the physical father of the nation of Israel. God promised Abraham that his descendants would be as the number of sand by the sea and Abraham was the physical father of Israel.
1. But the Jew believed Abraham to be their spiritual father as well: John 8:30-33 When they say they are of Abraham’s seed and were never in bondage they are speaking spiritually because they were at that time under Roman rule.
2. There is a line that leads from Abraham to Moses: Moses then gave the Law. They followed the Law for salvation or so they thought so they traced their spiritual heritage back to Abraham just like the physical.
3. The rich man called Abraham father because he thought he was doing things right by the law for salvation: He probably was going to the temple, bringing the sacrifices demanded by the Law, living under the rule of the Pharisees. This man had all the outward trappings of religion I would think. He called Abraham father.
4. But he had never repented and given his heart over to the Lord: He did not have a true salvation because his was only a works based salvation. Even under the Law salvation was all of grace and not of man. The sacrifice they brought under the Law were only to point to the faith that had already placed in the coming Son of God, the Messiah.
5. This man most likely expected to be in heaven but he found himself in hell: And the only way that Abraham could call him son was as a physical descendent because there was no spiritual life in him. His was a dead faith.
B. How many people are going to leave this world thinking they are going to heaven, thinking they are a Christian: But instead of opening their eyes in heaven in the presence of the Lord they will open them in hell. – Matt 7:21-23
1. Living a good life, good works, good intentions will not save a person: Salvation is not based on good works.
2. Doing what the preacher says will not save a person: Salvation is not of the will of man.
3. Serving Jesus will not bring salvation: Matt 7:22-23
4. Even repeating the words of a prayer after someone will not bring salvation:
5. Based on these things I believe there will be a lot of Christians in hell: Professing Christians not possessing Christians.
C. Salvation comes when you repent of your sin, turn to Jesus Christ, and call out for Him and Him alone to save you: That is true Bible salvation. – Rom 10:9-10,13
D. There are going to be a lot of Christians in hell:
III. Third we learn that we will give an account of what we do in this world in the next: Luke 16:25 As the rich man pleads for mercy Abraham tells him to remember, remember this life, his life in the world and how he led his life.
A. And to make sure he can remember God keeps record books: Rev 20:11-12 The Lamb’s Book of Life is seen here but I want you to notice it is not the only book. – Rev 20:12 The Lamb’s Book of Life concerns salvation and those at this judgment do not have their names in that book. But there are books, books of their deeds on earth that they are judged out of.
1. God is keeping a record of every evil deed they do: Every sin they commit.
2. God is keeping a record of every time they reject Jesus Christ: Every time they say no to salvation.
3. They will be judged according to what God has recorded in the books: And man will give an account for what he has done in this world as he enters the next.
B. And Christians, true Christians will give an account before God as well: 1 Cor 3:11-15 Records are being kept on the life of the Christian as well. This has nothing to do with salvation but with service and Godly living.
1. Are we dedicated to service of the Lord as the temple was? 1 Cor 3:16
2. Are we giving the Spirit of God a channel thorough which to serve?
3. Are we giving the Spirit of God a clean place to live? 1 Cor 3:17
C. Jesus Christ is keeping a record of your life and mine: What is He recording? One day we will answer for how we obeyed His Word, how faithful we are to Him, how we serve.
1. How faithful have we been to God’s house?
2. Have we worked and labored for Jesus Christ:
3. Have we been a faithful witness:
4. Have we kept a good testimony for Christ?
D. In the next world the books will be opened and we will stand before God and give an account:
IV. Fourth we learn that the time to repent, the time to serve is now: Luke 16:25-26 There was a great gulf fixed.
A. The rich man would have taken a second chance if it had been offered: Do you think that if it would have been possible that he would have turned back the clock? Do you think he wanted a second chance?
1. If he had another opportunity he would help poor Lazarus at his gate:
2. If he had another opportunity he would have repented in his heart instead of keeping the Law out of obligation:
3. He just didn’t know he was going to die so soon: And now he has to give an account.
4. If he only could have another chance: But there was a great gulf fixed.
B. And that great gulf is still fixed: There is no second chance after death.
1. That is why we are told today is the day of salvation: 2 Cor 6:1-2 You may not have another opportunity.
2. This is why we are told to redeem the time: Eph 5:15-17 This may be the last day to worship and serve.
3. We all know we will die, that one day time will be gone: But none of us think it will be today.
C. But what if this were your last day in this world? What if time ran out today?
1. What have you been putting off that you know you should be doing?
2. What are you doing that you know you should be putting away?
3. What is left undone for you:
D. The time of decision, the time to serve is now, there will be no second chances:
V. Fifth we learn of the burden for the lost in hell, in the next world: Luke 16:27-30 More than anything else the rich man wanted his family in this world to hear the gospel and get saved. There is a burden for lost souls
A. In hell there is a burden for the lost: His cries for help for himself are over, his prayer is for someone, anyone to be sent back to tell those he left behind of that awful place he was in. That place from which there is no escape. – Luke 16:28
1. You hear people say all the time “I want to go to hell to be with my friends”: There are no friends in hell, man suffers alone and those who have been cast into hell before you are praying someone reach you with the gospel.
2. Not even a man’s enemies want him to go to hell: You never see that in the Bible.
3. Those already in hell have a great burden for the lost: So terrible is hell.
B. Those in heaven have a burden for the lost as well: Luke 15:3-10 In heaven there is a burden for the lost.
1. If men plead for the salvation of the lost in hell why not in heaven? Luke 15:7
2. And the angels rejoice over that lost soul coming to Christ: Luke 15:10
3. Do you think Jesus has a burden for the lost today?
4. And it brings God the Father no pleasure to see one die apart from His Son Jesus Christ and be cast into hell: It is not the will of God that any should perish. – 2 Peter 3:9; 1 Tim 2:4
5. There is a burden for the lost in heaven:
C. If there is a burden for the lost in both heaven and hell shouldn’t there be one in the earth as well? Shouldn’t Christians take a lesson from this? Shouldn’t we have an equal burden for the lost?
1. After all we have the message the lost need to hear:
2. We have the Spirit of God within for power:
3. And we have the testimony of what Jesus Christ has done for us:
D. Where then is our burden for the lost? Most have none. Most have forgotten that hell is real and this world is not forever.
1. Is it so hard to invite someone out to church?
2. Is it so hard to hand a gospel tract to someone?
3. Is it so hard to knock on a door?
4. Is it so hard to sound a warning?
E. In both heaven and hell there is a burden for the lost:
VI. Sixth we learn that in hell people believe the Bible: Luke 16:29-31 Moses and the prophets had already passed from the scene. – Luke 16:31 So how were this man’s brothers going to hear them? Hear them through the Word of God.
A. People in hell believe the Bible: The rich man knew that the Word of God should have been enough for him in this world. That if he had just believed the Word of God he would have repented and been saved.
1. I am not sure what everyone here this morning believes about the Bible: Even is so called Bible believing churches there are those who do not fully believe the Bible.
2. But one day you will believe the Bible to be true:
3. And one day you will prove the Bible to be true as I will:
B. When God holds a person accountable to what in in His Word they will know it is true:
1. The lost will give an account of what they did with Jesus according to His Word: As they stand before God at the Great White Throne Judgment they will give an account of what they did with Jesus Christ according to His Word.
2. And at the judgment seat of works the believer in Christ will give an account as well: We will give an account of how we lived our lives in Christ according to his Word.
C. If the Word of God is believed in eternity we need to believe it today: Believe it and heed it.
Having looked now at lessons from hell for the Christian what can we say?
I. First we learn that hell is real: Luke 16:22-23 That may seem like a silly point to begin the message with because while there are many who would deny the existence of hell the Christian most certainly cannot not. There is little reason to believe the gospel message, to turn to Jesus Christ, to trust Him as your savior from sin and make Him your door to heaven if there is no hell. What would a person be saved from if there is no hell? So a Christian most certainly would believe in hell.
II. Second we learn that there are Christian in hell: Luke 16:22-25 I am not speaking about Lazarus in Abraham’s bosom, or about a person getting saved and then loosing their salvation, but about someone who thought they were a Christian being found in hell. There are many professing Christians in hell this very moment but they were never really Christians at all.
III. Third we learn that we will give an account of what we do in this world in the next: Luke 16:25 As the rich man pleads for mercy Abraham tells him to remember, remember this life, his life in the world and how he led his life.
IV. Fourth we learn that the time to repent, the time to serve is now: Luke 16:25-26 There was a great gulf fixed.
V. Fifth we learn of the burden for the lost in hell, in the next world: Luke 16:27-30 More than anything else the rich man wanted his family in this world to hear the gospel and get saved. There is a burden for lost souls
VI. Sixth we learn that in hell people believe the Bible: Luke 16:29-31 Moses and the prophets had already passed from the scene. – Luke 16:31 So how were this man’s brothers going to hear them? Hear them through the Word of God.