August 29th, 2022 by Pastor Solley081422AM Faithful Stewards # 6
Sub. Stewards and stewardship.
Theme: Stewards of gifts.
Text: 1 Cor 4:1-5 ; Rom 12:1-8
“Faithful Stewards” #6 1 Cor 4:1-5 ; Rom 12:1-8
We continue this morning with a study of stewardship and stewards. – 1 Cor 4:1-5 – A stewards in one placed in charge of something or someone which belongs to another. Stewardship is how they fulfilled the office of steward. God demands that His stewards be found faithful in their stewardship. – 1 Cor 4:1-2 – Old Testament men such as Joseph, Daniel and others were faithful stewards. Men like Samson and Jonah were not. God looks for faithfulness in His stewards. -1 Cor 4:1-2 – Stewardship with God is a very serious thing and should be to us as well and for good reason.
I. We have all been made stewards by God: Given charge of something or someone that is not ours, that belongs to God.
A. We have looked so far at five areas of stewardship: Things that we have been placed in charge of and will answer for one day.
1. At life itself: All life, physical life, comes from God and belongs to God. What have you done with your life, what have you done with Jesus Christ and the free pardon of sin He has offered to you? One day the books of life will be opened and all will be judged and that judgment begins with what one has done with Jesus Christ in relation to salvation. Have you been born again?
2. At spiritual life: Those who have been born again have new life, have spiritual life and that also comes from God. What are you doing with your spiritual life? Are all things now new? We will answer for our spiritual life one day.
3. At our service life: We are saved to serve Jesus Christ. What are you doing for Jesus today? Are you actively serving Christ?
4. At our family life as far as children are concerned: Your little ones need to be brought to Jesus because they belong to Jesus. Children are an heritage of the Lord, His gift to us. Are you bringing them to Jesus? Are you a continuing example to them?
5. Last week we look at stewards of time: We all have been granted a certain amount of time in this world. Are you making the most of your time? Are you making the most of your time for Christ or are you just wasting away time you could give to Christ?
B. Does God find you faithful in those areas? What will be revealed on the judgment day? Are you a faithful steward?
II. This morning we return to our service life: Every born again child of God has a service life because we have been called to serve the Lord Jesus Christ, called to serve the one who saved us from sin and hell. We have been called to serve Christ, all of us. That is made very clear in the Bible. Jesus said we are to go into all the world spreading the gospel. Jesus said we are to allow our light to shine brightly for Him. The parables Jesus gave concerning stewardship are also parables of service. We have a service life.
A. This is our call, our command to serve Jesus Christ: Rom 12:1-2 It is a command echoed throughout the Bible. Joshua challenged the people of God. Josh 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Elijah called out the people of God. 1 Kings 18:21 And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word. God asked the question of Isaiah. Isa 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.
1. And this is our command, our call to serve: Rom 12:1-2 If you know Jesus today then you are a steward of service, you have a service life. That point alone could be an entire message.
2. There is no other way to interrupt this: Rom 12:1-2 But how can we serve the Lord? Are we able to serve the Lord? We are able because what God commands God also makes possible. With every command one finds in the Bible they also find a God that makes it possible to obey that command. That holds true with service for the Lord. We are able because of Jesus Christ and His enabling power.
B. In looking at our service life and stewardship in this area we are going to look at four areas this morning: These four areas will be defined by these four terms, election, talents, call and spiritual gifts. All are found in the Bible and all when understood allow each and every child of God to serve the Lord. The choice to serve or not will remain ours, just as salvation. But God has made it possible for us to be faithful stewards in service.
PROP: Are you obeying the command to serve today? TS. Will you be found a faithful steward in service for the Lord?
I. We begin with election: Election is a Bible term and election always has to do with service and not with salvation. If one applies election to salvation it limits the power of God and the blood of Christ to save a lost sinner. The only way to apply the term election to salvation is to say God has elected all people to have an opportunity to be saved. Jesus said that He would draw all to Him. The Bible says that God is not willing that any perish but that all come to repentance. God has not elected some to be saved and others to be lost. To apply election in that way makes God a liar and the Bible not to be true. Election does not have to do with salvation.
A. But election must be applied to the born again believer in Christ: Applied because have been saved to serve as we saw a few weeks ago when looking at our service life. – Titus 1:1 Notice that faith comes before election. – Titus 1:1 – Be sure not to reverse the order.
1. God in His foreknowledge has elected every born again believer to serve Him: 1 Peter 1:1-2 Don’t be confused here. Because of God’s foreknowledge He knows who will be saved. But that does not take away our free will. Then because of salvation we who are born again have been elected to serve.
2. We now, as believers in Christ, stand in election and we are to serve Christ: Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Just as an elected official is to serve the people who elected him so is the believer in Christ to serve the one who saved them.
3. When you were born again you became part of God’s elect: God knew it before hand because of His foreknowledge but still allowed our free will to be exercised in salvation.
B. You are, I am, because of the new birth part of God’s elect: 1 Thess 1:3-4 Notice again that faith comes before election.
1. But just as sure that I know I have been saved so I know I am to serve: 1 Thess 1:3-4
2. So then Romans 12:1 applies to every born again, blood washed believer in Christ: Rom 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
C. We begin with election because if you are saved you have been elected by God to serve Jesus Christ:
II. Elected to serve we have God given talents to be used in service for the Lord: Talents are not spiritual gifts but they are God given in that God is the giver of all life.
A. One who has a talent has specific skills, a natural gift that can be honed and used: The Bible uses the word skill or cunning.
Ex 31:1-7 These men were skillful, talented in working with their hands is building the tabernacle. One could say working with hands was a talent they were born with, developed, and then used for the Lord. – Ex 31:3-4
1. We also find talented singers and musicians in the Bible: 1 Kings 10:12
2. Before David was king he was a skillful musician: He playing of the harp was soothing to King Saul.
3. There is no reason to believe any of those ones did not have those talents before serving the Lord: But they did use them in service for the Lord and God gave them wisdom and skill.
4. In the New Testament we have Dorcus using a sewing talent for the Lord:
5. Talents are skills, natural gifts that can be honed and used:
B. As Christians our talents should be used in service for the Lord Jesus Christ: Things that we enjoy, things that we are good at, things we are skillful in that can be used in service for the Lord Jesus Christ.
1. Those who can sing should be using that talent for the Lord: With the talent in this church we should never be without special music for any of the services.
2. Those who can play the piano and other instruments should be playing them in service for the Lord: They could be an orchestra and many waiting in line to play the piano.
3. There are those who are skillful in working with their hands that would be of great value in a building program such as ours:
4. Those who know how to run wire, to plumb, there are things to do:
5. And we have talented people: But are we willing to put those talents to use in serving the Lord?
ILL. Things will get done. I sang a special this morning that would have sounded much better with someone who is talented. I wired in electrical outlets, breakers and I have no talent for those things but they needed done…Use your talents.
6. We need to be using our talents for the Lord because they have been God given: Use your talents.
C. Elected to serve we have God given talents to be used is service for the Lord:
III. Some are called to special offices and ministries: 2 Peter 1:10 The Bible speaks here of a calling. – 2 Peter 1:10 – Calling as we are using it here means more than election. All believers in Christ have been elected to serve. All who have been elected to serve have certain God given talents that can be used in service for the Lord.
A. A calling points to a specific area of service: In the Old Testament Jeremiah was called to the office of prophet as was Isaiah and we can read of their specific calls to that office. Saul first and then David were called to be kings, to that specific office. A call points to a specific area of service and one most often not for all who have been elected to serve because of the new birth.
1. Saul, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah all answered those calls: Each one answered the call of God to that specific area of service.
2. Others we find did not answer the call: Jonah did not answer the call when it was given to be a prophet to Nineveh. Moses tried to say no to the call to return to Egypt and lead the people out.
3. A calling points to a specific office, a specific area of service:
B. Different areas of calling are found in Ephesians four: Eph 4:10-13 This is speaking of men set apart for these offices, men called to these offices. We know that it is men and not churches because every local church is to have a pastor, not some. – Eph 4:11 – But not all are called to these offices, only some. That doesn’t make them better than others, more spiritual than others, just called.
1. The apostles and prophets had a calling: It didn’t come from man, it came from God.
2. Pastors, evangelists, they have a calling: Eph 4:11 It doesn’t come from man, it comes from God.
3. A call is different than a burden because a call does not change with circumstances or time: Burdens come and go, rise and fall, but a call does not change with circumstances or time.
4. A pastor, a missionary, an evangelist, should be able to recall a call just as clearly as he is able to recall salvation: If one cannot give a clear testimony of salvation they most likely are not saved. If one cannot give a clear testimony of a call to the ministry they most likely have not been called.
C. This call comes from God and is not dependent upon man and it becomes very clear: I can give you testimony of a call to the ministry and the assurance that I have that this work at Cherry Corner is my life’s work for God. This is my life’s work….
1. I have not been called to travel around:
2. I have not been called to plant different churches:
3. I have been called to my life’s work for God right here:
D. Some are called to special offices and ministries: 2 Peter 1:10
IV. Then there are spiritual gifts given by God to aid us in our elected service for the Lord, to enhance our God given talents, and to make our calling and election sure: Rom 12:1-8 The spiritual gifts listed in verse six through eight are for today. Every child of God has at least one of these spiritual gifts and most likely more than one. These gifts are given by God to aid us in our service for the Lord. These gifts are essential for service for the Lord.
A. These gifts also come with a warning: Rom 12:3-5 Notice again verse three. – Rom 12:3 We have been born again, elected to serve, have God given talents to be used for the Lord, some specific callings to specific offices, and now spiritual gifts. We must be special, you must be special, I must be special, above others. That thinking is what we are being warned against. – Rom 12:3
1. What are we without Jesus Christ? Nothing but lost sinners headed for an eternal hell. That is what we are without Christ.
2. What can we do without Jesus Christ? The Bible says nothing. Nothing of any eternal value can we do without Christ.
3. What talents do I have, that I have developed all on my own without Jesus Christ? None without Christ.
4. What have I done to merit a special calling from God without Jesus Christ? Nothing without Christ.
5. What spiritual gifts have I been given that raise me above others in or outside of the body of Christ? None without Christ.
6. These gifts come with a warning and many have ignored the warning and have had horrific falls: Rom 12:3
B. These gifts can also remain dormant and never be used: We are elected according to the foreknowledge of God. Jeremiah was called before he was born. David knew God knew all about him before he was completely formed in the womb according to Psalm 139. Samson, John the Baptist had their lives laid out before they were born. That foreknowledge of God does not take away from the free will of man, all still had to repent from sin, receive God’s salvation, and then submit to serve. But all were gifted from the womb.
1. What if one never gets saved? Then they never begin to serve Christ, never use their God given talents for Christ, and never even know that there are spiritual gifts there to be used for the glory of Christ.
2. What if one does get saved but never surrenders their life to Christ, never follows Rom 12:1-2? Then they never begin to serve, never use their God given talents for Christ, and never even know that there are spiritual gifts there to be used for the glory of Christ.
3. These gifts can remain dormant and never be used: But a good steward will know and use their spiritual gifts.
C. Some have the gift of prophecy: Rom 12:6 This is the gift of preaching. Not telling new prophecy because the book has been closed and there are no new revelations from God. This is telling forth the Word of God, of preaching. The Bible says in Phil 2:16
Holding forth the word of life; Paul instructed Timothy in 2 Tim 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
1. This is the gift of preaching: Every pastor must have this gift. It is the gift of being able to present a message in a clear and understandable way. To hold forth the Word of life in a way that can be understood and received.
2. The pastor is most likely not the only one with this gift in the local church: Men who fill the pulpit when he is away, who can go out to other churches and speak, Sunday School teachers and others also have this gift.
3. That this is a spiritual gift is evident when the pastor is out of his element and still has to stand before people:
4. Some have the gift of prophecy: Rom 12:6
D. Some have the gift of ministry or ministering: Rom 12:7 This is the gift of helps, of being a help to those in need, of serving others before self, of doing for others just because there is a need.
1. When David was going to fight Goliath is stated “Is there not a cause”: When those who have this gift see a cause they respond.
a. They are not looking to be recognized.
b. They are not looking for something in return.
c. Often they do not wait to be asked.
2. When there is someone to serve, someone needs help, when there is a cause they respond: We should all practice this gift, some have it of God and they respond when there is a cause.
a. A few weeks ago some of us were watching as a Christian was doing a huge favor for a brother in Christ. It took effort, it took time and it took money
b. Someone asked me while we were observing, “How did they talk him into doing that”. I responded “They asked him to.”
c. That brother has the gift of helps and there is almost nothing you could ask him to do and him say no.
3. The one with this gift is always serving, always helping out, and they never need to be asked: When they know there is a cause they step in and help.
4. Some have the gift of ministry or ministering: Rom 12:7
E. Some have the gift of teaching: Rom 12:7 This is the gift of study and putting things in order so you can pass that information on to others in an understandable way.
1. Pastors must have this gift: 2 Tim 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. It is to study the Word of God, arrange those precious truths and then present them to others in a way that they can be easily understood.
a. Teaching is taking things that are hard and making them simple, not taking things that are simple and making them hard.
b. Some seem to have that order reversed.
2. The pastor will not be the only one in the church with this gift: Others will have the gift of teaching as well.
a. When they present what they have studied and prepared in will come out in a very clear way.
b. And others will be able to understand and receive what has been presented.
3. This gift does not take away the need to study: It at times demands more study.
4. Some have the gift of teaching: Rom 12:7
F. Some have the gift of exhorting: Rom 12:8 This one is an encourager, one who sees something done and lifts up the one who did it, pats them on the back. Or this one sees someone trying to do something and helps them along with an encouraging word. This one sees someone fail and tells them it is OK, try again. The word is also translated comfort.
1. This one looks at the drawing of the Junior Church class and acts as if it is a masterpiece: And they mean it.
2. This one tells all who were helping at camp “Don’t worry about it next year will be better”: And they mean it.
3. This one tells the pastor “Good message” when they didn’t understand a word of it: But they say an encouraging word.
4. We need those who will lift up others in the local church:
5. Some have the gift of exhorting: Rom 12:8
G. Some have the gift of giving: Rom 12:8 This is giving of self but that is covered in ministry so it involves more than helping others. This is the giving of money as well. – 2 Cor 8:3-5
1. This giving goes beyond tithing: Tithing is Biblical and we need to tithe 10% of our income because we are commanded to.
2. But this one is blessed to a point they can give well and beyond that tithe: And they do so.
3. And when they know there is a need they give: Not because they have to but because they want to and God laid that on their heart.
4. Many times they will bring a gift to the pastor to be passed on to one in need and they don’t want to be known:
5. These ones are very good stewards of their money and they freely give: We have a church of givers here.
6. Some have the gift of giving: Rom 12:8
H. Some have the gift of ruling: Rom 12:8 This is the gift of organization, of being able to organize things and people. Of putting things in order so that they run smoothly. Somebody needs to be able to set things up so they go in a certain order and go without hitches. This one is also able to look down the line at things that could go bad.
1. How will the kitchen run at a church supper, at camp and so on:
2. What will be the order of the VBS program?
3. What type of schedule will we have at camp?
4. What are we going to do at the work party?
5. This one will be able to organize things so they run more smoothly than otherwise: When this one is around no one does what is right in their own eyes.
6. Some have the gift of ruling: Rom 12:8
I. Some have the gift of mercy: Rom 12:8 This is the gift of compassion. This one feels the hurt of others. Their heart breaks when a brother or sister is burdened.
1. This one is able to place their hand on your shoulder and pray:
2. This one is able to cry with you: Real tears.
3. And this one is able to laugh with you:
4. This one would never have fallen asleep when Jesus was in such agony in the Garden:
5. When this one says they are praying for you it is not empty words:
6. This one does indeed know how you feel:
7. Some have the gift of mercy: Rom 12:8
J. Then there are spiritual gifts given by God to aid us in our elected service for the Lord, to enhance our God given talents, and to make our calling and election sure: Rom 12:1-8 Seven such gifts are recorded for us in Romans 8 and these gifts need to be put into use in the Cherry Corner Bible Church.
V. These gifts become known to us after we present ourselves to the Lord in service, after we surrender to Him: Rom 12:1-2 Don’t ask the Lord to show you your gifts and then you will serve in the area you think they fit best. Surrender comes first, presenting yourself as a servant comes first. – Rom 12:1-2 – Then you gifts will be made known to you as God begins to use you in service.
A. I would have never known what gifts are mine had I not surrendered: Things I don’t like to do are made possible because of spiritual gifts.
1. I don’t like to be in front of people and speak: But that changes when I step behind a pulpit, when I preach. It is probably why I have such a hard time with a wedding, I don’t get to preach.
2. I never liked to study: Not until it is time to study the Bible and get a message ready.
3. There are some of those gifts I don’t have and I have to try and improve: I am not a cheerleader, I do not always encourage. I am not one who practices mercy well.
B. God will make your gifts known as you surrender to Him: And we need you to put your spiritual gifts into practice.
Could you be counted as a faithful steward in service today?
I. You have been elected to serve Jesus Christ because you are born again: Have you surrendered to serve.
II. You have certain God given talents that could be used for the Lord Jesus Christ: Are you using those talents?
III. You may be called to s specific office: Have you asked the Lord about the ministry, about the mission field, about what we call full time service for the Lord?
IV. You have at least one of the spiritual gifts listed in Romans twelve, do you know what they are? Are you using those gifts?
V. Have you truly surrendered your life to Christ? Are you that faithful steward?