
January 2nd, 2022 by Pastor Solley

010222AM Jubilee
Sub. New Year
Theme: How to make 2022 a year of jubilee.
Text: Lev 25:9-13
“Jubilee” Lev 25:9-13

I want to speak to you this morning about a year of jubilee. The word jubilee means to be filled with joy and gladness, to be rejoicing, to be shouting praises and thanksgiving. As we look back as we often do at the end of a year and as we welcome in a New Year it hardly seems that the word jubilee could describe 2021, or 2020 for that matter. There have been blessings of course and many things we need give thanks to God for in our lives as well as in our church, but there have been overwhelming trials as well. Over the past two years we have seen Satanic forces on the rise, government mandates aimed at taking away our freedom, churches attacked for wanting to stay true to the Word of God and many people gripped by an ever present and ongoing fear. As we look back at the changes in society, America, and the churches over the past two years we would never think of the word jubilee to describe them.

I. Yet the Bible speaks of a year of jubilee: Lev 25:9-13 In order not to misapply or misinterpret Scripture we need to look at what this year of jubilee was in Israel. God gave specific instructions as to the distribution of land as Israel entered into the Promised Land. Through Moses and then Joshua lands were given to tribes and families as their personal possessions. You can read about those divisions of land in the books of Numbers and Deuteronomy. Then, just as today, land was very valuable.

A. That portion of land deeded them became their heritage and family inheritance, passed down from one generation to another and it was sacred to them: That is why Naboth would not deed his vineyard to King Ahab, it was his inheritance received from his father and to be passed on to his son.

1. But there were circumstances when lands would change ownership: Because of financial difficulty, because of death, because of different circumstances lands did change ownership and when that took place a family could be robbed of their heritage.
2. So every fifty years the land reverted to the original tribe and family of ownership: Lev 25:8-10 This assured an inheritance for all as well as no permanent poverty among the people. Every fifty years they got back what they may have lost or sold.
3. This was called the year of jubilee: Lev 25:11 This English word found only in the books of Leviticus and Numbers but the Hebrew word is found throughout the Old Testament translated as joy and joyful.
4. The people had something to look forward to as the year of jubilee approached:

B. Notice specifically verse thirteen: In that year of jubilee they were to return to their possession. – Lev 25:13 – What they had lost they would regain. The possession of that land was always theirs, but now would be returned in full. No wonder they could call it a year of jubilee. And what was regained never need be lost again. They had a year of jubilee. – Lev 25:13

II. I do feel that in many ways we have lost some things over the past year, over the past two years: Things that are freely given to us of God as the Bible says in 1 Cor 2:12. I feel in many ways we have lost some precious possessions over the past year.

A. I am not speaking of the natural loses of life: Some things are just a part of life, loses that are natural. We will lose loved ones to death, health will leave us at times and we will go through many natural trials. Just because one is a Christian does not exempt them from the natural trials of life. We still live in this world and we live by the rules of life while we are in this world.

B. But I am speaking of spiritual loses, things that have been lost spiritually speaking over the past two years: Things that are ours in Christ, freely given to us, but many have allowed them to be taken away.

1. Satan has attacked the foundations of the Christian faith using the virus, corrupt government, and demon possessed elected officials: No institution has been under more attack over the past two years than they church and the Christians. It makes Psalm 11:3 ring true to me today. – Ps 11:3 If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?
2. I know of churches that have closed their doors, pastors who have left the ministry, and believers who no longer trust the Lord: That is clear to see and that is not of God, that is of the devil.

B. But could we make 2022 a year of jubilee: Lev 25:13 And I believe we can and to do that we need to return to our possessions today just as they did. – Lev 25:13 – Let this be our banner going forward in this New Year, return to the things freely given to us of God and make 2022 a year of jubilee.

PROP: What possessions do we need to get back as we seek to make 2022 a year of jubilee. TS. Lets consider these three things.

I. It will be a year of jubilee when we put God on the throne: Isa 6:1-3 The whole earth is full of His glory because He is king of all the earth, all the heavens, all of creation and is in control of all things. God is still on the throne.

A. Man does indeed think he is on control: Isa 2:11 Have we ever seen a time when men are in what they think are powerful positions so lofty and lifted up? – Isa 2:11 – I hear all the time of how we need to trust the government, they have all the answers. We need to trust the science, it has all the answers. The smartest people in the world, the most power powerful people in the world, our elected officials, they all have our best interest at heart and we need to trust them. Really? Should we trust government, science, the powerful? Should we bow to the mandates? The first mandates we need to follow are the mandates we find in the Bible. God is still on the throne. We need to echo the words of the apostles in Acts 5:29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

1. What if Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had bowed to the government mandate to worship that idol? They were not th only Hebrews assembled in the plan of Dura that day, there were hundreds, perhaps thousands of other Hebrews there as well, but only three refused to bow. What if they had bowed to the government mandate?
2. What if Daniel had bowed to the government mandate not to pray: Daniel was not the only Hebrew but he was the only one we
know of that would not allow government to keep him from the Lord. What if Daniel had bowed to the government mandate?
3. What if Noah had trusted the science of his day? What was the science of his day? There was no such things as rain, it had never rained. What of Noah had trusted the science of his day?
4. What if Joseph had trusted the science? The science of his day was the same as the science of our day, a virgin cannot have a child. What if Joseph had trusted the science.
5. Neither government or science have the answers we need today: But God does.

B. Perhaps it is time to put God back on the throne He has never left and just trust the Lord: I am not advocating we be foolish, not saying we ought to forsake doctors, not saying anything like that. But part of our possession as believers in Christ is being able to trust the one who saved us. – Prov 3:5-8 – Many stop at verse six but we ought not. – Prov 3:5-8 – Can we still trust the Lord?

1. I received a letter stating that because I do not follow all CDC guidelines that it is proof that I don’t love people: I can’t follow CDC guidelines and keep this church open as it is. But that is proof I don’t love the people.
2. Same letter stated that if I witness to a lost person, they get sick and die, that I will be held accountable for sending them to hell: This letter did not come from a lost person or one I do not know. It came from one who is saved and knows me well.
3. Many have decided to put government and science above God: But whom have we been commanded to trust?
4. If we want to make this a year of jubilee we need put God back on the throne of our lives and trust Him: Isa 26:3-5

C. It will be a year of jubilee when we put God on the throne: It is our possession to know God is on the throne.

II. It will be a year of jubilee when we get back to the house of God and rejoice in the presence of the Lord: Part of the promised possession of the believer in Christ is that we can come together in the presence of the Lord. Matt 18:19-20 God is omnipresent, everywhere present all of the time. David under inspiration of the Holy Spirit sets this before us ion Psalm 139. One does not need to be in the presence of others to be found in the presence of God. One does not need to be in the church house to be in the presence of God. God is everywhere present all of the time and even lost people are never out of the presence of God. But the believer in Christ has some special promises about the presence of God. Heb 13:5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

A. One of those promises concerning the special presence of God concerns our assembling together in the church: Matt 18:20 I have been told that one should never use this verse to get people into your church. Two things. (1) This isn’t my church, it is not your church, it is God’s church. (2) I didn’t put this in the Bible, you didn’t put this in the Bible, God put this in the Bible. – Matt 18:20

B. There are certain things that we receive when we come into this building with a heart ready to meet with God: Things that we miss when we do not assemble together. I know there are times when we can’t be here, times when we are sick, times when we can’t be here. But on the authority of the Word of God we need to come into this building and worship the Lord and when we don’t we shut out the very things we need as Christians.

1. I find a place of gladness when I enter into the house of God: Ps 122:1 The Hebrew word translated glad in this verse means to be made to rejoice. Means to be made to rejoice. Think of that for just a moment. To be made to rejoice. – Ps 122:1
a. That means I may walk into this building needing to be encouraged. That means I may walk into this building filled with sorrow. That means I may walk into this building thinking I have nothing at all to be glad about.
b. But just by being here, just by being in the presence of the Lord, I will be made to rejoice. – Ps 122:1 – I may very well walk out of here rejoicing and glad even though I entered in a different state thinking I have nothing to be glad about.
2. I find a place where I can be refreshed, were I can receive sweet counsel : Ps 55:14 Sweet counsel means refreshing counsel. If you take the time to read the first thirteen verses of this Psalm it is discouraging. – Ps 55:1-13 – David here is oppressed, he certainly is depressed, he wants to escape the storm of life he is in. If only David had wings he would fly away. What is going to lift David up? Where is David going to be refreshed?

a. In the house of God David would be refreshed. – Ps 55:14 This has not changed.
b. When my batteries are low, when I am run down, when I am in a terrible storm, I can be refreshed. – Ps 55:14
3. I can find fellowship in the house of God: Ps 42:1-4 It is a blessed thing when you find one you can pour your soul out to and they can pour their soul out to you, one to have fellowship with. This doesn’t mean that I pour out my deepest secrets or that you do. But it does mean we come together with others who have a same mind, a same heart, a same direction, that share deep things of God.
a. People crave fellowship and to that end you have all types of social groups and social halls and so on. But they all lack what true fellowship is.
b. True fellowship can only be found between believers in Christ. – Ps 42:4 We share something this morning, something that does not need to be spoken but something that is real, we share Jesus Christ.
c. We have become two fellows in the same ship and that makes us kin as the old timers would say.
d. There is something special that we share here this morning. – Ps 42:4
4. I can find a place where I can see the power of God in the house of God: Ps 63:1-2 How do I see the power of God in the house of God? – Ps 63:2 – I am standing this morning in a room full of miracles in evidence of the great power of God. Just because we often take them for granted, often overlook them, does not mean we are apart from the power and miracles of God this morning. I am in a room full of miracles this morning.
a. There are changed lives in this room this morning. Miracles.
b. There are those who have been healed in this room this morning. Miracles.
c. There are those who will be healed in this room this morning. Miracles.
d. There are young children in our church this morning who will grow up and honor God. Miracles.
e. There are young people in our church this morning that are honoring God. Miracles.
f. There are saved marriages here this morning. Miracles.
f. There are miracles here this morning.
5. I can find a place where I can lift my voice in praise and make a joyful noise unto the Lord in the house of God: Ps 98:4-6 I know it doesn’t say the house of God, or the sanctuary in these verses but this is where I can make a joyful noise.
a. I enjoy singing the old hymns of the faith, the choruses, the Christmas songs, the children’s songs, I enjoy singing. But few people enjoy hearing me sing.
b. But this is at least one place I can sing and you can’t make fun of me, I can make a joyful noise.
6. I can find a place where I can serve the one who daily serves me in the house of God: Ps 84:10 My savior daily serve me as the Bible says in Heb 7:25 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.
a. Here I find a place where I can serve Him. I may not be able to do much.
b. But at least I can be a doorkeeper. – Ps 84:10
7. I could go on and on naming the things I can find in the house of God:

C. When I neglect the house of God, when I am not found in the church house I cut myself off from all of those blessing: No wonder so many are so depressed and discouraged today.

1. When my wife and I were about to be married we made a determination that we were going to be in the house of God together when the doors were open: Sunday School, morning worship, Sunday evening, Wednesday evening, special services, we were going to be in the house of God together. I was not a pastor at the time, never dreamed of being one but we knew that if we were going to have a happy home, a strong marriage, we needed the Lord to be at the center of all things and be in the house of God together.
2. I praise and thank the Lord today for leading us to the Cherry Corner Church: What a blessed place this is to us.

D. It will be a year of jubilee when we get back to the house of God and rejoice in the presence of the Lord:

III. It will be a year of jubilee when we focus our eyes, our minds, our thinking on the things of God and not on the world:
Phil 4:6-9 There are enough bad things to occupy our minds today, enough depressing things, enough discouraging things, enough things of the world, satanic things, demonic things to think about.

A. The world was not so different in the days that Paul lived: The Holy Spirit gave these words to a man living in a world not so different than ours is today.

1. Satan was using everything at his disposal to destroy the church:
2. The things practiced in a demonic Roman society were not much different than we are seeing today:
3. Most people were living in poverty:
4. The world at that time was not much different than it is today:

B. But what of the Apostle Paul? Phil 4:9-10 Few others in the Bible suffered as Paul did not including Jesus. – 2 Cor 11:23-29 And still this was true of Paul. – Phil 4:10 – How was that true of Paul.

1. It is a result of what Paul centered his thoughts upon: Phil 4:8 instead of having thoughts dominated by the world, by the conditions that surrounded him, Paul thought on the good things of God. – Phil 4:8
2. No wonder he could sing praises from a prison cell: No wonder Paul had such peace. – Phil 4:7

C. What if we just decided to think of the good things of God? Phil 4:8 I wonder how much this would change us?

1. Instead of the terrible government we are now under why not think of the government that is coming when Jesus rules?
2. Instead of thinking of how much things are costing why not think on how the Lord provides for us?
3. Instead of thinking of the sin of the world why not think of the righteousness of Christ?
4. Instead of thinking of those we have lost in this life why not think of the life they are enjoying now?
5. I have many more good things to think about if only I would think about them as I should: Phil 4:7-10

D. It will be a year of jubilee when we focus our eyes, our minds, our thinking on the things of God and not on the world:


I. It will be a year of jubilee when we put God on the throne: Isa 6:1-3 The whole earth is full of His glory because He is king of all the earth, all the heavens, all of creation and is in control of all things. God is still on the throne.

II. It will be a year of jubilee when we get back to the house of God and rejoice in the presence of the Lord: Part of the promised possession of the believer in Christ is that we can come together in the presence of the Lord. Matt 18:19-20 God is omnipresent, everywhere present all of the time. David under inspiration of the Holy Spirit sets this before us ion Psalm 139. One does not need to be in the presence of others to be found in the presence of God. One does not need to be in the church house to be in the presence of God. God is everywhere present all of the time and even lost people are never out of the presence of God. But the believer in Christ has some special promises about the presence of God. Heb 13:5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

III. It will be a year of jubilee when we focus our eyes, our minds, our thinking on the things of God and not on the world:
Phil 4:6-9 There are enough bad things to occupy our minds today, enough depressing things, enough discouraging things, enough things of the world, satanic things, demonic things to think about.

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