
April 5th, 2010 by Pastor Solley

040410AM The Day the World Changed.
Sub. Christ’s Resurrection
Theme: The changes the resurrection should bring.
Text: Matt 27:57-28:7
“The Day the World Changed” Matt 27:57-28:7
IntroductionI would like to speak this morning on the day that the world changed. That Easter is the most important of the Christian holidays cannot be disputed. What we remember today, what we celebrate is what sets the born again believer, the true Christian apart from all others in this world. We who kn ow Jesus Christ serve a living savior. Jesus Christ is alive today and that it what separates those who have called upon Him for salvation from all others in this world.

I. In Matthew 27 – 28 we have the account of Jesus on the cross, in the grave, and then alive forever more: Up until this time there had been many sacrifices made for sin under the plan and direction of God. The first sacrifice for sin is found in Gen 3 about 4,000 years earlier. Israel under the Law had been making sacrifices for sin for about 1,500 years.

A. But now it was the Lamb of God, the perfect sacrifice, the Lord Jesus Christ whose blood had been shed for man’s sin: That one to whom all other sacrifices had pointed had given His life. That one who came into the world in the fulness of time, who lived a perfect life, who knew no sin had taken upon Himself the sins of the world, your sin and mine. This sacrifice was different than all others. This was the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world. This sacrifice was different.

1. After the cross, after Jesus gave up the ghost, His body had been taken and laid in a new tomb: Matt 27:57-60
2. Because of the Passover Sabbath they did not have time to anoint the body of Jesus for burial: The Jews at that time did not embalm a body but they did anoint it with spices for burial. But there was no time to do this because of the high Sabbath.
3. So they would return to the tomb three days later to do this: Matt 28:1
4. I would contend that for those three days the world stopped: The sun continued to rise and set, time passed, the moon and the stars came out at night. But I do contend that for those three days the world stopped. That all of creation stopped and waited to see what would take place. The angels in heaven, Old Testament saints, all of God’s creations stopped and waited.

B. Why would I say that? Because things could not remain the same as before Jesus went to the cross. All of the Old Testament pointed to the one that would come and give His life a ransom for sin. Now Jesus Christ had done that.

1. What would have happened if Jesus had remained in the grave? The Bible would not be true, there would be no heaven above and no hell beneath, no hope in this world, no answered prayer, no forgiveness of sin, no salvation, no mercy and grace of God if Jesus remained in the grave. What would have happened if Jesus had remained in the grave?
2. I believe all of God’s creation stopped and waited to see what would happen on that third day: Jesus had said destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up again. Now all of God’s creation stopped and waited for three days to see.

II. And when they found that tomb empty and heard the message of the angels a great change took place: Matt 28:1-7 The greatest change the world had seen since the fall of man. A greater change than took place with the flood, with the giving of the Law. The world saw a great change take place that day for the defeat of Satan was made sure by the risen savior. Because Jesus Christ is alive sin, death, the grave, hell and Satan have been defeated. The defeat of Satan was secured, his place in the Lake of Fire made ready, Jesus Christ was and is alive. A great change took place on that day.

A. A change that great should effect changes in the lives of those who would place their faith and trust in Jesus Christ: Jesus Christ should make a difference in your life and mine today if we do know Him as our savior. Old Things are to pass away and all tings are to become new. Things are not to stay the same, Jesus Christ is to make a difference in our lives today.

B. But for many professing Christians that change is not realized in their lives: If I were to ask and we were all honest in our answer most of God’s people here this morning would have to admit that there is something lacking in their lives. That you hear all the time the impact Christ is to have, the difference He is to make in your life. But there is something missing.

C. My friend that ought not to be: The change that Jesus Christ secured on that third day ought to be real to you. I want to look today at what took place when the world stopped, at how certain ones worked against Christ then and how those same ones work against Christ today. Then at the change that is to take place.

PROP: Jesus Christ should make a great difference in your life today. TS. But is he or not?

I. First take note at how the world works against the change that Christ would effect: Matt 27:64-66 Have you ever stopped and thought about why the cross is such an offence to the world? Why the world works so hard against Jesus Christ and the cross, why it is such an offence to them?

A. Pilate stands here as a representative of the world: Rome was in power and Pilate was a Roman ruler. Pilate stands here as a representative of the world and the world opposes Jesus Christ and the cross. Remember that Pilate was to have washed his hands of Jesus. – Matt 27:21-24 In other words he said he would have nothing more to do with Jesus. When Pilate washed his hands he was to have turned Jesus over to the soldiers and the Jews. But did he?

1. First he had Jesus scourged: Matt 27:26 This was not to appease the Jews. If it had been Pilate would have once more offered to release Jesus. Pilate hoped I believe that Jesus would die before He was taken to the cross.
2. Then he placed a title over Jesus on that cross: Matt 27:37 We would say that was a good thing and it is in part. But notice again what Pilate placed there. – Matt 27:37 Jesus was the King of the Jews.
a. But Pilate knew the greater truth of who Jesus Christ is. – John 18:33-37; 19:7-12
b. Pilate left the title, that of the Son of God off the cross on purpose. It was a denial.
3. And then Pilate sealed the tomb: Matt 27:64-66
4. For a man who washed his hands of Jesus Pilate had a lot of dealings with Him didn’t he? (1) Pilate had Jesus scourged hoping He would die before the cross. (2) Denied who Jesus was with the title he put on the cross. (3) And then sealed the tomb so the cross would be the last chapter in the life of Jesus.
5. Why would Pilate do all of those things? So he would not have to face the truth of the cross, the offence of the cross.
a. To face the truth of the cross would mean Pilate would have to confront a savior.
b. To face the truth of the cross would mean Pilate would have to acknowledge sin.
c. To face the truth of the cross would means Pilate would have to acknowledge judgment.
d. To face the truth of the cross would mean Pilate would have to humble himself before the Lord Jesus Christ.
e. To face the truth of the cross would mean Pilate would have to confess his sin and ask for forgiveness.
6. Pilate was not ready to do any of those things: Pilate was not willing to face the offence of the cross.

B. Pilate represents the world because the world will not face the offence of the cross today: Nothing has changed as far as the world is concerned in 2,000 years. The world looks at the cross as an offence.

1. That is why the world will not leave the Christian alone: The world speaks with contempt of the Christian right. Why not leave us alone? Because the cross is an offence to the world.
2. That is why the world makes law after law to remove the name of Jesus Christ society: Get His name out of schools, out of public places, get His name out of the holidays, remove every reminder of Jesus Christ. The cross is an offence to the world.
3. That is why the world mocks Christianity so much: TV, movies, music, they twist everything to mock the Christian, to mock the name of Jesus Christ. The cross is an offence to the world.
a. To face the truth of the cross would mean the world would have to confront a savior.
b. To face the truth of the cross would mean the world would have to acknowledge sin.
c. To face the truth of the cross would mean the world would have to acknowledge judgment.
d. To face the truth of the cross would mean the world would have to humble itself before the Lord Jesus Christ.
e. To face the truth of the cross would mean the world would have to confess its sin and ask for forgiveness.
4. The world is not ready to do any of those things: The world is not ready to face the offence of the cross.

C. And the world is not ready for you to do any of those things either: And this is why the world opposes you so much.

1. Everything someone gets saved it is an offence to the world: Because they have to look at the cross.
2. Everything someone lives for Jesus Christ it is an offence to the world: Because they have to look at the cross.

D. The world does not want you to get saved and be changed: Because it means they have to look at Jesus in you, they have to look at the cross.

II. Even religion works against the change that Christ would offer: Matt 27-62-64 The Pharisees represent religion. They are not saved but they have the outward workings of religion. They have the robes of self righteousness.

A. From the outside it would seem that the Pharisees were in good standing with God: The Pharisees were the religious leaders of that day. They were learned in the Scriptures, held in high esteem by the people and they did lead in religious matters. When Jesus spoke of them it was never in the positive but not because of their actions.


1. They did above and beyond what even the Law required them to do: Matt 23:23-25 The mint, anise and cummin are plants that were used for spices. They were so diligent in tithing they carried it out to spices.
2. They took the role if religious leadership over the people: Matt 23:24 They were seen as examples of what a good Jew ought to be.
3. They had spotless lives looking at them from the outside: Matt 23:25
4. But in truth there was nothing right about them before God: Matt 23:27-33 The Pharisee would stand in the temple and thank God he was not like other men but in the eyes of God he was worse because he was just putting on a show.

B. The Pharisees did not want Jesus Christ for the same reason Pilate did not want Him: Religion does not want Christ for the very same reasons the world does not want Him. It will demand a change.

1. To face the truth of Christ and the cross would mean religion would have to confront a savior: Would have to acknowledge that works cannot save no matter their amount or nobility.
2. To face the truth of Christ and the cross would have mean religion would have to acknowledge sin: That no matter how many times a person walks through the church doors they are still sinners before God with no hope without Jesus Christ.
3. To face the truth of Christ and the cross would mean religion would have to acknowledge judgment: Look at all the beautiful things we have done in the name of Jesus. But all will burn in judgment without Christ.
4. To face the truth of Christ and the cross would mean religion would have to humble itself before Christ: Will have to take all of those things that the church is so proud of, the good works, the righteous living and say it is all for nought. They have done nothing to make one righteous in the eyes of God, only in the eyes of men.
5. To face the truth of Christ and the cross would mean religion would have to confess sin and ask for forgiveness: And they were never going to do that. They were perfect so why would they need a savior dying on a cross.

C. Just like the world nothing has changed in religion today: I wonder what the percentage is of people who attend church in this nation compared to the people who are truly saved. We boast of being a Christian nation but clearly we are not. Yet churches are full of religious people. But don’t tell them of Jesus Christ and how a Christian should be a changed person.

1. My wife and I and two of the younger children knocked on a door Tuesday night: Just handing out gospel tracts and a woman yelled rather mean like through the storm door that they had enough religion in their house already. She would not even accept a gospel tract. They had too much religion in that house and not enough Jesus Christ.
2. People will allow religion to place greater burdens on themselves than the Bible does: And the Word of God does have guidelines and rules for daily living for the Christian to follow but man adds to these making religion seem so hard.
a. Works are added to God’s standard of salvation. Believe in Jesus but do this that and the other things as well.
b. Confession to God is good but confess to this man as well and he will decide your fate.
c. You must have the strength to do these things or you lack faith instead of allowing Christ to do them through you.
3. And people are sitting in churches this morning who do not want to face the truth of Jesus Christ and the cross: And for the very same reasons that Pilate and the Pharisees did not want to face Him.
a. To face the truth of the cross would mean that religion would have to confront a savior.
b. To face the truth of the cross would mean that religion would have to acknowledge sin.
c. To face the truth of the cross would mean that religion would have to acknowledge judgment.
d. To face the truth of the cross would mean that religion would have to humble itself before the Lord Jesus Christ.
e. To face the truth of the cross would mean that religion would have to confess its sin and ask for forgiveness.
4. I am convinced people would rather burn in hell than acknowledge those things:

D. For most there is no change even though they may be religious: They think they have progressed past the world but in all reality they are worse.

1. They act like they have faith:
2. But they just go through outward motions and there is no real change, no real difference in their lives at all:

III. But Jesus Christ came, died on that cross, shed His blood so there could be a change: The things that Jesus Christ did in His death, burial and resurrection are not things that happened to Him by chance. It was not man that put Jesus Christ on that cross, not man that shed His blood. Jesus offered Himself up to the Father a voluntary sacrifice for sin. Nothing happened to Jesus Christ that was apart from the plan and purpose of God. Jesus Christ died to bring about a change in man.

A. And there were those who were saved out of the world and out of religion by Jesus Christ: Matt 28:5-8; Mark 16:2-7
Luke 24:5-9; John 20:1-10 I read all of those accounts for a reason. The world and religion were trying to keep Jesus in the grave, they did not want to face the cross. What were the disciples doing? How did the women know where to find them?

1. They were meeting together, assembled with those of like precious faith: John 20:19-21 The two that Jesus talked to on the road went to this meeting. – Luke 24:31-40 Those that believed were gathered together.
2. They had separated from the world and religion: They knew that the world did not have the answer and they knew that worship by the Law, that Judaism did not have the answer.
3. They had found the answer in Jesus Christ: And even though they had witnessed His death on the cross they were not going back. They knew the world was lost and outward religion was not true salvation.
4. The fear of the Jews was there because they were not going back: John 20:19 If they had just renounced Jesus Christ and gone back to the Law there would be no reason to fear the Jews. But they were not going back.
5. These ones were changed by Jesus Christ and they were not going back, they were going forward: They did not know where as of yet, they did not know how, but they knew they were not going back. The Old way was wrong, Christ had changed them and they were not going back.
6. And Jesus rewarded that faith: John 20:21-23

B. For these men there was a change: They were no longer of the world, no longer of religion, now they were of Jesus Christ and there was a great change in their lives.

1. The mark of the Christian was already true of them: 2 Cor 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new .
2. They were already following a new set of rules: John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
3. They were now bringing a different sacrifice: Rom 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
4. Jesus Christ had changed their lives:

C. And Jesus Christ should bring about a change in your life as well as mine today: The disciples represent those who have received the Lord Jesus Christ as personal savior and Christ has worked a change in their lives. Jesus Christ make a real difference in their lives.

IV. Tragic that one of them almost missed out: John 20:24-29 Thomas was one of them. He was just as saved as the others, just as saved as Peter or John or any of them.

A. But Thomas was not with them: John 20:24 Where Thomas was or why he was not there we are not told.

1. He may have been able to come up with good reason in his own mind why he was not there: We never get that far.
2. What we do know is that he missed a blessing: John 20:25 He missed seeing Jesus.
3. And we do know the others had gone past him already in spiritual growth and blessings: John 20:25 They had seen the risen Lord, they now experienced the resurrection instead of just hoping in it.
4. And for the next eight days Thomas never does catch up with them: John 20:26-28 Now Thomas sees Jesus and now Thomas believes as they did.
5. But what if Thomas had not been present this second time? Thomas could have gone the rest of his life, a saved individual, and Jesus making no real difference in his life at all. Thomas could have spent the rest of his life with something missing. Believing in Jesus Christ, being saved, but with no real difference in his life.
6. Thomas may have never gotten to this place: John 20:27-28

B. Thomas represents many in Christianity today: People who profess to know Jesus Christ as savior, and perhaps are born again. But those who never take that step away from the world and to Jesus Christ. Those who profess it but never seem to live it. And there is something lacking in their lives.

1. Because of a lack of commitment on their part Christ never seems to make a real difference in their lives: Knowing you are on your way to heaven but just living life in this world.
2. And something is lacking, something is missing in your life:

C. We need to decide to step away from the world and stand inside with Jesus Christ: John 20:19 Not to be like Thomas. And we make this decision every day.

1. When you get up tomorrow morning you are going to have to decide if you are going to be like the world or Jesus: And you will make that decision no one can make it for you.
a. Will you talk dirty and use foul language because the world does or will you be different?
b. Will you act like the world and walk in sin like everyone else or will you be different?

2. You will decide how faithful you will be to the services in God’s house: I know what the world says. The church is outdated, you don’t need to go. You can worship God anywhere. I also know what Jesus said. – Matt 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name , there am I in the midst of them. I believe we can worship God anywhere but I also know that God wants us in His house when the doors are open.
a. It doesn’t say where the fish are biting I am in the midst of them.
b. It doesn’t say where the football game is I am in the midst of them.
c. It doesn’t say when the TV is on I am in the midst of them.
d. It doesn’t say where company is I am in the midst of them.
e. You will make a decision even this evening.
3. You will decide just how much you want to be given in service to the Lord: Rom 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. It does take sacrifice to serve but you must decide.
a. It take sacrifice to hand out tracts, to witness, to invite others out. You have to decide.
b. It takes sacrifice to work around the church and on the camp. You have to decide.
c. It takes sacrifice and time to clean the church. You have to decide.
d. It takes sacrifice to be an example in faith and Godly living. You have to decide.

D. I do know this much, when you stand on the outside you mss too much: Too many are like Thomas.


When Jesus Christ arose from the grave He brought about the greatest change the world has ever seen. How has that change changed you?

I. The world would keep Him in the grave: It will not even look at the cross. Have you?

II. Religion would keep Him in the grave: It does not want Jesus. Do you?

III. The disciples stepped away from the world, away from religion and into Jesus Christ: Have you?

IV. Don’t be like Thomas and miss all that Jesus Christ wants to be for you: Will you allow Him to change you today?

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