November 15th, 2009 by Pastor Solley111509AM What Was Jesus Thankful For.
Sub. Jesus Christ
Theme: Jesus thankful and humble to serve man.
Text: John 13:1-5
“What Was Jesus Thankful For” John 13:1-5
IntroductionThe title of the message this morning asks a question; What was Jesus thankful for? We will hold our annual Thanksgiving Day service one week from Thursday and in that service many will stand and give thanks to God and the Lord Jesus Christ for answered prayer and blessings throughout 2009. We do have a wonderful Lord and there is no better place to begin a Thanksgiving Day than in the house of God. We need to raise our voices in thanksgiving to God.
I. Have you ever stopped to think of what Jesus was thankful for? Throughout the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ you can find Him giving thanks. While always God Jesus Christ did take on humanity and in His humanity you can find Jesus many times giving thanks. The one who is worthy of ours thanksgiving, praise and honor throughout all eternity is seen many times giving thanks Himself.
A. This is a partial list but see if you can pick out the common thread that ties them together:
1. Jesus gave thanks before the feeding of the 4,000 and the 5,000:
2. Jesus gave thanks for the Father revealing His person and work to those who would receive Him with a child like faith:
3. Jesus gave thanks for the Father always hearing and answering His prayers at the tomb of Lazarus:
4. Jesus gave thanks for the bread and cup as His instituted the Lord’s Table at the Passover:
5. There are many places we can see Jesus giving thanks in the Bible: And I am sure countless times unrecorded as well.
B. Did you notice what they all have in common? Each time Jesus is recorded as giving thanks publicly it has to do with Him being a servant or serving man. None of them have to do with Jesus giving thanks for things done for Him. All of them have to do with Jesus doing things for others. Thankful that He could be a servant. Every time Jesus is seen giving thanks publicly He is thankful that He could serve man, thankful that He could be a servant.
1. How many times have you thanked God for being permitted to be a servant? For being permitted to serve Jesus Christ?
2. Jesus give thanks for being able to serve you: We see it in the Bible and Jesus never changes. Jesus is thankful to serve us.
II. There is no clearer picture of Jesus as servant than John 13: In John 13 we have Jesus in the upper room with the disciples at that last Passover before the cross. After the Passover supper was ended Jesus girds Himself with a wash towel and begins to wash the disciples feet. Now this message is not about feet washing.
A. The message is about Jesus as a humble servant and the example He is to us: John 13:15 As we look at Jesus Christ as that humble servant I challenge you to look at the very heart of Jesus Christ, look at the heart of God.
C. And then consider this question; what was Jesus thankful for?
PROP: Let us look this morning at the thankful and humble heart of Jesus. TS. In the hopes that it will aid in us being thankful servants of Jesus Christ today. What was Jesus thankful for?
I. Would you first consider what Jesus had to give up, what Jesus had to set aside to get to be this servant: John 13:1-5 I have read this chapter many, many times but it was during our recent revival services that the Spirit of God began to move in my heart and mind in a real way concerning John 13. I have been reading this and rereading it and cannot get away from it. To think that Jesus Christ would be so humble as to kneel before the disciples and begin in turn to wash the feet of all of them.
A. Think for a moment of who Jesus Christ is: Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, Jesus Christ is the Messiah of Israel, Jesus Christ is Jehovah of the Old Testament, Jesus Christ is the king of glory, Jesus Christ is the anointed of God. It is unthinkable to men that such a one as that would ever kneel before common man and preform such a task as washing their feet. And yet by the record of infallible Scripture we see who Jesus Christ was and is today.
1. Jesus Christ is the Almighty God of creation, Jehovah of the Old Testament: John 1:1-4,14,34 Jesus is God among men.
2. Jesus Christ is the all powerful, all knowing, everywhere present God of eternity: Even while he was in this world Jesus never gave up any of those things. He was, is, and ever has been all powerful, all knowing and everywhere present.
a. At His command the winds and sea obeyed His voice. At His command death let go its hold upon men young and old.
b. Nothing could ever be hidden from Him. – John 1:45-49
c. Even while in this world He was everywhere present. – John 3:13
3. Jesus Christ, the great I AM is the beginning and end of all things: Rev 1:8; 21:6; 22:13
4. Jesus Christ is literally before all and after all: He answers to no one and all will answer to Him.
5. This one, the Lord Jesus Christ humbles Himself to the point of washing the disciples feet: Think of that my friend.
B. This one, the Lord Jesus Christ, is the one worthy of praise, the one who will receive the praise of angels and men: His name is little more than a cuss word in the world at this moment but there is coming a day when it will not be so.
1. When every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess Jesus Christ as Lord and king: Phil 2:9-11 Some will confess His as Lord and King as they enter into heaven and millions upon millions will confess His as they are cast into hell.
2. An order of angels chant His praises day and night without end: Rev 4:8 This has been going on from creation to now.
3. And the redeemed of the Lord shall praise His without end as well: Rev 4:10-11
C. This praise, glory, adoration and honor Jesus Christ set aside to take the position of a humble servant: John 13:5 And this is the capstone, the final piece of you would but think of what Jesus Christ took on to be able to wash their feet.
1. The one who is King of kings was born into a lowly home: The Son of God born into a stable and welcomed by few.
2. The one who owns the cattle on 1,000 hills gave up all possessions and had not even a bed to lay down upon:
3. He can unto His own and they received Him not: They looked past Him and called Him but a carpenter’s son.
4. Not only did they not receive Him but they went on to despise the Lord of glory: Not only did they reject but despised.
a. They called Him a son of Satan and not the Son of God.
b. They took up stones against Him on more than one occasion.
c. They spit upon Him.
d. They cried away with Him and desired His blood to be upon them and their children.
D. The King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Great I Am, the Way, the Truth, the Life, toe Door: This one gave up much and took upon Him much more so He could kneel and wash the feet of the disciples.
E. And people today don’t want to give up anything for Him: He gave up much for you.
II. Then consider those whose feet Jesus washed: John 13:2-6 One by one, Jesus knelt before the disciples and washed their feet. We don’t know the order but I think that Peter was last. One by one Jesus knelt before the disciples and washed their feet.
A. And we think that these are the ones who believed on Him, the ones who accepted Him as Messiah and savior: So because they received Him they were somewhat worthy of Him washing their feet. Really. Consider these men whose feet Jesus washed and remember that Jesus Christ is the all knowing God, Jesus knew all things then, knows all things now. Consider these men.
B. Think of Thomas: He was one of the twelve, Thomas was there, Jesus washed the feet of Thomas.
1. But four days later what would Thomas do? John 20:24-25
2. Jesus knew that Thomas would deny the resurrection: Jesus knelt before Thomas, took his dirty feet in His beautiful hands, looked into his eyes and washed the feet of one who had yet to fully believe.
3. Jesus knew every doubt that was in the mind of Thomas: And in humility and in love Jesus washed his feet.
C. Think of Peter: He was one of the twelve, Peter was there, Jesus washed the feet of Peter.
1. But about four hours later what would Peter do? John 13:36-38 Peter was so confident in the flesh, he would never deny his Lord, he would die first. But Jesus knew. – John 13:38
2. Before they ever came out of the mouth of Peter Jesus heard the cuss words: Matt 26:73-74 Hours before he said them Jesus knew the awful words that would come out of the mouth of Peter.
3. Yet Jesus knelt before Peter and washed his dirty feet with His beautiful hands: And Jesus looked up into the face of one who would curse His holy name.
D. Think of the others: One by one Jesus would kneel before them, take their feet into His hands and wash them.
1. One by one Jesus would look into their eyes: And Jesus knew every secret place of their hearts.
2. Jesus knew what they all would do: All would forsake Him, all would turn their back upon Jesus Christ.
E. And then think of Judas: He was one of the twelve, Judas was there, Jesus washed the feet of Judas. – John 13:21-26 Jesus washed the feet of Judas.
1. And Jesus knew what Judas would do in the next hour or so: Luke 22:47-48 There could be no greater act of betrayal than to do it with a kiss. That symbol of love was used as a sign of betrayal and Jesus knew it all the time.
2. Jesus already knew of the meetings between Judas and the Jewish council to put Him to death: He knew the price of blood.
3. Jesus knew every time Judas stole from Him over the past three years: John 12:4-6
4. Jesus knew what Judas was: Jesus knew everything about Judas, what he was, what he did, and what he was about to do.
5. And yet Jesus knelt before Judas, took his feet in His hands and washed them: And as Jesus Christ looked into the eyes of Judas He knew exactly what he was about to do and what he had already done.
6. And yet Jesus washed the feet of Judas:
III. I want you to consider just how much Jesus Christ loves you today: John 13:1 I would submit to you this morning that if Jesus would love these ones unto the end of His earthly ministry, unto the end of His life if you would, then He will love us to the very end of ours, that Jesus will love us unto the very end. Think of how much Jesus loves you today.
A. Jesus Christ was thankful to serve these ones and to wash their feet:
1. Jesus Christ was thankful to leave heaven above and come to this sin cursed world to serve these men:
2. Jesus was thankful to be spit upon and hung on a cross in order to serve these men:
3. Jesus was thankful to take each of their feet in turn and gently wash them with His beautiful hands:
a. Thomas even though you will doubt let me wash your feet.
b. Peter even though you will deny and curse my name let me wash your feet.
c. All of you will turn and run away, all of you will leave me alone, but let me wash your feet.
d. Judas even though you have sold me out let me wash your feet.
4. Think of how much Jesus loved those men in the upper room:
5. I would submit to you that Jesus loves each and everyone of us just as much today: That Jesus stands at the right hand of the Father in heaven today and He loves you and me just as much as He loved them. And Jesus stands and gives thanks today for being able to serve us. If Jesus were in this world He would wash even your feet and mine today He loves us so much.
B. And there may be many like Thomas here today: You are saved, you have believed in Jesus Christ for salvation. But there are many things that you doubt. Many things you refuse to turn over to Him like you should, like we are commanded to do.
1. Give all of my life to Him, be a living sacrifice, I think not: I can do a better job with my life than Jesus can.
2. Turn my marriage and family over to Him, I think not: I can be a good husband, I can be a good wife, we can be good parents, we can do a good job without the help and guidance of Jesus.
3. Turn our finances over to Him, I think not: Too many things in this world we need that we could not have if we tithed. I can do a better job with my money than he can.
4. Live separated and apart from the world, I think not: Can’t be too much of a religious fanatic.
5. Yet Jesus Christ kneels before you and desires to wash your feet today:
C. There may be many like Peter here today: You have no problem standing and proclaiming your love and devotion for Jesus Christ in this place and among Christians. We loudly sing His praises here and proclaim our love and devotion for Him.
1. Ye the way we live in this world is a denial to His holy name: For the most part if one were to be put on trial for being a Christian there would not be enough evidence to convict them in a court of law.
2. When it is time to stand with Him you stand instead around the fire with those of the world: Look like the world, act like the world, stand with the world and blend in with the world.
3. And when it is time to say something for Him you are as silent as a stone:
4. And even when you are asked you would choose to say no, I don’t know Him or what you are talking about:
5. Yet Jesus Christ kneels before you and desires to wash your feet today:
D. There may be many like the others who fled when the opportunity presented itself: They were with Him in the garden.
1. But as soon as it looked like there would be a fight they turned and fled:
2. Let me stand with Jesus when it is easy: But not when it is hard.
3. Yet Jesus Christ kneels before you and desires to wash your feet today:
E. There may be many like Judas here today: You have blended in, not with the world but with the Christian.
1. You ack like everyone else here today: You bow your head when we pray, lift your voice when we sing, put an offering in the plate as it passes by.
2. You will shake hands with the preacher and say “good message today”: You will smile and talk to folks before you leave.
3. You may even come back this evening: After all that is what the Jesus wants and the Bible commands in Heb 10:25.
4. But your heart is as cold and dark as that of Judas: Because you have never been saved.
a. You kiss Jesus often with your outward actions.
b. But it is a kiss of betrayal because you have never been truly saved.
5. Yet Jesus Christ kneels before you and desires to wash your feet today:
E. Jesus Christ loves you today every bit as much as He loved those men in spite of who and what you are: And Jesus Christ is thankful to serve you just as He was thankful to serve them.
IV. But please note that some will refuse the washing of their feet by Jesus: John 13:5-8 As you study this through you see that Peter consented and allowed Jesus to wash his feet. But there are many who simply say no.
A. Some are like Thomas who doubted, some like Peter who denied and some like the others who ray away when it counted: Some even though Jesus kneels before them would rather not have Jesus wash their feet.
1. They would rather hold onto their doubts and fears: Instead of turning every area of their lives over to Jesus they would rather hold onto them and be the master of their own lives.
a. Jesus wants to wash their feet.
b. But they say no Lord, we can do things on our own.
2. They would rather not be seen, not heard, but blend in with the world: They stand by the warm fires of the world and the flesh and just blend in with everyone else.
a. In God’s house they sing loudly for Jesus.
b. But in the world they grow suddenly silent.
3. They stand when things are easy yet run when times get hard:
B. And some like Judas who have sold out to Satan but will not give in to the pleading voice of Jesus Christ:
C. Are you willing today to allow Jesus Christ to wash your feet? He kneels before you today, girded with a towel, with that basin of water and He would be thankful to wash your feet.
1. Will you turn every area of your life over to Him?
2. Will you stand and proclaim the voice of Jesus Christ?
3. Will you stand with Him even when times are hard:
4. Will you come to Jesus today?
V. What I am asking is are you willing to be as thankful to serve Him as He is to serve you?
I. Would you first consider what Jesus had to give up, what Jesus had to set aside to get to be this servant: John 13:1-5
II. The consider those whose feet Jesus washed: John 13:2-6
III. I want you to consider just how much Jesus Christ loves you today: John 13:1
IV. But please note that some will refuse the washing of their feet by Jesus: John 13:5-8
V. What I am asking is are you willing to be as thankful to serve Him as He is to serve you?