May 22nd, 2011 by Pastor Solley052211AM When Men Pray
Sub. Prayer
Theme: What happens when men pray
Text: Acts 12:1-5
“When Men Pray” Acts 12:1-5
With a two day conference on prayer beginning tomorrow I have felt the leading of the Lord to preach on prayer this morning. There will be another message on prayer this evening and the text for the message this morning is one that has been used the past two Wednesday evenings. Prayer has been on my heart and mind.
There are certain words or phrases that will define a chapter or portion of Scripture. For example the word “Loved” defines John 3. There is such a word, such a phrase in out text passage this morning.. – Acts 12:1-15
I. In Acts 12 we find Satan stretching out his hand against the church: Acts 12:1 The Bible says Herod, and he is the tool, but be sure that it is Satan using Herod to vex the church. The church was no threat and would be no benefit to Herod. There is no reason that he would turn his attention to the church. Herod is the tool of Satan.
A. In this persecution James had been murdered by Herod: Acts 12:2 And because he saw that it pleased the Jews he arrested Peter as well intending to do the same to him. – Acts 12:3 Peter’s days were numbered, his time was short.
1. But because of the Jewish Passover Herod delayed the beheading of Peter: Acts 12:3-4 This because Herod wanted the undivided attention of the Jews. He didn’t want to share the spotlight with the Jewish Passover.
2. Herod then made sure that nothing would happen to interrupt his plans: Acts 12:5 Peter is in a prison cell, he is well guarded.
B. What then is to be done? As far as Herod is concerned there is nothing that could be done. The Christians were not armed for war and even if they were they would be no match for the power of Rome. What then could be done? Nothing could be done.
I. Then we come to that word, to that phrase that defines this chapter: Acts 12:5 The Bible tells us “But prayer was made”. Those four words, “But prayer was made” make all the difference in this passage. “But prayer was made” not only define the chapter, they define that church, and they are the most hopeful, the most powerful words in the world. “But prayer was made”.
A. Consider what happens by the end of this chapter: In the beginning of Acts 12 James is killed, Peter is arrested and held to be killed as well. The church is seen by man as powerless to do anything about it.
1. But soon we find that Peter is set free by the angel of God: Acts 12:7-11 Peter is delivered by the Lord.
2. And that one who killed James is himself dead and in hell: Acts 12:21-23 All because of prayer.
3. What could be done? Much can be done when God’s people pray.
B. And prayer not only defines Acts 12 it defines the church at Jerusalem: As was pointed out on Wednesday night at prayer meeting there is a lot that could be said about the church at Jerusalem. A lot of God things can be said about them before Acts 12.
1. The church at Jerusalem was a very large church: By this time at least 8,000 people had been saved. It was a large church.
2. It was a giving and loving church: As people got saved they sold their possessions and gave to the church.
3. It was even a popular church: The Lord was adding to it daily. It was a popular church.
4. But while those things are good they are not what makes a church great in the eyes of God:
C. In Acts 12 it becomes a church that is defined by prayer: And it is prayer that makes the church at Jerusalem a great church. In truth no Christian can be no greater than his or her prayer life and the same can be said of any church. A church cannot be greater than the prayer lives of those within its walls.
PROP: This morning we are going to look at some lessons in prayer that we get from the church at Jerusalem. TS. In hopes of being able to answer this question; Is it prayer that defines your life, is it prayer that defines this church?
I. As the hand of Satan was stretched out against the church through Herod there are two basic ways they could view those circumstances: There are two things that they could think and that would shape the actions they would take.
A. They could look at those circumstances as being within the will of God, something God has chosen to allow, something God has foreordained, and so there is very little or nothing that could be done about it: They could say that it is within the plan and purpose of God for the Christian to suffer in this world, to endure persecution so there is very little or even nothing to be done about it.
1. The church would still meet to pray: Acts 12:5 Their prayers would be shaped by their view of things.
a. They would pray most likely for the family of James. That God would comfort them and encourage them.
b. They would pray for Peter and his family. That God would encourage and comfort Peter in his hour of need. They could even pray that his coming execution would be as painless as possible.
2. They might even plan a special benefit for the families: We do know Peter was married so the families would need help.
3. But they know there is anything to be done for Peter, he is going to end up like James: And the Bible does clearly state that the world will hate the Christian and persecute the Christian, that Christians will suffer in this world.
4. And Jesus Christ Himself declared that Peter would die a martyr’s death in John 21: So there is nothing that can be done. Peter is finished and the early church has lost two of its leaders.
5. This is a very fatalistic way, a very Calvinistic way of looking at things: This is the will of God, God has chosen to allow it, something God knows all about, it is predestined, preordained, so there is nothing to be done about it.
B. Or they could look at those circumstances and say, yes there is something we can do about it, we can pray: Acts 12:5 They could not raise up an army and defeat Rome, they could not rush the prison and set Peter free, they could not bribe the guards, there was no appealing to Herod, but they could pray. – Acts 12:5 And they prayed I believe with the knowledge that prayer touches the heart of God, that prayer moves the hand of God.
1. They were not praying for God to comfort the families of James and Peter: They were praying for God to set Peter free.
2. They were not praying with a resignation that it was God’s will for Peter to die a martyr’s death: They were praying for God to change His mind, at least at that time, and set Peter free.
3. They were not praying for God to change the mind of Herod: If anything they were praying for God to kill him and set Peter free.
4. They were praying for God to do what they wanted but could not: They were praying for an absolute miracle.
C. And God’s people will have the same view of things today: The church could look at the circumstances of Acts 12 in two ways. That is was the will of God and nothing could be done about it, or that they can pray and their prayers would touch the heart of God and move the hand of God. And people look at the various circumstance of life in the same way today.
D. The church at Jerusalem looked at those circumstances and said, yes there is something we can do, we can pray: Acts 12:5
II. But can prayer move the hand of God, even change the will of God? The church at Jerusalem believed that prayer could do just that and they met and prayed for Peter’s deliverance and for victory over Satan. And there are many examples in the Bible of prayer moving the hand of God, even changing the will of God.
A. There is an example in Joshua 10 of prayer moving the hand of God, even changing the will of God: Joshua 10:12-14 In this passage Israel under Joshua is in a battle and they are having their way with the enemy but the sun is going down and they need more time for the fight to completely destroy the enemy.
1. I can tell you what the will of God is concerning the sun and the moon, the length of days: In Gen 8:22 the Bible tells us While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. It is the will of God that there be 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, 4 weeks in a month, 12 months in a year. That does not change and that will not change according to the Bible while this earth remains.
2. But it did change when Joshua prayed: Joshua 10:12-13 The prayer of Joshua moved the hand of God and changed God’s will.
B. There is an example in Ex 32 of prayer moving the hand of God, even changing the will of God: Ex 32:7-10 While Moses was in the mount with God receiving the Law Israel had made a golden calf to worship, had turned to an idol of their own making.
1. And here we see the will of God: Ex 32:9-10 It is to destroy Israel and make of Moses a great nation. And God does not make hasty decisions my friend. This is the will of God.
2. But Moses intercedes for the nation of Israel, Moses prays: Ex 32:11-13
3. And the prayer of Moses moves the hand of God, even changes the will of God: Ex 32:14
C. There is an example in James 5 of prayer moving the hand of God, even changing the will of God: James 5:17-18 It is a reference to 1 Kings 17, to Elijah and Ahab and the prayer of Elijah for the heavens to be shut up.
1. Even the driest places in the earth get rain at certain times during the year: That is the way the hydrological cycle works and has worked from the time of the flood. Even the driest places on the earth get rain, at least some during the course of a year.
2. But not in Israel after the prayer of Elijah for three years: In fact there was not even dew on the ground in the mornings.
3. Not until Elijah prayed that God open the windows of heaven: Then there was the sound of abundance of rain.
4. The prayer of Joshua moved the hand of God, even changed the will of God:
D. There is an example in Acts 4 of prayer moving the hand of God, making known the presence of God: Acts 4:31 This isn’t an earthquake that shakes the place where they were meeting, not a tornado, it was the Holy Spirit of God.
1. Notice the usual operation of the Spirit as far as most people are concerned: John 3:8 We tend to think of the Spirit of God as someone we can’t see, and we can’t, but also as someone we can’t feel or even notice, somewhat like a gentle wind.
a. The Christian knows the Spirit of God is within, but do we ever really feel Him or His presence?
b. We know the Spirit of God is in our midst this morning, but do we ever really feel His presence?
2. But in prayer they felt and saw the very presence of God: Acts 4:31-33 There was no wind but that building was literally shaking with the power and the presence of the Lord.
3. In prayer they saw the hand of God move, even saw the very presence of God:
E. Prayer does move the hand of God, even changes the will of God, and makes the presence of God felt and known: And there are many examples of that in the Bible.
III. So let me ask you; is it that way with you today; does prayer define your life; does prayer define this church; it is that way with us, with you and me today? People still look at the circumstances of life in the two ways we mentioned to begin this service.
A. They look at things as being part of the will of God, that God allowed it, preordained it, so there is little to do about it: And I am not talking about people in liberal churches but in fundamental Bible believing churches. If what a person believes determines their actions I know it is true.
1. That is seen in how few make a commitment to the mid week prayer service: It is the most important service of the church but most look at it as the least important,.
2. It is seen in how many churches are changing the prayer service to another worship service:
3. It is seen in the shallow prayer lives of God’s people:
4. Most people do not believe that prayer makes much of a difference at all:
B. Even for those who believe in the power of prayer few seldom see it in their lives, in their churches as we have seen prayer in the Word of God today: Let me say that is an indictment against us and not against God. God has not changed, his Word has not changed, what God desires to do for us, in us and through us has not changed, the power of God has not diminished. So that ends up being an indictment against us and not against God.
IV. How then do see the power of prayer in our lives, how can we see our prayers move the hand of God and even change the will of God: I believe the key to the power of prayer is found for us in the Bible. Even within the examples we have looked at today. What we will say of one of these men will be true of all.
A. Joshua prayed and the hand of God was moved, the will of God was changed: What can we see in Joshua that made him such a powerful man of prayer?
1. Joshua was a man given to the Word of God: Deut 6:6-7 God gave these words to Moses, Moses gave them to the people. But standing at the side of Moses as God spoke to him was Joshua. Joshua in the book of Numbers was set apart by God to follow Moses and to lead the people. As God gave this to Moses Joshua was standing by his side.
2. And Joshua received this charge a second time: Josh 1:7 And Joshua became a man given to the Word of God. – Joshua 24:15
3. Unless and until a man is given to the Word of God he will be nothing in prayer: If you break the chain that is on the front of the bulletin, if you refuse to allow God to speak to you, you will have little success is speaking to God.
4. Yet people are seldom given to the Bible today: What does the Word of God mean to you this morning?
5. Most people give the Word of God lip service but few are willing to give the Word a heart service: How much time did you spend in the Word this past week? We need to have that daily time of devotion allowing God to speak to us.
6. When one is weak in the Word of God they will be weak in prayer:
7. The stronger one is in the Word the stronger they will be in prayer:
B. Moses prayed and the hand of God was moved, the will of God was changed: What can we see in Moses that made him such a powerful man in prayer?
1. In Moses we find a man of humility who was completely dependent upon the Lord: Numbers 12:3 Meekness is not weakness. Meekness is humility coupled with gentleness. Meekness in Scripture involves understanding who we are, who we serve, and ultimately who we need in that service.
2. If anyone had reason to be proud and to exercise authority over the people it was Moses: Moses was a very special person.
a. He was highly educated by man. Growing up in Pharaoh’s house he had the best of everything including education.
b. Moses then was separated and commissioned by God. Called in a way that none before or after him were called.
c. Moses was given power and authority by God that no other man had.
d. Moses had every reason to be proud and exercise authority over the people.
3. But Moses never forgot who he was: Numbers 12:3
4. And Moses never forgot who he needed: Exodus 33:15-17 God here promised to send His angel with Moses but Moses said no and pleaded for the presence of God. Moses knew he could do nothing apart from the power and presence of God.
5. The opposite of meekness is pride: And pride will hinder the Christian and pride will hinder prayer.
a. When we are proud we need the help of no man.
b. And when we are proud we think we are even above God, we will get things done on our own.
6. The more that pride has a hold on a person the weaker they will be in prayer:
7. What place does pride have in your life?
C. Elijah prayed and the hand of God was moved, the will of God was changed: What do we see in Elijah that made him such a powerful man in prayer?
1. In Elijah we see a man who was willing to stand and serve the Lord, a man willing to stand and fight for truth: We have made it easy to serve the Lord today. When things get tough many just quit.
a. The Bible says we are in a race, but we get tired and sit down.
b. The Bible says we are in a war but we don’t like to fight so we sit down and quit.
c. We have made it easy to serve the Lord today. But that type of service is no service at all.
2. When Elijah prayed for God to shut up the heavens it was in the face of an evil king and the sin he brought to Israel: 1 Ki 17:1 And at once God moved him. – 1 Kings 17:2-3 The reason being that Ahab wanted to have the prophet killed.
3. And soon all if Israel it seemed was after the prophet: His prayer was his own death sentence.
a. When Elijah stood up for the Lord he entered a fight.
b. When Elijah stood up for the Lord Elijah was a marked man. – 1 Kings 18:17
c. But Elijah continued to stand. – 1 Kings 18:18
4. Are you willing to take a stand for the Lord Jesus Christ today? We make it so easy on ourselves.
a. We are willing to sing Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus in this place.
b. But lets just keep it between us and the Lord after we go through those doors.
5. What is the measure of your stand for Christ today? For many professing Christians if they were arrested and accused of loving and serving Christ there could not be enough evidence collected to convict them.
6. A weak stand makes a weak Christian and that one is also weak in prayer:
7. The stronger your stand for the Lord the stronger you will be in prayer:
D. They church gathered for prayer and the place was shaken, the hand of God moved and the presence of God was seen and felt: What was it about that early church that made them so powerful in prayer. And there are several things here.
1. They had a commitment to the church: Acts 2:46 They met everyday. They made a real commitment to the church, every service, everyday. If God was going to work through the local church, and He was and is, then they wanted all of that that they could get.
2. They had a genuine love one for another: Acts 2:45 That love wasn’t seen in words, it was seen in action.
3. They had strong doctrine: Acts 2:42 Strong teaching, true teaching from the Word of God.
4. They had a true reverence for God: Acts 2:43
5. They demonstrated the joy of the Lord: Acts 2:47
6. Those are the very things that are lacking in the church today:
a. How many are willing to make a true commitment to the church today? As you view the shattered lives of people today you wonder why they just will not turn all over to Jesus Christ. But few will make a real commitment today.
b. How many have a genuine love for brothers and sisters in Christ?
(1) We say we love one another.
(2) But we seldom do anything for a brother or sister in need.
(3) We never take opportunity to fellowship one with another.
(4) How can we say we love one another?
c. People are willing to replace doctrine with entertainment today.
d. People have lost their fear, their reverence for God.
(1) People have become so bold today.
(2) People even shake their fist at God.
(3) People play with sin and laugh at preaching against it.
e. It is no wonder people have lost the joy of the Lord.
7. A person strong in prayer will be following the pattern of the early church:
V. What is it then that defines your life today? What defines your lives will be what defines this church.
A. Are we what we need to be in prayer?
B. Or are we just a shell of what we could be?
Having looked now at what defined the church at Jerusalem in Acts 12 what can we then say?
I. As the hand of Satan was stretched out against the church through Herod there are two basic ways they could view those circumstances: There are two things that they could think and that would shape the actions they would take.
A. They could look at those circumstances as being within the will of God, something God has chosen to allow, something God has foreordained, and so there is very little or nothing that could be done about it: They could say that it is within the plan and purpose of God for the Christian to suffer in this world, to endure persecution so there is very little or even nothing to be done about it.
B. Or they could look at those circumstances and say, yes there is something we can do about it, we can pray: Acts 12:5 They could not raise up an army and defeat Rome, they could not rush the prison and set Peter free, they could not bribe the guards, there was no appealing top Herod, but they could pray. – Acts 12:5 And they prayed I believe with the knowledge that prayer touches the heart of God, that prayer moves the hand of God.
II. But can prayer move the hand of God, even change the will of God? The church at Jerusalem believed that prayer could do just that and they met and prayed for Peter’s deliverance and for victory over Satan. And there are many examples in the Bible of prayer moving the hand of God, even changing the will of God.
III. So let me ask you; is it that way with you today; does prayer define your life; does prayer define this church; it is that way with us, with you and me today? People still look at the circumstances of life in the two ways we mentioned to begin this service.
IV. How then do see the power of prayer in our lives, how can we see our prayers move the hand of God and even change the will of God: I believe the key to the power of prayer is found for us in the Bible. Even within the examples we have looked at today. What we will say of one of these men will be true of all.
(1) Be in the Word. (2) Be humble (3) Be willing to stand (4) Be committed.
V. What is it then that defines your life today? What defines your lives will be what defines this church.