Daily Devotions
December 25th, 2024 by Pastor Solley2 Cor 9:15 Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.
Merry Christmas! What is the best Christmas gift you ever received? I remember one year I asked for and received a “Johnny 007 Double Action Gun” just like the one the hero had on a TV show I was allowed to watch and I considered that the best Christmas gift I had ever received. But was it? I no longer have that gun, that perfect gift. It has long, long ago been lost, broken, or just forgotten about. But there was a Christmas gift I received on a December afternoon in 1968 that remains the best gift I have ever received. That was the day I asked in faith and believing that Jesus forgive me of my sin and save me, that was the day I was born again. I still have that gift, I still cherish that gift, and after fifty six years I still give thanks for that gift every morning when I awake. That gift is unspeakable for I cannot express this morning how thankful I am that Jesus loved me enough to come into this world, live a perfect and sinless life, die on a cross shedding His blood a sacrifice for my sin, and arose from that tomb. Jesus did it all for me and that is an unspeakable gift. Jesus also did it for you and all you need do is come to Him and receive Him as your personal savior. It is the best gift anyone could ever receive. Merry Christmas!