November 26th, 2023 by Pastor Solley111223AM Timeless Truths for Troubled Times #4
Sub. Troubled times.
Theme: Truth from the Bible for troubled times.
Text: Romans 8:28-34
“Timeless Truths for Troubled Times” #4 Romans 8:28-34
We are going to continue in Romans chapter eight this morning looking at timeless truths for troubled times. There are certain chapters in the Bible that seem to speak directly to us as believers in Christ when we experience troubled times. Chapters such as Psalm 23, John 14, Psalm 91, Jeremiah 33, John 17 and many others. Romans chapter eight is one of those chapters. From beginning to end this chapter speaks directly to the child of God. – Rom 8:1 , 39 – Every verse in between speaking directly to the child of God. Romans chapter eight gives the born again believer in Christ some timeless truths for troubled times. Troubled by the world scene and current events, troubled by our national scene and current events, troubled by circumstances in your life, Romans chapter eight has some timeless truths for troubled times.
I. Our focus thus far has been on one great promise and five Bible doctrines laid down one after the others: Rom 8:28-34 In light of these verses we should ask ourselves just how troubled should we be by the things of this world? Jesus said not troubled at all.
John 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. I then would contend that we need not be troubled in the same way the world is troubled, in the same way those who do not know the Lord are troubled. Jesus then says at the end of John chapter fourteen “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” Considering what Jesus said we should not be troubled as the world, as the lost are troubled?
A. It is part of the eternal purpose of God that all things work together for our good and His glory: Rom 8:28 This is true of every born again child of God, that God will work in our lives for our good and His glory? – Rom 8:28 – Do you believe that this morning? It is easier to believe when we consider the Bible doctrines that follow.
1. The doctrine of God’s foreknowledge: Rom 8:29 God knows beforehand all that is going to take place in our lives and God has today already made provision for what may take place tomorrow. Because God knows I can be assured that God will not only make a way for me to be delivered but will use it for my good and His glory.
2. The doctrine of predestination: Rom 8:29 Predestined not to salvation but to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ after I was saved. God will use the things that take place in my life to mold me and shape me, make me more like Christ. That is true of all of us. God through His Spirit works to make all of us more like Christ. That is only good.
3. The doctrine of election or call: Rom 8:30 ,33 Called or elected not to be saved but because one is saved called or elected to serve. You do not have to serve Jesus, it is a privilege to serve Jesus Christ. Serving the Lord is not a burden, it is an honor to serve.
4. The doctrine of justification: Rom 8:30 To be made just as if we had never sinned. But it goes well beyond that. Sin must be paid for and Jesus paid the price for your sin and mine. Your sin was paid for in full. Only when one receives the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior can they be declared just in God’s court. If you are saved this morning you have been declared by God to be just.
B. This morning we are going to look at the fifth of these doctrines set so close together in this passage: Rom 8:30 That of glorification. To be glorified means to be made glorious, to bestow honor upon, to magnify and lift up. Jesus used this word in John 17:5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.
1. We tend to think of this glorification as something yet future do we not? That there is coming a day when we will be glorified.
2. We tend to think of heaven and being in the presence of Jesus when we think of glorification:
II. But this glorification is for right now, for this present time: Rom 8:30 The four proceeding doctrines are for the present time and this one is as well.
A. The Greek word for glorified is the word “DOX-ADD-ZO” and it is given in the aorist active tense: Aorist is past tense, something that has already taken place. Active points out that the subject is carrying out things described by the word.
1. What that means is that because you are saved, because I am saved, we have already been glorified: We are not waiting to be glorified, we are already glorified. Glorification is not something that will happen one day, we have already been glorified.
2. It also means I ought to be living my life in a manner that shows I have been glorified: Right now, in this present world, I ought to be living my life in a manner that shows the world I have been glorified. Even in troubled times.
B. We are going to look this morning at this doctrine of glorification:
PROP: If you are a born again believer in Jesus Christ this morning you have already been glorified. TS. Are we living that way?
I. Does it seem at times that this thought of living as if glorified is very far away from you? Rom 8:30 The Bible says that we have been glorified in the same way that it says we have been justified. – Rom 8:30 – Same tense, same Greek case for both words. We have been glorified in the same way and at the same time we were justified. But does it seem at times that we are far removed from that Biblical truth? If we are honest all of us will say that is true and there is a reason for that.
A. It is the desire of Satan, the desire of the enemy of our soul to steal this away from us: Satan always works against the plan and purpose of God, always works against the Son of God, the Holy Spirit of God and the child of God. Whatever God’s purpose is, Satan works against it. No matter the child of God, Satan works against him or her. Satan always works against the child of God. All of the things that we have looked at Satan works against and Satan is often successful in working against the child of God.
1. Consider this part of God’s eternal purpose: Rom 8:28 Is it true that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose? That is true because God says it is true.
a. But are there times when we tend to doubt the truth of this verse? Are there times we question God? Are there times when we do not understand to the point that we doubt God?
b. At those times we are under attack from the enemy and the enemy is at times very successful in his attack upon us.
c. It is Satan that causes us to doubt the truth that is set before us. – Rom 8:28
2. Consider the foreknowledge of God: Rom 8:29 God knows everything all the time before it happens, God knows all that will touch you or me tomorrow and God is going to use it for our good and His purpose.
a. But do you ever wonder if God knows what you are going through, if God really understands, if God really knows?
b. Where does the thought come from that God doesn’t know or understand what we are going through?
c. It is Satan that causes us to doubt God and feel so all alone at times, as if no one understands what we are going through.
3. Consider what we are predestined to be: Rom 8:29 Conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, made to be Christ like. Does it matter what we do, where we go, what we act like, what we look like as a Christian? God says it does. – Rom 8:29
a. Where does it come from that it doesn’t matter what we do, where we go, what we act like, what we look like?
b. Satan has convinced many professing Christians that those things do not matter, that there is no need to change, no need to be different from the world.
c. It is Satan that robs the Christian of the joy of being changed into the image of Jesus Christ.
4. What of service, what of a calling to serve Jesus Christ: Rom 8:30 Does God want us to serve, are we called to serve? Is it a privileged to serve the Lord Jesus Christ? Is it a joy to serve the Lord Jesus Christ?
a. Who is it that puts it in our mind that it is a burden to serve the Lord? Who is that makes us think we have to serve the Lord.
b. Satan works to make it seem like a burden to serve the Lord Jesus Christ, like it is a plague on our life to serve Jesus Christ.
c. It is Satan that turns service of the Lord into a have to instead of a get to.
5. What of justification? Rom 8:30 Justified, declared just the moment we were born again. That is Bible.
a. Who is it that causes us to question our salvation?
b. Satan works to steal away the joy and security you have in Jesus Christ.
c. When we doubt salvation we doubt the very power of God.
6. Satan works against all that we have been looking at and Satan works against those things each and everyday: It is then no surprise that Satan works to keep us as believers in Jesus Christ from walk in glory each and everyday.
B. But we do stand as Christians, at this very moment, is a state of glorification: Rom 8:30 That is what the Bible says.
II. What then does our current state of glorification bring us as believers in Jesus Christ? It is a natural question. God giving by His grace a declaration of justification, a state of glorification follows. Justification and glorification are tied together. – Rom 8:30 Break down both words in the Greek language and you find both are given in the exact same tense and show the exact same action. One could not be glorified unless they were justified and justification brings glorification. What is this state of glorification?
A. This state of glorification, allowing it to be realized in the life of the believer in Christ, is a work of the Holy Spirit that begins when one is saved, when one is declared just by God because of Christ: 2 Cor 3:18 The Holy Spirit then is working within to conform us to the image of Christ and at the same time allowing that state of glory to be real in our lives. – 2 Cor 3:18 – Moving from the glory of the world, the glory of man, to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.
1. In doing so we are led by the Holy Spirit into a state of perfect peace: Rom 5:1 This perfect peace of God then begins to rule in the heart and life of the one glorified.
a. This is a peace the Bible says passes all understanding.
b. This is the peace Jesus promised. John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
c. This is a peace that allows us to know in the depths of our hearts that God is in control of all things all the time.
d. It is a peace that is part of being glorified.
2. We are led by the Holy Spirit into a place of rest: Heb 4:1-3 A place of rest for a weary soul.
a. Jesus also promised rest. Perfect rest. – Matt 11:28-29
b. Rest here is laying our burdens down at the feet of Jesus and leaving them there.
c. A place of rest is a place of glory.
3. We are led by the Holy Spirit into a place of safety: Rom 8:31 , 33 Justified is glorified.
a. A place of safety is a place of glory.
b. We realize in this place of safety that God is working all things out for our good and His glory.
c. Safety brings glory.
4. We are led by the Holy Spirit into a place of communion with Christ: Heb 4:15-16 To be brought into a place of communion with Jesus Christ is to be brought into a place of glory.
a. It is a place that no unbeliever can stand in.
b. It is also a state that the believer never needs depart from.
c. A place of communion is a place of glory.
5. We are led by the Holy Spirit into a place of nearness to God: Rom 8:15 We may have a message on adoption but it is a place of nearness.
a. Notice we cry Abba Father. – Rom 8:15 Abba is a special word that I cannot translate for you this morning but it speaks of a very special place, a place of nearness to God the Father. Abba is found only three times in the Bible.
(1) Mark 14:36 Jesus in the Garden.
(2) Rom 8:15 Our state of glorification.
(3) Gal 4:6 Our state of glorification.
b. To be close to God is a place of glory.
B. All of these things are yours and mine today as Christians: We do not wait for these things, they are ours right now as we have been glorified. – Rom 8:30 – When we don’t feel this way we need to examine ourselves, we need to take a look at what is going in our lives and understand what Satan is trying to take away from us.
1. We need to take back what Satan is trying to steal away from us: Rom 8:28-30
2. We stand today in this state of glory: Rom 8:30 Don’t allow Satan to steal away your glory.
C. What then does our current state of glorification bring us as believers in Jesus Christ? It brings peace, rest, communion, safety and a closeness to God. Those things are yours and mine right now.
III. Why is it so important that I walk in this state of glory right now, why is it important that I allow this glory to shine out in my life right now? In the life of every child of God there are times when we seem to be overrun by the world. Times when we seem to be on the losing side instead of the winning side. Times when we become discouraged and even depressed. But we should not remain in that state and we need to allow the glory of God to shine out in our lives. Why is that so important?
A. Because it is when we allow the glory of God to shine out in our lives that the lost are drawn to Christ and the redeemed are encouraged: Col 1:26-27 The lost are seldom drawn to Christ or the believer encouraged by the good things that happen to the Christian for we should be allowing the glory of God to shine out at those times.
1. When David stood over the fallen giant he should have been allowing the glory of the Lord to shine out in his life: But what of when he walked through that valley of the shadow of death? He also needed to allow the glory of God to shine out in his life at that time. Which passage means more to you this morning the 23rd Psalm or 1 Sam 17?
2. When Paul and Silas saw all those souls being saved at Philippi they should have been allowing the glory of God to shine out of their lives: But what of being beaten and cast into prison? They also needed to allow the glory of God to shine out at that time. Which part of that great chapter means more to you this morning?
3. It is when others see the believer standing in the glory of Christ even in troubled times that the lost are drawn to Christ and believers are encouraged: 2 Cor 12:9-11
ILL. I am going to read a letter this morning that has encouraged me…
3. When others see Christ in us, when they see the glory of the redeemed even in times of trouble they are drawn to Him and encouraged: Many times when I have been called to hospitals and stood beside bedsides of Christians to try and comfort and encourage them with the Bible it is I who have left encouraged when I see in them the very glory of Jesus Christ.
4. Christ in us can make all the difference: Col 1:26-27 We need to let His glory shine out.
C. It is important that we walk in this state of glory right now, it is important that we allow the glory that is within to shine out: Important for us and important for those around us. What better way to reach the lost, what better way to encourage brothers and sisters in Christ than to allow the glory that is within to shine out.
IV. How then to walk in this state of glorification, how then to walk in the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ day by day? If we have been glorified, and we have. If we are to walk in the glory of the Lord, and we are. If that walk draws others to Christ and encourages others in the Lord, and it does. Then how to walk in that state of glorification day by day?
A. When Satan seems to be winning we need to get bact to the very things that we have been looking at: Rom 8:28-30 God’s hand is always upon us and nothing that touches us is out of the knowledge of God.
1. Even the things that seem to be so hard and difficult God will use for our good and His glory: Rom 8:28 Everything, the Bible says all things work together for good. – Rom 8:28
a. We may not understand and that because we do not see the end of all things.
b. But God does see the end of all things and God does all things well.
2. God already knows what is going to happen tomorrow and God makes provision to carry us through: Rom 8:28-29 God knows.
ILL. We received some news this past Thursday that was not what we were expecting, that is somewhat distressing but I was able to take my wife’s hand and say in truth what was true yesterday is still true today…God has not changed…
3. We are being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ: Rom 8:28-29 Made more Christ like, clay in the hands of the Divine potter and there is no place better to be than in that place of being made more like Jesus Christ.
4. Called, elected to serve our Lord and master: Rom 8:28-30 Never a burden to serve Jesus.
a. You will serve no better master.
b. You will never find greater benefits.
5. Declared just by the God of heaven: Rom 8:28-30 The sin debt paid in full.
B. Why shouldn’t we then walk as if glorified, walk as what and who we are? Rom 8:28-30
I. Does it seem at times that this thought of living as if glorified is very far away from you? Rom 8:30 The Bible says that we have been glorified in the same way that it says we have been justified. – Rom 8:30 – Same tense, same Greek case for both words. We have been glorified in the same way and at the same time we were justified. But does it seem at times that we are far removed from that Biblical truth? If we are honest all of us will say that is true and there is a reason for that.
II. What then does our current state of glorification bring us as believers in Jesus Christ? It is a natural question. God giving by His grace a declaration of justification a state of glorification follows. Justification and glorification are tied together. – Rom 8:30 – Break down both words in the Greek language and you find both are given in the exact same tense and show the exact same action. One could not be glorified unless they were justified and justification brings glorification. What is that state of glorification?
III. Why is it so important that I walk in this state of glory right now, why is it important that I allow this glory to shine out in my life right now? In the life of every child of God there are times when we seem to be overrun by the world. Times when we seem to be on the losing side instead of the winning side. Times when we become discouraged and even depressed. But we should not remain in that state and we need to allow the glory of God to shine out in our lives. Why is that so important?
IV. How then to walk in this state of glorification, how then to walk in the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ day by day? If we have been glorified, and we have. If we are to walk in the glory of the Lord, and we are. If that walk draws others to Christ and encourages others in the Lord, and it does. Then how to walk in that state of glorification day by day.