
October 9th, 2023 by Pastor Solley

100823AM Five Plus Two Equals Twelve
Sub. Miracle of the feeding of the five thousand.
Theme: Jesus meeting all needs.
Text: John 6:1-14
“Five Plus Two Equals Twelve” John 6:1-14
The title of the message this morning is “Five Plus Two Equals Twelve”. I have tried over the years to stay away from fanciful titles that have little to do with the text or the message and this title does fit the message this morning. While the math does not seem right we are going to see that with Jesus all things fit exactly as Jesus wants them to fit together.

I. In John chapter six we have the account of the feeding of the five thousand: John 6:1-14 This miracle is recorded in all four of the gospel accounts and there are a few things to note before we begin to look at this miracle as recorded here in the gospel of John.

A. The time frame in which this takes place: In John chapter one we find the preaching and teaching ministry of John the Baptist and people begin to look for the Messiah that John spake of, the Messiah that was now come into the world, the one they waited for.

1. Jesus then begins to preform the miracles that confirmed He was and is the Messiah: The first one in John 2 at the wedding in Cana and those miracles were to prove who Jesus Christ is. – John 2:11
2. Jesus then began to move throughout the regions and more and more miracles taking place: The nobleman’s son healed in John 4, the man healed at the pool of Bethesda in John 5 and those miracles recorded in Matthew, Mark, and Luke leading up to John 6.
a. In Matthew. Demons are cast out, lepers are made clean, a troubled sea is calmed, the centurion’s servant healed, the blind are given their sight, the deaf can hear, the man with the weathered hand finds it made whole. Other miracles in Matthew as well.
b. In Mark. Demons are cast out, the lame are made to walk, lepers are made clean, the man carried up to the roof top and left down into the midst of the crowd is healed, multitudes the Bible says were healed.
c. In Luke. The drought of fishes when they had caught nothing, lepers are made clean, a widows son raised from the dead, Jarius’ daughter is raised from the dead.
3. The time frame of when the feeding of the five thousand takes place has bearing on the miracle:

B. The disciples had just been chosen: Out of the multitudes Jesus had chosen twelve and not long before John six take place.

1. Those men had made a commitment to Jesus Christ: But they are still young in the Lord.
2. That has bearing on this miracle of the feeding of the five thousand as well:

C. This takes place at Passover: John 6:4 That also has a bearing on this miracle. Passover a time of deliverance and salvation.

II. We are going to look this morning at the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand and what it holds for us today: In doing so perhaps we can see how five plus two equals twelve.

PROP: There may be someone here today who is searching for the same thing that multitude was searching for as they followed Jesus up into that mountain. TS. Perhaps you will find what the disciples found out that day, five plus two does equal twelve.
I. There was a multitude of people following after Jesus: John 6:5 But for the most part they followed for the wrong reasons and that was going to lead them to a desolate and desperate place. Notice what the Bible says. – John 6:1-3 The Bible says they were following after Jesus because of the miracles. John 6:2 – The miracles were a necessary part of the earthly ministry of Jesus leading up to the cross because they confirmed who Jesus Christ is. Remember what Nicodemus said to Jesus as he came by night? “Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.” When John the Baptist needed assurance what message was sent to him? Matt 11:5 The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. The miracles were a necessary part of the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.

A. But many came seeking a miracle alone and had no interest in their spiritual need: We know that is true because the same multitudes of people who sought a miracle cried out crucify Him and condemned Jesus to the cross. Most came seeking a physical miracle and had no interest in their spiritual need.

1. We see that in Herod: Luke 23:6-8 Herod wanted to see a miracle but had no interest in taking care of his spiritual need. Herod is in hell today and he had the giver of eternal life standing right in front of him.
2. It is mockery to Jesus when people come seeking for the wrong things: The multitude was seeking but not for the right things.

B. This led that multitude to a desolate and desperate place: John 6:2-3 The Bible says here up into a mountain but in Matthew, Mark and Luke we find that mountain was in a desert place. They followed Jesus for the wrong reasons and now were in a desolate and desperate place.

1. Desolate because there were in a dessert and on a mountain top: A map of the regions that Jesus moved through shows many such places. In fact Jesus is often found on a mountain.
a. On this mountain there would be no suitable place for 5,000 men to stay the night and we find from the account in Matthew that it was now evening. Where would the people sleep?
b. No place to be found in that desolate desert place.
2. Desperate now because they had no food: It was not just men here as we read in Matthew but women and children as well.
a. The little ones not only needed a place to sleep they needed something to eat.
b. No lodging, no food.
3. They followed Jesus but for the wrong reasons and now found themselves in a desolate and desperate place:

C. They are like many filling church houses and church pews today but for the wrong reasons: I pray we are all here for the right reasons this morning, to meet with God, to worship God, to allow the Holy Spirit to work in our hearts and to move us closer to Christ. I pray we are all here for the right reasons but people fill churches houses and church pews for the wrong reasons as well.

1. Some come to church to ease their conscious, some because they feel obligated to family, some to make a good impression, some because they feel God will then be obligated to do what they want, some come to church because they feel it will keep them from any harm or heartache in this world: Churches are filled with people attending for the wrong reasons.
2. Just like the multitude they find themselves in a desolate place and in a desperate situation: Even though Jesus is right in front of them they never find Him because they have come for the wrong reasons.
3. Why are we hear today? For the right reasons or for the wrong reasons?

D. There was a multitude of people following after Jesus, but for the wrong reasons and that was going to lead them to a desolate and desperate place:

II. The disciples were there with Jesus: John 6:3 These were men of faith, they were following Jesus for the right reasons. But remember the time frame here. – Luke 6:12-17 ; 9:1-2 Then the feeding of the 5,000 – Luke 9:10-17 These were men of faith, men who surrendered their lives in service of the Lord Jesus Christ. These men were with Jesus for all the right reasons.

A. But these are also men young in their faith: They were still growing in the Lord and are not yet what they would become. They were still not sure of the power and authority of Christ over all and every circumstance and situation of life.

1. So when presented with this problem they did not know what to do: John 6:5-9 Jesus never asks a question to get an answer. Jesus is God and Jesus knows all things. Jesus did not ask that question to get an answer but to prove a point to His disciples.
a. The answer of Philip is one of not knowing what to do. – John 6:7
b. The answer from Andrew is that they can’t do anything. – John 6:8-9
2. These men of faith still doubted the power of Jesus: That is strange considering what they had already witnessed. Read all four gospel accounts leading up to this miracle and you find they had good reason to believe Jesus would take care of things.
a. They had already witnessed lepers being completely healed of that deadly disease.
b. They had already witnessed ones raised from the dead.
c. They had watched as Jesus calmed the stormy sea.
d. They witnessed the blind able to see, the lame walk, the deaf hear.
e. These men were witness to miracle after miracle and they knew what Jesus was able to do.
3. But when confronted with this problem they doubted: John 6:5-9 They didn’t know what to do.

B. How many times when circumstances and situations arise in our lives do we doubt what Jesus can do? I wonder how many are the times when trials come, when troubles arise, do we doubt what Jesus is able to do? It may be that not everyone in this room this morning is born again, but the vast majority of us are saved, are born again.

1. How many are the miracles we have seen in our lives? There are many and so many we could not count them.
2. How many are time times when we have felt the moving hand of God in our lives? Many more than we could count.
3. How many great things, how many provisions, how many times protected, how many things have we witnessed in our lives? If you say few or none then you need to wake up and look to Jesus this morning.
4. But how many times are we like Philip and Andrew: We just don’t know what to do or we conclude nothing can be done.
5. Many times we are like David in the Psalm that is being featured in our devotional: Ps 13:1-4 Nothing to do, no help, no hope.
6. All Philip and Andrew had to do was give the problem to Jesus:
7. How many things are you trying to carry on your own today when all you have to do is give them to Jesus:

C. The disciples were there with Jesus: But they lacked the faith to give the problem to Jesus.


III. There was a lad there who would give all to Jesus: John 6:8-9 There were perhaps many who began that day with food to eat. But the morning had passed, the afternoon had passed, the day had worn away as it tells us in Luke and the people needed food. In Mark the Bible tells us the day was far spent and in Matthew the Bible tells us it was evening. It had been a long, long, long day.

A. Have you ever wondered how they knew this lad had food? Jesus does tell them to go and see what food is there in Make 6:38 but it would not have been hard to overlook this lad or for him to have keep those five loaves and two small fishes hidden.

1. Most Bible scholaris believe the crowd to number between 15,000 and 20,000 people: It was just the adult men that were numbered and counting women and children that would be a conservative number.
a. In a crowd of 15,000 – 20,000 people why did this lad stand out?
b. If they had been searching for him it would have been almost impossible to find him and his five loaves and two small fishes.
2. I believe he came forward and offered this little amount to Andrew: Hearing that Jesus wanted to feed the people, understanding they had no food, I believe he came forward and offered it to Jesus through Andrew. How else did they know the lad had food?
3. And Andrew didn’t want to take it: John 6:9 But Jesus did and Jesus would do much with those five loaves and two small fishes.

B. Don’t be surprised if when you want to give your all to Jesus as that lad did that others try and discourage you: And don’t be surprised when that discouragement comes from some you thought were so spiritual or those who are closest to you.

1. Wouldn’t Andrew stand out as one of the more spiritual of the disciples at that time? Andrew was the fist of the twelve to follow Jesus, Andrew brought Peter to Jesus, wouldn’t Andrew seem to one of the more spiritual at that time? But when that lad wanted to give his all to Jesus Andrew didn’t want to take it. – John 6:9
2. Some of the loudest words of discouragement in my life have come from those I perceived to be spiritual: When the pastor I followed into this pulpit was leaving he stated it would be a terrible life if I surrendered to the ministry. He was very, very wrong.
3. Don’t be surprised if when you want to give your all to Jesus as there are many who would try and discourage you: And don’t be surprised if they are ones who you thought were so spiritual or those closest to you.

C. And don’t ever think that your are so young or that what you have to offer is so small that Jesus can’t use it: Jesus wanted what this young boy had to offer and Jesus wanted to use it and him. You are never so young or have so little that Jesus doesn’t want to use both.

1. Jesus didn’t need this boy or his food to feed that multitude: But Jesus wanted to use both.
2. What a blessing to see younger people wanting to be used and to offer themselves to the Lord: The older generation is passing from the scene and we need to see the younger people stepping up.
3. And what a blessing to see those who can’t do much do what they can: It may very well be that you can’t do much but all of us can do something.

ILL. My grandson asked me the other day if one had to go to college to be a pastor and my heart leaped…I was doing object lessons on Sunday evenings in church before I was a teenager and would love to see him doing them as well in his church…

4. Always remember that little is much when God is in it and give to Christ your all:

D. There was a lad there who would give all to Jesus: John 6:8-9

IV. Then they all find that five plus two equals twelve: John 6:10-13 Are the numbers important? I believe they are. Numbers in Scripture is an interesting study but one must be careful not to read into things God did not intend to be seen. Still numbers are important and the three that are named in this miracle carry some well known meanings.

A. There were five loaves: John 6:9 The number five is connected with the tabernacle in that almost everything in the tabernacle that is measured is found to be a multiplication of five, or an addition of five. Five is connected with the tabernacle and that makes it connected to two things that seem to be opposed but in reality go together.

1. Five is the number of death: When one thinks of the tabernacle they think of sacrifice and when you think of the sacrifices that were brought you must think of the shedding of blood and the death of the sacrifice.
a. The Bible tells us “Without the shedding blood is no remission”. In order for sins to be forgiven there must be the shedding of blood and for blood to be shed the sacrifice must did.
b. Five is the number of death.
2. But five is also the number of grace: The tabernacle not only spoke of death, it spoke of grace. Each time a sacrifice was brought and blood was shed, each time sins were forgiven, the grace of God was on display.
a. The Bible tells us “For by grace are ye saved through faith”.
b. Five is the number of grace.

3. Grace and death meet in the person of Jesus Christ: Grace and death may be opposed but they meet together in Jesus Christ.
Heb 9:27-28 Because it is appointed unto man once to die Jesus became sin for us, shed His blood for us, and by His blood the very grace of God is extended to each one of us this morning. Rom 5:8-9 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
4. Five is the number of both death and grace and those two things come together in Jesus Christ: And salvation is offered to those who could never deserve it because Jesus loves us so very much.
5. Five is the number of death and grace and they meet in Jesus Christ:

B. There were two fishes: John 6:9 Two is the number of division. Two is the first number that can be divided and is the first number by which we can divide another. Two is the number of division.

1. Each one of us today have been or still are divided from God, separated from God because of sin: It is the sin nature that we are born with that divides us from God. – Rom 5:12
2. It is this very same sin nature that brings death into all of our lives: Why is it appointed unto man once to die? Because of sin.
3. There is nothing that any of us can do about this, we will all die one day: And the wages of our sin is death and that means much more than a physical death.
a. One who dies separated from God because of sin spends eternity in hell.
b. Many people will die today and the vast majority of them will find themselves in the fires of hell.
4. Two is the number of division, the number of separation:

C. But then after all were fed they gathered up twelve baskets of food that was left over: John 6:12-13 Twelve is the number of completeness, something completed. In eternity there are twelve foundations to the New Jerusalem, twelve gates, twelve pearls and so on. The New Jerusalem where we will spend eternity is twelve thousand furlongs square. Twelve is the number of completeness.

1. Salvation is complete in Jesus Christ: Nothing needs to be or can be added to the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe, our salvation is complete in Jesus Christ.
2. You will experience the number five in your life: You will die one day.
3. You may very well experience the number two when your life ends:
4. We all have grace extended to us:
5. Have you come to Jesus Christ in repentance, asking Him and Him alone to forgive and save you?
6. Have you experienced the number twelve in your life today?

D. Have you found that five plus two does equal twelve:


I. There was a multitude of people following after Jesus: John 6:5

II. The disciples were there with Jesus: John 6:3

III. There was a lad there who would give all to Jesus: John 6:8-9

IV. Then they all find that five plus two equals twelve: John 6:10-13

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