
January 19th, 2023 by Pastor Solley

103022AM Footsteps of Jesus #5
Sub. Jesus
Theme: Following the example of Jesus.
Text: 1 Pet 2:20-21
“Footsteps of Jesus” #5 1 Pet 2:20-21

We continue this morning looking at the footsteps of Jesus and the example we are to follow. – 1 Peter 2:21 – To follow in the footsteps of Jesus is not a suggestion to the believer in Christ, it is a command. Because the word should is in this verse does not mean this is an option for the born again believer. Jesus would have us follow His example, walk in His steps. Consider these verses of Scripture. John 13:15-17 For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. 16 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him. 17 If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them. ; Eph 5:1-2 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; 2 And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour. ; Col 2:6 As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him:1 Thess 2:12 That ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory. The word should in our text does not make this an option, it is a command. – 1 Peter 2:21 – We have looked so far at several of the footsteps of Jesus. Those footsteps lead from the manger to the cross, to the empty tomb and beyond. Footsteps we are to follow.

I. This morning I want to look at footsteps of suffering: 1 Peter 2:20-21 If there was ever one who was born into this world who didn’t deserve to suffer it was Jesus. Jesus never did anything wrong, never wronged any person, always acted in love, had no guile in His mouth, never sinned against man or God, always was a help to people, always served others. If there was every anyone born into this world who didn’t deserve to suffer it was Jesus.

A. But the Bible tells us that Jesus was made a little lower than the angels so that He could suffer in this world: Heb 2:9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. Jesus was delivered, is crowned with glory and honor, stands now at the right hand of the Father in heaven. Those footsteps of Jesus have taken Him to His Father’s house in heaven.

1. But Jesus first suffered: 1 Peter 2:21 Jesus, who should have been above suffering suffered much.
2. The footsteps of Jesus lead into suffering:

B. I don’t know anyone, saved or lost, who likes to suffer: I certainly don’t. I would rather have perfect health, no pain, no worries, no heartaches, no conflicts of any kind. I don’t like to suffer. I don’t know anyone, saved or lost who likes to suffer.

1. And most people, saved or lost don’t think they deserve to suffer: When we are going through something, great or small, and we ask the question “Why” what we are saying is that we don’t deserve what is happening. At the root of the question of why is the truth that we don’t think we deserve to suffer.
a. Why is God allowing this to happen to me? We don’t think we deserve to suffer.
b. Why didn’t God protect me from this? We don’t think we deserve to suffer.
2. People don’t like to suffer and most of us don’t think we deserve to suffer:

II. But the footsteps of Jesus will lead us to a path of suffering: 1 Peter 2:20-21 How then do we get through those times? We have been given footsteps to follow. – 1 Peter 2:20-21

PROP: Let us consider footsteps of suffering this morning. TS. So that we may find help in our times of need today.

I. The sufferings footsteps of Jesus: We will read verses in the Bible, believe them, but at times do not give them much thought. These verses in Hebrews point to the sufferings of Jesus. – Heb 2:9 ; Heb 4:15 We find that Jesus was made a little lower than the angels so He could suffer in this world and the that he suffered or was tempted in all points as we are. – Heb 4:15 – The Greek word translated tempted in this verse is from the same Greek root word translated suffered in 1 Pet 2:21.

A. But did Jesus really suffer, was Jesus really tempted in all points as we are today? Heb 4:15 That is what the Bible says. But does Jesus really understand what we go through today, is this a reality in our lives today, that Jesus suffered as we do? This is lengthily so we will not be turning to all the Scriptures.

1. Jesus was born into and lived in poverty His entire life: Things are getting hard in America today with rising prices and the like and they will get worse. Jesus was born into and lived in poverty His entire life.
a. Mary and Joseph brought the sacrifice of the poor when Jesus was presented in the temple in Luke 2:24
b. Jesus said He had no home of His own in Matt 8:20
c. Jesus knows what it is to be in want.
2. Jesus knew the heartache of loss: Do you think Jesus loved Joseph, the one who provided for Him, protected Him, brought Him to worship? Do you think Jesus loved Joseph? Joseph died young. Jesus knew the heartache of loss.
3. Jesus knew responsibility and hard work at a young age: As the firstborn in the family Jesus became responsible for providing for and leading the family after Joseph died and Joseph died at a young age. When the people asked in Matt 13:55 Is not this the carpenter’s son? Jesus was already a working carpenter providing for a family, working hard.
4. Jesus knew family troubles: His half brothers and sisters did not believe upon Him until after His burial and resurrection. They didn’t want Him around is the indication of Scripture.
5. Jesus knew what it was to be attacked by Satan: We see Him tempted after His baptism.
6. Jesus knew what it was to be attacked by religion: The Scribes and Pharisees were constantly attacking Him.
7. Jesus knew what it was to be so tired it seemed He could not go on: He had no time to rest and could not get the cross to Calvary without help.
8. Jesus knew what it was to be betrayed by a friend: Judas betrayed Him with a kiss.
9. Jesus knew what it was to be left to bear a burden alone after He Had asked for help: He asked the inner circle of disciples to pray with Him, to watch with Him and they all fell asleep.
10. Jesus knew what it was to face an enemy and those close to Him run away in the face of danger: They all fled from the garden.
11. Jesus knew what it was to be lied about: The Pharisees lied to the Jewish council.
12. Jesus knew what it was to be talked about when He was not there to defend Himself: The council and Judas took care of that.
13. Jesus was very familiar with pain: Beaten and bruised and the bruising does not mean a black and blue mark.
14. Jesus knew what it was to be left all alone: Forsaken by the Father while on the cross.
15. Jesus knew what it was to worry: His concern for Mary while on the cross.
16. Jesus really was tempted in all points as we are: Heb 4:15

B, The sufferings footsteps of Jesus: We need to take in what we read in the Bible. – Heb 4:15 – Footsteps of suffering.

II. The footsteps of suffering are also footsteps of anguish for Jesus: Even as we acknowledge the footsteps of suffering in Jesus it is at times easy to pass over the anguish of Jesus. Jesus Christ is God and we focus on that as we should. But Jesus is also a man and as such had the same emotions as we do. In Hebrews 5:7 we find that Jesus experienced fear. In John 4:6 we find that Jesus was tired and worn out. In Matthew 4:2 we find that Jesus was hungry. Jesus had the same needs and emotions that we have. He remains the man Christ Jesus as well as God.

A. We can see in the Bible the anguish of Jesus as He suffered the trials of His life in this world: Just as few of these instances.

1. We find Jesus weeping at the tomb of Lazarus: John 11:35
2. We find Jesus troubled within at the tomb of Lazarus: John 11:38 That groaning is a deep emotion of anger. Anger at the results of sin, anger at the pain and misery that death brings.
3. The Bible speaks of the travail of His soul in Isa 53:11: A weariness of soul, such emotional pain that it took Jesus to the very brink of death.
4. We see that anguish in the garden when apart and alone: Luke 22:43-44

B. Try not to separate the sufferings of Jesus from the anguish of Jesus: Every emotion, every fear, every doubt, every heartache, every anger we have ever experienced in trials and troubles Jesus has experienced them as well. Never for a moment, no matter what we are going through, think that Jesus Christ does not know exactly what you are feeling because He has felt that emotion as well.

1. How His heart must have been broken when Judas kissed Him in the garden: Jesus called Judas friend and Judas kissed Jesus. How the heart of Jesus must have been braking as one He did so much for betrayed Him with lies and a kiss.
2. How alone Jesus must have felt as He asked the disciples to watch and pray with Him for just one hour and they did not: After all Jesus had done for them couldn’t they just help Him for that one hour?
3. Try not to separate the sufferings of Jesus from the anguish of Jesus: Jesus does know how we feel.

C. The footsteps of suffering are also footsteps of anguish for Jesus:

III. The footsteps of suffering are footsteps we will follow: 1 Peter 2:20-21 These footsteps of suffering are footsteps we will not escape in this world. – 1 Peter 1:1-7 – These are footsteps we will not escape in this world. – 1 Peter 4:12-13

A. We should not think it strange when we go through times of suffering in this world: 1 Peter 4:12 I don’t know anyone who wants to go through trials, through times of suffering. But I also don’t know anyone who has not gone through those times.

1. I was able to spend some time with an individual this past week, 98 years old: Their mind is still very sharp and the first thing I asked about was salvation, were they born again, where will you spend eternity? They told me of getting saved at revival meetings. Of going forward at an outdoor service in 1938, of kneeling on pine needles, of feeling of the burden of sin being lifted off.
a. They then began to recall events of the past, things that happened after they were saved. Of times of trials.
b. They told me of the loss of loved ones, of being falsely accused and being punished for it, of family troubles many years past, of many different things. And then they asked sincerely, not bitterly, why God would allow those things.
2. These are the very Scriptures I took them to, the very message I was working on: 1 Peter 2:20-21 ; 1 Peter 4:12
3. We should not think it strange when we go through times of suffering in this world: 1 Peter 4:12

B. We can answer the question of why do the Godly suffer, why do bad things happen to the Christian? Because we are following in the footsteps of Jesus and these are footsteps we will not escape in this world. But keep these things in mind.

1. The sufferings of this life can be used for the glory of God: John 9:1-3 An old Pastor friend of mine, long with the Lord Jesus Christ in heaven now, used to tell me “You can’t have a testimony for Jesus without having a test.”
a. This man born blind had a testimony for Jesus but he first had a test. – John 9:24-25
b. The man at the pool of Bethesda had a testimony for Jesus but he first had a test.
c. Legion had a testimony for Jesus but he first had a test.
d. You can’t have a testimony for Jesus without having a test.
e. The sufferings of this life can be used for the glory of God.
2. God never permits times of sufferings in our lives to destroy us, only to make us stronger in Him: Job 23:10-11 It was not the intention of God to destroy Job when Satan was permitted to put Job through those strong trials. Job was made stronger in the Lord as he came out of those trials. – Job 23:10-11
3. Through our sufferings we can be a help to others going through the same things: Gal 6:1-2 The only way we can tell someone we know how they feel is if we have been in their shoes.
4. We can answer the question of why do the Godly suffer, why do bad things happen to the Christian?

C. The footsteps of suffering are footsteps we will follow: 1 Peter 2:20-21

IV. The footsteps of suffering also present to us a path to victory: Jesus suffered, Jesus had anguish of soul, but Jesus also has victory. Jesus was not defeated, Jesus has victory. We can have that same victory today as we follow in His steps. I would leave you with just three steps of Jesus we need to follow as we follow His steps this morning. We will have trials and we can have victory.

A. We need to be given to the Word of God: This book needs to become precious to us. We need to spend time in the Word of God.

1. As Jesus stood before Satan He answered those temptations each time with the Word of God: You need the Bible to be a huge part of your life. This book needs to become a most precious book to you.
2. And you do have time to read your Bible: The one who claims they do not have time to read their Bible is lying.
3. You need to meditate upon what you read: To stop and take the Word of God within, to think about what you read. If that is just one verse a day take it in, think about it.
4. You need your Bible to be a huge part of your life: Study your Bible. – 2 Tim 2:15

B. We need to be given to prayer and deep times of prayer: Jesus was a man of prayer.

1. Jesus arose a great while before day to pray: Mark 1:35
2. Jesus got apart and alone with the Father in prayer: Mark 6:46
3. Jesus spent all night in Prayer: Luke 6:12
4. We need to be given to prayer: To pray without ceasing is to be always in the spirit of prayer, always asking the Father about everything in every situation.
a. But is it your habit to rise early so you can pray to begin your day?
b. Do you get apart and alone with the Father in prayer.
c. how long since you spent a night in prayer.
5. We need to be given to prayer and deep times of prayer:

C. Then we will find the strength to get through our times of trials because one will be there to help and strengthen us: Now thins one in always ours, the Holy Spirit is always ours. Just as the angels were sent to Jesus to strengthen Him so will the Holy Spirit be known and felt in our lives as He strengthens us. But only as we first are given to our Savior, to His Word and to prayer.

1. Jesus promised a comforter: John 14:16-18 But the Holy Spirit is able to work in us only to the degree we are given to Him. Notice what Jesus said. – John 14:12-18
2. The Holy Spirit is there to strengthen us in prayer but only as we are given to Him: Rom 8:26-27
3. The Holy Spirit will bring to light the glory of God through our times of sufferings as we are given to Him: Rom 8:28-31

D. The footsteps of suffering also present to us a path to victory:


We have looked at some footsteps of Jesus this morning that I would rather just not follow. But we don’t have a choice in the matter for we will have times of suffering and trial in this world. But we can learn much from the footsteps of Jesus.

I. The sufferings footsteps of Jesus: We will read verses in the Bible, believe them, but at times do not give them much thought. These verses in Hebrews point to the sufferings of Jesus. – Heb 2:9 ; Heb 4:15 We find that Jesus was made a little lower than the angels so He could suffer in this world and the that he suffered or was tempted in all points as we are. – Heb 4:15 – The Greek word translated tempted in this verse is from the same Greek root word translated suffered in 1 Pet 2:21.

II. The footsteps of suffering are also footsteps of anguish for Jesus: Even as we acknowledge the footsteps of suffering in Jesus it is at times easy to pass over the anguish of Jesus. Jesus Christ is God and we focus on that as we should. But Jesus is also a man and as such had the same emotions as we do. In Hebrews 5:7 we find that Jesus experienced fear. In John 4:6 we find that Jesus was tired and worn out. In Matthew 4:2 we find that Jesus was hungry. Jesus had the same needs and emotions that we have. He remains the man Christ Jesus as well as God.

III. The footsteps of suffering are footsteps we will follow: 1 Peter 2:20-21 These footsteps of suffering are footsteps we will not escape in this world. – 1 Peter 1:1-7 – These are footsteps we will not escape in this world. – 1 Peter 4:12-13

IV. The footsteps of suffering also present to us a path to victory: Jesus suffered, Jesus had anguish of soul, but Jesus also has victory. Jesus was not defeated, Jesus has victory. We can have that same victory today as we follow in His steps. I would leave you with just three steps of Jesus we need to follow as we follow His steps this morning. We will have trials and we can have victory.

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