
March 14th, 2022 by Pastor Solley

031322AM The Barren Fig Tree
Sub. The barren fig tree.
Theme: Ready to give account to Jesus.
Text: Matt 21:19-21 ; Mk 11:12-13
“The Barren Fig Three” Matt 21:19-21 ; Mk 11:12-13

I want to speak to you this morning about the barren fig tree. Fig trees were and are very important in Israel and in the Bible record go all the way back to the Garden of Eden as Adam and Eve made coverings for themselves using fig leaves. Figs were a source of food and they could be eaten off the tree, or dried, could be used in cooking and so on. The fig tree usually produced two crops per year, one in summer and one in the fall. We find the fig tree we are going to look at this morning in two places in the Bible, in Matthew 21 and in Mark 11. They are both the same account but in one we are given more detail than in the other. – Matt 21:19-21

I. This account takes place in one of the most important weeks of human history: It is what is called by man “Passion week”. The week between the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and His official presentation as the Messiah and His resurrection. Sunday through Sunday. The Bible does not call that passion week but man does.

A. Two of the three greatest events in history do occur during that week: All three are centered on Jesus Christ.

1. The first event would be Jesus coming into this world, born of a virgin, to bring salvation to man:
2. The second even would be the cross where Jesus would shed His blood a sacrifice for sin and open that way of salvation:
3. The third would be His resurrection from the grave which secured that salvation for all who would repent and turn to Him:
4. Those are the three greatest events in all of history and two of them occur during what man calls passion week:

B. There are many noteworthy things that take place between Matthew 21 and Matthew 28: Among them are…

1. The cleansing of the temple:
2. The giving of parables including the marriage feast:
3. The Olivet Discourse laying out the end times:
4. The institution of the Lord’s Table:
5. And of course the cross and resurrection:

C. Among those events we have the cursing of this fig tree: Matt 21:19-21 If only because of when this takes place it is important.

1. Here we find Jesus on Monday morning returning to Jerusalem from Bethany: Matt 21:18
2. Jesus is hungry and seeing the fig tree with leaves He goes to get some fruit: Matt 21:18-19 On those type of fig trees the figs grow inside the leaves. So one would take the leave and peal it open to get the fruit inside. As the fig grew and became heavy the leaf would fall of the tree and the fig could be removed. (Like chestnuts around here.)
3. But as Jesus peals back the leaves there are no figs: Matt 21:19
4. So the fig tree is cursed and withers away: Matt 21:19-20

II. I want to look at this fig tree this morning and the lessons it holds for us today as well as some lessons it held for the nation of Israel at that time: Jesus was very disappointed when He found no ripe figs. Why and what lessons are there for us today?

PROP: Every child of God needs to be aware of the lessons of the barren fig tree. TS. So that Jesus will not be disappointed in us.


I. Some of the differences between the account found in Mark when compared to the account in Matthew: Matt 21:19-21 ;
Mark 11:12-14 They will seem to be minor but they are very important. Before we look at them it needs to be noted that there is no contradiction in Scripture, no mistakes in the Bible. One account with some more detail because that is what the Holy Spirit directed Mark to write. There is no contradiction, no mistakes in the Bible.

A. Here in Mark we find that the time for ripe figs was not yet as the Bible says: Mark 11:13 In other words there should have been no ripe figs found on that tree at that time.

1. Those type of fig trees often yielded ripe figs two times a year: One in the fall as would be expected and one in early June because of some of the grains of figs left at the base of leaves as they were harvested in the fall.
2. Jesus came upon this tree in early April, at Passover time: Passover was always in April, always in early April, so when Jesus came upon this tree the time for figs was not yet. – Mark 11:13
3. This information is not given to us in Matthew: The time of the figs was not yet.

B. Also, it was not until the next day that the fig tree was discovered to have withered away: Mark 11:14-21 Reading in Matthew one might think this occurred at once when Jesus cursed the fig tree. – Matt 21:19 – That the tree withered immediately.

1. But it was not until the next day that they saw the tree withered away: Mark 11:20-21 There is a time element here.
2. That tells me the tree was given time to produce the figs: I know it is a tree, I know it is alive and I also know it has no decision making powers, no will of its own, I know the life of a plant is different than ours. I know this sounds impossible.
3. But remember what the same men that witnessed this said about Jesus when in a storm: “But the men marcelled, saing, What manner of man in this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!” Jesus could make trees obey Him as well.

C. Those differences shape the lessons the barren fig tree had for Israel as well as it has for us today:

II. Jesus looked for figs of fruit on a tree that seemed to be alive and should have been bearing fruit: Mark 11:12-13 Jesus was hungry, on His way back to the city of Jerusalem, so Jesus looked for food, looked for fruit, where it should have been found. Remember that tree had leaves and the figs grew inside of the leaves. Now some spiritual applications.

A. Israel was a nation that claimed to be alive unto God, alive unto Jehovah, claimed to be God’s children: John 8:33-39 When they claimed to be Abraham’s seed in verse 33 and verse 39 they were claiming to be God’s children, God’s people. This is a claim that they made over and over again, that they were God’s children, alive unto Jehovah God.

1. They had the leaves that pointed to them being alive: John 8:33 , 39
2. Because they made the claim Jesus expected something out of them: He came looking for figs on that tree, looking for fruit.
3. But they had no fruit, no figs, nothing to give to Jesus: Even though they had all the outward appearances of being alive unto God that was all there was.
a. They were keeping the Law they claimed. But there was no fruit.
b. They went through the motions of the sacrifices. But there was no fruit.
4. They were not what they claimed to be:

B. Just like the many who claim to know Jesus today, who claim to know the Lord, who claim to OK with God as they say, who claim to be men and women of faith: And they will put on the trappings, appear to be alive, appear to have leaves.

1. Some like those Jesus spoke of in Matthew 7: Matt 7:19-23 Appearing as if they know the Lord, as if they are a child of God, but never having a real relationship with Christ by the new birth. They look like a Christian, but are they?
a. They go to church.
b. They have all the language of salvation.
c. But what are they under the leaves?
2. Many are what Jesus said they are: Matt 7:13-20 And when Jesus looks for fruit, good fruit, He finds nothing by empty leaves.
3. In the parable of the ten virgins all appeared to be saved, but all were not: Matt 25:1-8 This is not a parable about losing salvation, it is a parable about never having been truly born again.
4. When Jesus sees leaves He expects to find fruit:

C. What is under your leaves today?

III. Jesus came looking for figs or fruit at an unexpected time: Mark 11:13 If this fig tree could think, if it had free will, it would have known there were certain times figs should have been found under its leaves. It would have known that in June and in the fall figs should have been found under its leaves. So if it could think, if it could decide, it would have the figs ready at those times. I know it could not think like that, but if it could figs would be ready when the tree thought they should be ready.

A. Israel should have been ready for the Messiah, for Jesus, to find figs under the leaves: Mark 11:13 They claimed to be children of God. They had a practice of following the Law of Moses. They had the Old Testament Scripture. They should have been ready. Consider what they knew from the record of Scripture they claimed to keep.

1. They knew Messiah was coming: Isaiah 9.
2. They knew He would be born of a virgin: Isaiah 7
3. They knew of the tribe He would come from: Gen 49
4. They knew the town He would be born in: Micah 2
5. They knew the time He would come into the world: Daniel 9
6. They knew He would have a humble nature: Isaiah 42
7. They even knew of the cross: Isaiah 53
8. They should have been ready to provide figs or fruit: Even if they did not know the exact moment they should have been ready.

B. What about the born again believer in Christ today? Should we be ready to gi\ve an account to Jesus, ready with fruit for Him. Consider what we know today.

1. We know He is coming again: John 14:1-3
2. We know we will meet Him in the air: 1 Thess 4:13-17
3. We know that world conditions will get worse and worse just before Him Second Coming: Matt 24:37-39
4. We know that there will be a turning away from truth: 2 Thess 2:1-3
5. We know the world will be made ready to believe and follow the man of sin: 2 Thess 2:3-4
6. We know we are drawing ever nearer to His Second Coming: Are we ready for Him to look under our leaves?

C. Even if not taken up at the repture we all know we will die one day and none of know when that day will be: Heb 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Our judgment as believers in Jesus Christ will be for works, will be according to fruit in our lives, according to the figs Jesus finds under our leaves. – 2 Cor 5:7-10

1. I know that none of us here today believe we will die today: But what if we did? Will Jesus find figs under our leaves?
2. I know none of really believe the rapture will be today, but what if it is? Will Jesus find figs under our leaves?
3. Are you ready today for Jesus to look under your leaves? 1 John 2:28
a. Are you confident today that you are ready to meet Jesus? – 1 John 2:28
b. Or would you be ashamed because you have no figs under your leaves? – 1 John 2:28

D. It may be at an unexpected time Jesus comes, will you be ready, are you ready today?

IV. Jesus gave the fig tree time: Mark 11:13-14 ; Mark 11:19-21 It may not have been much time, but Jesus gave that tree time.

A. Israel was given time: And one can look at this from the view Israel was given a long time. Two thousand years of Old Testament history, the voice of the prophets, the record of Scripture, one could say Israel was given a long time.

1. Or one could contend they were given a short time: Matt 3:1-2 From this time to the cross about three years. A short time.
2. Or even a shorter time: Matt 21:1-11 Just a few days later Jesus would hang on the cross. A shorter time.
3. But what did Israel do with this time? Matt 27:20-25
4. Israel like the fig tree has withered away:

B. We have been given time today: One thing God gives us is time. In the parable of the talents all were given different talents and all were given time. One thing God gives us is time.

1. That time may be long: For some longer than others.
2. That time may be short: For some shorter than others.
3. But for all of us time is winding down: Rom 14:11-12

C. That is why the Bible tells us that we are to make wise use of our time: Eph 5:14-16 We ought not go sleep walking through whatever time we have remaining. Be that the winding down of the of the years of our life or the years of this age of grace, we ought not be sleep walking through whatever time we have remaining.

1. There may be some here this morning that think this world will go on like this forever: That simply is not true and our lives will not go on like this forever. It is time for many to wake up. – Eph 5:14
2. To walk circumspectly means to walk carefully considering the circumstances around us: Eph 5:15
3. Only a fool walks without consider what is going on around them: Eph 5:15
4. Redeeming time is not buying back lost time, it is making wise use of the time we have left: Eph 5:16-17

D. Jesus gave the fig tree time and has given us time today to begin to bear fruit, to have figs under our leaves:

V. But the time of judgment did come for that fig tree: Mark 11:20-22 Time was given but a time of judgment did come and that fig tree withered away.

A. The time of judgment came for Israel: They received all that they asked for when they said “Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children”

1. That time of judgement continues for that nation: It continues today.
2. Israel will be restored and they are still God’s chosen people: But that time of judgment came and continues.

B. Just as there will be a time of judgement for all of us here this morning: Rom 14:12 So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. We have been given time, but a judgement is coming.

C. For some it will be a judgment of fire and condemnation: Rev 20:11-15

1. This judgment concerns salvation and what one has done with Jesus in relation to repentance and forgiveness of sin:
2. Is this your judgment if you stood before Jesus today?

D. For others it will be a judgment of works, though still by fire: 1 Cor 3:12-15 This judgment does not concern salvation.

1. Here Jesus is looking for figs under our leaves: 1 Cor 3:13-14 Will Jesus find some figs on our leaves and reward us?
2. Or will there be none and we find no reward in heaven? 1 Cor 3:15

E. The time of judgment did come for the fig tree, for Israel, and is coming for us:


There are many lessons we can learn from the barren fig tree.

I. Jesus looked for figs of fruit on a tree that seemed to be alive and should have been bearing fruit: Mark 11:12-13 Jesus was hungry, on His way back to the city of Jerusalem, so Jesus looked for food, looked for fruit, where it should have been found. Remember that tree had leaves and the figs grew inside of the leaves. Now some spiritual applications.

II. Jesus came looking for figs or fruit at an unexpected time: Mark 11:13 If this fig tree could think, if it had free will, it would have known there were certain times figs should have been found under its leaves. It would have known that in June and in the fall figs should have been found under its leaves. So if it could think, if it could decide, it would have the figs ready at those times. I know it could not think like that, but if it could figs would be ready when the tree thought they should be ready.

III. Jesus gave the fig tree time: Mark 11:13-14 ; Mark 11:19-21 It may not have been much time, but Jesus gave that tree time.

IV. But the time of judgment did come for that fig tree: Mark 11:20-22 Time was given but a time of judgment did come and that fig tree withered away.

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