
August 29th, 2021 by Pastor Solley

082921AM Three Stages of Christianity
Sub. The Christian life
Theme: Stages of the Christian life as seen in Peter.
Text: John 1:36-42 ; Luke 5:1-11
“Three Stages of Christianity” John 1:36-42 ; Luke 5:1-11

I want to speak to you this morning about stages in the Christian life using the Apostle Peter as an example. Of all the Apostles of our Lord Peter is the one most of us can more readily identify. Most of us will have at least something in common with Peter. Peter was a common working man. Peter was a family man, he did have a wife. Peter often acted before he stopped and consider what might follow his actions. Peter spoke his mind. Peter was bold as a lion. Peter also had times he was afraid and allowed fear to get the best of him. Of all the Apostles Peter is the one most of us can readily identify with.

I. Peter went through stages in his Christian life: Three stages that we will identify this morning. – John 1:36-42 ; Luke 5:1-11 Those stages are found in our Scripture text this morning.

A. All three of these stages changed the life of Peter: And all three of these stages changed Peter’s life for the better. When God changes a life is it always for the better, never for the worse.

1. So we will watch as Peter’s life is changed for the better: It doesn’t mean Peter will have no heartaches, no trials, that all will be well for Peter and nothing will ever go wrong in his life. But God would give Pelter a better life in Christ.
2. That is true of each of us here this morning: It is the desire of God, the will of God, to give each born again believer a better life in Christ. That life begins of course with salvation but does not end there. There is much more to being a Christian than being saved.

B. There are stages in the Christian life and as one goes through them there is growth in Christ that can be seen by all:

II. I want to look at three stages in the Christian life as we see them in the life of the Apostle Peter: A man we all can identify with in one area or another. We may not share all things with Peter but most of us can see at least one area that we have in common.

PROP: We need be aware of stages in the Christian life. TS: So that we can pass through them and have a better life.


I. Peter came to know Jesus as his personal savior: John 1:36-42 This is of course the first stage of the Christian life, salvation in Christ. The message last week dealt entirely with salvation, with the sacrifice that was made for each of us and the free offer of forgiveness of sin and eternal life in Jesus Christ. Salvation is the first stage in the Christian life. One must be born again.

A. For Peter it would be a day that he would always remember, the day he met Jesus: John 1:40-42 We assume that when Andrew went to find Peter that it was the same day that Andrew met Jesus, but we don’t know that for sure. Most of the time we see Peter fishing, he was a commercial fisherman, it is on the Sea of Galilee. The sea of Galilee is on the North, the Jordan river runs out of that sea to the South to the Dead Sea

1. Andrew meets Jesus at Bethany: John 1:28 Bethabara is Bethany. We don’t know if Peter was there. Perhaps Andrew was there without his brother and had to go back to the Sea of Galilee to get Peter. That distance is about 75 – 85 miles. If that is so it took an effort to get Peter to Jesus.
2. My point is that this is something that Peter would remember: Even if Peter were at Bethany it would be something Peter would remember for ever. It would take an effort.
a. Andrew would have come and so excited to get Peter to see the Messiah. – John 1:41 – Peter had been waiting for the Messiah, looking for the Messiah all his adult life. Much like we are waiting for and looking for the rapture of the church today.
b. Peter comes and he meets Jesus. – John 1:42
3. This was the day that Peter was born again: We are not given the details of Peter bowing before Jesus, of Peter confessing that he was a sinner, of Peter repenting, of Peter asking Jesus to save him. We are not given those details but that is what took place. Peter was born again, Peter was saved that day and Peter was saved the same way an individual gets saved today.

B. This would be a day that Peter would never forget: That day he entered into the first stage of the Christian life, that day he met the Messiah, that day he met Jesus, that day he was turned from hell to heaven. Do you think this would be a day Peter could forget? No.

1. But I have and will talk to people who profess to be saved, who profess to be born again and when asked when they were saved will respond “I don’t know” , or “I can’t remember”: How can an individual be truly born again and not remember?
2. I am not saying you must remember the exact time of day it was when you were saved, or the exact date on the calendar when you were saved, but one ought to remember the most important things that has ever happened in his or her life: Shouldn’t one remember?

a. I remember my birthday. It was and is an important day in my life.
b. I remember graduating from HS and graduating from Bible College. They were and are important days in my life.
c. I remember my wedding day and our anniversary. I have never forgotten as it was and is an important day in my life.
d. I remember the day and dates our children were born. Those were and are important days in my life.
e. Shouldn’t I be able to remember then the most important day in my life, the day I was saved by Jesus?
3. You may or may not be able to remember the exact date on the calender or time on the clock when you were saved: But you ought to remember when you were born again, remember the most important day of you life. Shouldn’t you?
a. You should be able to remember the time you were saved. Be able to look back and remember being born again.
b. You should be able to remember the place you were saved. Where you were when you were born again.
c. And you should be able to remember the circumstances that brought you to Jesus Christ.
4. If you can’t remember being saved there most likely is a problem: You may never have entered this first stage of the Christian life and if that is so you need to be saved today.

C. Peter came to know Jesus as his personal savior: John 1:36-42

II. Peter came to know Jesus as master: Luke 5:1-5 This is the second stage of the Christian life. By all accounts after Peter was saved, after he was born again he did exactly what most of us have done, what most Christians do.

A. Peter went back to life like normal, like most Christians do: Peter went back to normal life fishing on the Sea of Galilee, providing for his family. Notice what we find here at the end of Luke four and the beginning of Luke five.

1. He was providing for his family, taking care of his wife: Luke 4:38-39 He had taken in his wife’s mother, most likely her father had died and he was taking care of his family. They may or may not have had children as we are not told and Peter never abandoned his wife. She is not mentioned again in the Bible but that does not indicate Peter abandoned her. Peter took care of his family.
2. Here in chapter five he is running his fishing business: Luke 5:1-2 Just a few verses later we find he had been fishing all night.
a. Peter had partners in his fishing business and he was loyal to them.
b. Peter was a hard working family man before he was saved and continued to be after he was saved. Peter went back to life as normal before he was saved, before he met Jesus.
c. Peter’s life was changed because he met Jesus, but Peter went back to his normal life.
3. Isn’t that what most people do when they get saved? One goes back to life as normal, not as if nothing has happened but back to life. Turn away from sin of course, but back to life. Things have changed for sure because one gets saved, but life continues.
a. I was saved just a few days before Christmas 1968. That was fifty three years ago and I remember that day very clearly, I know when I was saved, when I was born again. One should remember.
b. But then I went on with life as normal, just as most born again believers do.
c. I received gifts at Christmas time, just like normal.
d. I went back to school after the New Year, just like normal.
e. I played little league baseball that summer, just like normal.
f. I was in church for every service with my parents, just like normal.
3. Peter did what we all do, he went back to his normal life: We are changed, we are to separate from sin, but we go on with life.

B. But Peter also made Jesus his master, the second stage of the Christian life: Luke 5:1-5 Notice in verse five that Peter calls Jesus master. The Greek word means commander, one who has authority over another. It is used seven times in the book of Luke, four of them involving Peter. Peter made Jesus the authority in his life, made Jesus his master. The second stage of the Christian life.

1. We find here in our text evidence that Peter made Jesus his master in that he obeyed the commands of Jesus: Luke 5:1-5 Notice.
a. Jesus commands Peter to get in the ship and cast out so Jesus could preach to the multitude. – Luke 5:3 – Not that huge of a request until you consider that Peter and his crew had just finished a long night of fishing and were trying to clean the nets. – Luke 5:2
b. These were huge drag nets. They would be affixed to two boats at the bow. The boats would separate spreading out the drag net. It was weighted in order for them to drag across the bottom of the sea. The top weighted also but tied shorter to the ship so they formed a huge drag gathering fish. In order for it to work properly each ship had to be rowed and it was hard work. They had been at it all night. Now they had to stop cleaning the nets and go out so Jesus could preach. It was a big request that Peter obeyed.
c. Now, back to shore, pick up the nets again, perhaps clean nets and go out again. – Luke 5:4
d. Because Jesus was his master Peter obeyed. – Luke 5:5 – Jesus was his master and Peter obeyed.
2. But notice the attitude of Peter: Luke 5:5 Would it be fair to say that Peter was less than thrilled? – Luke 5:5
a. Peter has to tell Jesus that there would be no success in what Jesus commanded. – Luke 5:5
b. And Peter must tell Jesus he does not really agree but he will obey. – Luke 5:5
c. Would it be fair to say that Peter was less than thrilled? – Luke 5:5
3. But Peter made Jesus his master as well as his savior so he would obey: Luke 5:5

C. So do many today enter into this second stage of the Christian life, but we are not always thrilled about it: We know Jesus as our personal savior, we have been born again which is that first stage of the Christian life. Then we know we are to make Jesus Christ the master of our life. – 1 Cor 6:19-20 – So we make Jesus our master, as we should, but we are not always thrilled about it.

1. We are gathered here this morning because Jesus is our master: Heb 10:24-25 We are commanded to be in the house of God and there is no other way to interpret this, we obey because Jesus is our master, but we are not always thrilled to be here.
a. I see your faces when you come in and see them while the preaching is going on. We are not always thrilled to be here.
b. Lets arrive at the last possible minute and get out the first possible minute. We are not always thrilled to be here.
c. I watch people shut down when they think the service should be over. We are not always thrilled to be here.
d. Lets go to as few services as possible and still be obeying God’s command. We are not always thrilled to be here.
e. I have even had people say to me “Lets get this over with.” We are not always thrilled to be here.
f. But because Jesus is our master we are here.
2. We determine to follow the life the Bible commands because Jesus is our master: Eph 5:1-8 We will obey and enter into this life, but we are not always thrilled about it. But we will obey, He is our master.
3. We will forgive because we have been commanded to and Jesus is our master: Eph 4:32 We will obey, we will forgive because Jesus is our master. But we are not always thrilled about it.
4. We will separate as commanded because Jesus is our master: 2 Cor 6:14-17 We will obey, we will separate because Jesus is our master. But we are not always thrilled about it.

D. Peter came to know Jesus as master: Luke 5:1-5 This is the second stage of the Christian life, but Peter was not always thrilled about it and when we are honest we must admit neither are we. But it is the second stage of the Christian life and it will change our lives for the better. It is always better to obey God.

III. Peter came to know Jesus as his Lord: Luke 5:5-9 Jesus is no longer just Peter’s savior and master, now Jesus is the lord of Peter’s life. – Luke 5:8 – This the third stage of the Christian life as we see it in the life of Peter.

A. The word lord used here is a very interesting one: Luke 5:8 It carries a much deeper meaning than master. The word master used in verse five means commander and we need to make Jesus Christ the master of our lives. The Greek word translated lord in this verse carries a much deeper meaning than the word master.

1. It means supremacy, the supreme authority, the one who controls and has completer dominion: Something happens here in the life of Peter who had already made Jesus Christ the master of his life.
2. Peter obeys, somewhat reluctantly it seems, the commandere of his life: Luke 5:5 Because Peter obeyed, and only because he obeyed, the Lord gave him a great catch. – Luke 5:6-8
3. This miracle, because Peter obeyed his master, changed Peter’s heart more than anything he had ever done: Luke 5:8-11
a. Peter’s heart was changed when he met Jesus and was born again. Yes it was and that is the first stage of the Christian life.
b. Peter’s heart was changed when he made Jesus the master of his life. Yes it was and that is the second stage of the Christian life.
c. But no change greater in Peter’s life than the one right here. – Luke 5:8-11
(1) How many do we see in the Bible recorded that they were born again? But we never hear of them again.
(2) How many disciples of Jesus, multitudes the Bible says. But we never hear of them again.
(3) But those who make Jesus Christ the lord of their lives. We see the great changes that take place and the rewards that follow.
4. On that day Peter made Jesus Christ his lord, the supreme authority in his life: Luke 5:8 And the attitude that we see in Peter in verse five we never see again. – Luke 5:5 – It is replaced by the attitude we find in verse eight. – Luke 5:8
a. When Peter is commanded by the Jewish counsel to keep silence and not proclaim the name of Jesus there is no debate with them or argument with his lord, he will preach. Jesus is now his Lord.
b. When Peter is shut up in prison and about to be killed there is no debate or argument with Jesus. Jesus is now his Lord.
c. When Peter is commanded to preach to the Gentiles which was unheard of there is no argument. Jesus is now his Lord.
5. This is the greatest change in the heart of Peter and it changed his life for the better: Luke 5:8-11 Please notice what the Bible tells us in verse eleven.
6. Everything else was forsaken and all was given to Jesus Christ: Luke 5:11 From that point on in the life of Peter all was given to Jesus Christ. Jesus was now the Lord of his life and that changed his life for the better.

B. There are many who profess Jesus as their savior today who think the Christian life to be rather an unfulfilling life: It is a common theme it seems, that to be saved is important, that to be saved offers heaven and saves from hell, but offers little else in this world. That is a common theme among many. What does the Christian life really offer in this world? Many think very little.

1. Perhaps such ones are truly born again: They met Jesus just as Peter did in John 1 and they were born again. That did change their lives because that day they moved from hell to heaven. That did change their lives for the better.
2. Perhaps they make Jesus the master of their life just as Peter did: They obey, but often with the same attitude of Peter as put on display in Luke 5. – Luke 5:5 But they still obey and that does make life better. To live by the commands of Jesus leads to a better life.

3. But they never get to the point that Peter arrived at in Luke 5:8 Luke 5:8 They never get to the point that they make Jesus Christ the Lord of their life.
a. To know Jesus Christ as savior the greatest need. The first stage of the Christian life.
b. To know Jesus Christ as master all important. The second stage of the Christian life.
c. To know Jesus Christ as Lord brings the greatest reward and blessing Jesus can give. The third stage of the Christian life.
4. Why do so few seem to arrive here? Luke 5:8 And that is a question that really has no answer. Why do so few arrive here?
5. While I cannot give answer to that question I can say this: To never arrive here, to arrive where you make Jesus the Lord of your life, it to be left thinking that the Christian life is an unfulfilling life. But to make Jesus the Lord of you life brings more fulfillment than one has ever thought possible.

C. Peter came to know Jesus as his Lord: Luke 5:5-9

IV. What stage then of the Christian life are you in this morning? It is an important question. What stage of the Christian life are you standing in this morning? What stage of the Christian life do I find myself in today?

A. To meet Jesus, to know Jesus as your personal savior brings into the first stage of the Christian life: Are you truly born again?

1. To enter into the first stage of the Christian life brings a change: A change you should be able to remember.
2. I entered into that stage more than fifty years ago and I remember it like it was just yesterday: The first stage of the Christian life is to be born again.

B. Then to make Jesus the master of you life is to enter into the second stage of the Christian life: To obey Jesus because you realize Jesus is your commander, the authority in you life. Jesus said in John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. The Bible says in
1 Cor 6:19-20 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

1. So we make Jesus the master of our life, we obey, and it does lead to a better life: To obey God is always better.
2. But many have the same attitude that Peter did: Luke 5:5 I will obey, but…
3. I know I obeyed in just such a manner for many years: Most likely still do more often than I care to admit.
4. But that type of obedience leads to a very unfulfilling life:

C. But then to make Jesus the Lord of your life, to forsake all to follow Jesus, to forsake all and make Jesus the Lord of your life brings the greatest change and the greatest reward: Luke 5:8 , 11 And this leads to a fulfilling life. Where do you stand this morning, what stage of the Christian life are you standing in today?


I. In Peter we see three stages of the Christian life and all three changed the life of Peter for the better:

A. Peter came to know Jesus as his savior: That is the first stage of the Christian life and if you have entered that stage you should be able to remember when.

B. Peter came to know Jesus as his master: Peter entered into a life of obedience as we all need to do and it changed Peter’s life for the better. But what is our attitude as we make Jesus the master of our lives?

C. Peter came to know Jesus as his Lord: This brought about the greatest change in the life of Peter and the greatest reward.

II. What stage of the Christian life are you in today? What stage of the Christian life do you desire to be in today?

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