February 15th, 2014 by Pastor Solley021614AM A Treasure in Earthen Vessels
Sub. The gospel and salvation
Theme: Possessed in man should change man.
Text: 2 Cor 4:1-11
“A Treasure in Earthen Vessels” 2 Cor 4:1-11
I want to speak this morning about a treasure in earthen vessels. A treasure is something that is of great value, at times something that cannot be replaced, something to be prized, shown off, something that very special, something that can give security for the future. That is the way the word treasure is used in the Bible. An earthen vessel is something common, nothing special about it, not shown off or prized, something often unnoticed. Nothing special about an earthen vessel.
I. In 2 Corinthians 4 we find a treasure in earthen vessels: 2 Cor 4:1-11 It is interesting that this is the only place in the New Testament that you find the world “Earthen”. Here an earthen vessel is used to hold a great treasure. – 2 Cor 4:7
A. The treasure that the Bible speaks of here is the gospel, not just the message, but the person as well: 2 Cor 4:1-6 These verses speak not only of the gospel message but the person of the gospel as well, of the Lord Jesus Christ.
1. The gospel message is that of the life, death, burial, and resurrection of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ: 2 Cor 4:1-3 The gospel message is that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son”, the gospel message is that the “Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost”, the gospel message is that “While we were yet sinners Christ died for us”, the gospel message is “He is not here but is risen as He said”, the gospel message is “For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.”, the gospel message is “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”, the gospel message is “He that hath the Son hath life”.
a. There is no greater message that can be given to man than the gospel message.
b. The gospel message is a treasure, the greatest treasure that has ever or will ever be. The gospel message is a treasure.
2. The gospel message is a person as well, the Lord Jesus Christ: 2 Cor 4:6 One cannot separate the message from the person.
B. The Christian is the earthen vessel: 2 Cor 4:7Think of the greatness of this treasure in you. The Bible tells us that this treasure, the message and the person is housed in an earthen vessel, in you and me. – Col 1:27 – We have a great treasure in Christ today.
1. As a vessel that houses the greatest treasure this world has ever know, shouldn’t it then lift us above this world?
2. The Christian should my friend, with this treasure within, live above the world:
II. We are reminded though that this treasure is in an earthen vessel and that vessel is in the world: 2 Cor 4:8-11 Here we are reminded that even though this treasure is within, the Christ still lives in a troubled world, a world troubled by sin and the wicked one, a world troubled by sin and disease, the Christian still lives in a troubled world.
A. The “We” in this verse includes you and me, includes the Christian today: 2 Cor 4:8 The Apostle Paul then experienced all that we see in these few verses and much more and so will we as a Christian experience all or many of these tings. – 2 Cor 4:8-11
B. The challenge for the Christian is to live a faithful life showing to the world the treasure within while going through these things: The challenge for the Christian is to live above these things, to let the treasure within be seen and not hidden by these things. There are times we do this and glorify Jesus Christ in our lives day by day, and there are times we don’t.
PROP: I want to look this morning at a treasure in earthen vessels. TS. And at letting this treasure lift us about the world.
I. First I want to point out that this treasure, from the time it was given, was always housed in earthen vessels: 2 Cor 4:7 That this treasure, the greatest treasure ever known, the treasure that should be prized, the treasure that will meet every need of man has always been housed in earthen vessels. That is my friends that we must live for a time in this world and be surrounded and touched by the troubles of this world. – 2 Cor 4:8-11
A. I wish I could tell you this morning that when this treasure is placed within that we would be at once lifted above the troubles and trials of this life: That when Jesus saved us that it was not only from sin, death and hell, but from the trials and troubles of life as well. And there are many that preach that today. But they give out a false gospel and offer a false hope.
1. The all positive false prophets tell you to build up your self esteem and you will feel better about all things: Men like Joel Osteen and others preach an all positive, feel good life and that you just need to think positive, feel good about yourself and all will be bright and roses in your life. That is a brazen lie and there is much in life that is not positive. Much not to think good about in self and in the world and anyone with an open eye can see that.
2. The old line Pentecostal preached you just need greater faith and that all trouble would pass: The more faith that you have the less troubles that come. No man had greater faith that Jesus Christ and they hung Him on a cross.
a. Paul must have lacked faith when they beat him and cast him into the prison cell.
b. Paul must have lacked faith and so contracted that thorn in the flesh.
3. The New Charismatic preaches the more you give the more God has to bless: Open your pockets and your checkbook and the more you give the more God has to bless. But God my friend can’t be bought off. We are to give and God tells us to tithe and give, but you can’t bargain with the one who owns the cattle on a thousand hills.
4. I wish I could tell you this morning that when this treasure is placed within an earthen vessel that all troubles will cease:
B. The plain truth is that this treasure is in an earthen vessel that is called to endure this world for a time: 2 Cor 4:8-11 – Don’t think it strange that we are found in trouble and trials. – 1 Peter 4:12 – Don’t think it strange when we go through the trials of life.
1. There is nothing that you or I will go through that others of like precious faith have not: 1 Cor 10:13 Common here does not mean easy, but it does mean that others have walked the same path we walk many times before.
2. There is nothing that we will go through in this world that we cannot find others of like precious faith dealing with in the Bible: Even though 2,000 years have passed the enemy stays the same, the world stays the same, and others have walked the same dark valleys we walk today. Every problem that we face we can see others face in the Bible.
a. Health, finances, death, children, husbands and wives, parents, broken hearts, betrayal, on and on we can go.
b. For everything we face we can find others going through the very same things in the Bible.
c. We stand in trials on common ground. – 1 Cor 10:13
C. The greatest treasure is housed in earthen vessels: 2 Cor 4:7
II. We need to remind ourselves as Christians on a daily basis, at times an hourly basis of who we have within, or who and what we are: 2 Cor 4:7; Col 1:27 As a Christian I have a treasure within, I have Christ in me, and He is my hope of glory. As a Christian remind yourself of who you have within, of who and what you are.
ILL. When my children were under our care in the home and they would be leaving the house I would tell them, remember who you are and what you are…I remind myself, remember who you are and what you are…We need to remind ourselves as Christian of who resides within, of who and what we are…
A. An illustration of this truth, of this treasure in earthen vessels can be seen in the tabernacle and the priests in the Old Testament: That is why I chose to put a cutout picture of the tabernacle on the bulletin cover.
1. There has never been a more beautiful structure ever assemble than that of the tabernacle in the Old Testament: Even the temple built by Solomon did not match the beauty of the tabernacle in the wilderness.
a. Everything inside that tabernacle was either gold or overlaid with gold. (1) The table of shewbread on the left. (2) The candlestick on the right. (3) The alter of incense in the center before the vale. All were made of or overlaid with gold.
b. Everything inside the most holy place was made of gold or overlaid with gold. (1) The ark of the covenant. (2) The mercy seat that rested on top the ark. (3) The angel wings that covered the ark. All were made of overlaid with gold.
c. Even the curtains what covered all were laced throughout with gold. Made of linen of blue, scarlet, and purple, they were sown together with gold thread, not a golden color, but thread made of beaten gold.
d. The boards and bars that formed the walls and door were overlaid with gold. All was gold in the tabernacle.
2. When the priest entered into the tabernacle to serve the Lord, the light from that seven piped candlestick would shine a light on things made of purest gold: Everything would shimmer in a golden glow with a roof of colors hard to imagine.
3. Then when the high priest would enter into the most holy place the glory of God would fill and light it:
4. There has never been a more beautiful structure than the tabernacle on this earth: Not even the temple of Solomon.
5. Yet would you notice what it rested upon: The tabernacle had no floor, it rested upon the sand, it rested upon the earth. That treasure rested on an earthen vessel.
a. God gave instruction for the most beautiful structure the world has ever seen.
b. And then God had it rest on an earthen floor. Why would God do that?
B. That tabernacle resting on that earthen floor reminded the priest that he was in the world, but he was not of the world: That while he might be going through the struggles and trials of life, and the priest did, he had someone set before him that was far greater than the world, he had the Lord set before Him and He had the Lord to serve, he had someone greater than the world.
1. His job was to keep his eyes on the things of the Lord and not on the earth upon which he stood:
2. His job was to keep his eyes on the beauty of the Lord and not the earth upon which he stood:
3. The priest had a great treasure within which he served daily: He was to glory in that and not look at the earth upon which the tabernacle rested.
4. The priest had that treasure in an earthen vessel: Just as we have it today, we have the treasure in earthen vessels.
5. As was said, those priests had to endure the troubles and trials of life: Study Aaron, Eli, and others and wwe see they had the same trials and troubles in life that we do.
6. Yet they served in a treasure house, they served the Lord with gladness:
C. Christian, we need to remind ourselves of who we have within, of who and what we are: We have a treasure in an earthen vessel, we have a treasure within, and we are to walk in gladness, walk in the joy of the Lord.
III. We also have in the Old Testament tabernacle and priest an example to follow in housing this great treasure we have: According to 1 Peter chapter 2 verse 5 and verse 9 we are as Christians a holy priesthood, a royal priesthood, so these tings do apply in application this morning. There is an example set before us in the Old Testament tabernacle and priest. An example of how we can live above the world and walk in the glory that is the treasure we have within.
A. We first must enter into the door: John 10:7-11 All of Israel could step inside the courtyard of the tabernacle, step inside the door if you would, it was open to all.
1. The first thing one must do is enter into the door of salvation provided by the Lord Jesus Christ: You must ask yourself this morning; am I in the faith? – 2 Cor 13:5 No man can tell you this morning if you are saved or not. Your parents can’t tell you, your grandparents can’t tell you, not your friends, not your spouse, not the pastor, no man can tell you if you are in the faith or not.
a. But you need to know for sure if you are or aren’t in Christ.
b. The Holy Spirit of God can give you that assurance right now, assurance that you are in the faith. – Rom 8:15-16
c. Or the Spirit of God is sending conviction to you today that you need to step into the door of salvation.
2. Jesus Christ is that open door and today He is inviting you to be saved: To step into the faith.
3. Examine yourself this morning:
B. We then turn to the table of shewbread: It was the priests in Israel who then could step inside the structure of the tabernacle and according to 1 Peter we are as born again believers in Christ the priests today.
1. The table of shewbread was there for the priests to partake of, to provide sustenance for the priests: It became his daily provision, first given to God, and then to the priest.
2. So we have the bread of life to feed upon each day: We have the manna from heaven, the Bible to feed upon today.
3. Christians cannot grow strong on one meal a week: We need to feed daily upon the Word of God.
4. You cannot overcome the world without the strength that comes from feeding on the Word of God:
C. We then stand in the light of that ever burning candlestick: That light is Jesus Christ today.
1. As Christians we need to be found walking in the light: 1 John 1:6-7 Noting is so opposed to darkness as light.
2. A Christian walking in the light is a Christian walking apart from sin:
3. We will not overcome the world apart from standing and walking in the light: God will not and cannot bless sin in any life.
D. We kneel then at the alter of incense: The altar of incense is an altar of prayer. – Rev 8:3-4 – Did you know your prayers were saved, that they are offered up to God as sweet incense before Him.
1. What type of incense is offered up to God in your prayers?
3. We need to be a praying people if we wish to over come the world:
E. We stand then in the very presence of God: It was only the high priest that entered into the Holy of Holies once each year. Now our High Priest is Jesus Christ.
1. But in Christ we gain access to the very three-room of God: In Christ we can stand in His presence. – Heb 4:15-16
2. What joy it is to know that you stand in the very presence of the living God:
F. We as Christians, those who house a treasure in an earthen vessel need to follow the pattern of the tabernacle: But there is something else I would have you take note of this morning, one more thing about the priest who served in a treasure setting on an earthen vessel. We as well have a treasure in an earthen vessel.
IV. That priest was always active, ever serving the Lord: When he steeped into that tabernacle, that treasure of God, his attention was always upon the things of the Lord, always upon his service, never upon the sand on which he stood.
A. All too often as Christians we are focused on the sand, upon the earth upon which we stand and the world in which we live: There are things in this world that demand our attention and other things we give attention to. That is not wrong.
1. There are things in the world that demand your attention: Your spouse, your children, your job, your house, all these things and more demand your attention. We must pay attention to them.
2. There are other things we choose to give our attention to: They are not wrong when kept in the proper perspective. Hobbies, sports, recreation, all these things are not wrong when kept in perspective.
3. They become wrong and a hindrance to the Christian when we leave no time at all for the Lord and the things of the Lord:
B. That priest was always about his service for the Lord: That was where his focus was. Where is ours.
1. Most professing Christians do nothing or as little as possible for the Lord: There is no service.
a. They come to church and that is good.
b. They may obey the Bible and tithe and that is good.
c. But that is where service and commitment stop and that is not good.
2. We should be active for the Lord in something, doing something for Him: It is for our good, not our destruction.
3. We can serve in many different ways, but we should be doing something, we should be involved in the work of the Lord: When we are not we are left with idle hands spiritually. Idol hands are the devil’s workshop I have heard.
C. When God looks at you does He see one that is doing something for Him, or nothing for Him?
D. No wonder so many of God’s children have so much trouble living above the world:
E. You have a treasure in an earthen vessel this morning: What are you doing with it?
I. First I want to point out that this treasure, from the time it was given, was always housed in earthen vessels: 2 Cor 4:7 That this treasure, the greatest treasure ever known, the treasure that should be prized, the treasure that will meet every need of man has always been housed in earthen vessels. That is my friends that we must live for a time in this world and be surrounded and touched by the troubles of this world. – 2 Cor 4:8-11
II. We need to remind ourselves as Christians on a daily basis, at times an hourly basis of who we have within, or who and what we are: 2 Cor 4:7; Col 1:27 As a Christian I have a treasure within, I have Christ in me, and He is my hope of glory. As a Christian remind yourself of who you have within, of who and what you are.
III. We also have in the Old Testament tabernacle and priest an example to follow in housing this great treasure we have: According to 1 Peter chapter 2 verse 5 and verse 9 we are as Christians a holy priesthood, a royal priesthood, so these tings do apply in application this morning. There is an example set before us in the Old Testament tabernacle and priest. An example of how we can live above the world and walk in the glory that is the treasure we have within.
IV. That priest was always active, ever serving the Lord: When he steeped into that tabernacle, that treasure of God, his attention was always upon the things of the Lord, always upon his service, never upon the sand on which he stood.