February 7th, 2011 by Pastor Solley020611AM Commonly Known. – Sub. The Christian – Theme: How the Christian is known. – Text: 1 Cor 5:1-8
“Commonly Known” 1 Cor 5:1-8
IntroductionI would like to bring a message this morning I have titled “Commonly Known” using 1 Cor 5:1 as a text verse. For the most part when a message is brought using 1 Cor 5 as a text it has something to do with church discipline. The church at Corinth had more problems that any other local church found in the Bible. They had problems with division among the people, problems with giving, with the misuse of spiritual gifts, with taking one another to court, with the misuse of the poor, and abuse of the Lord’s Table, and abuse of Christian liberty . There are 15 major problems in the church at Corinth addressed in the Bible. In 1 Cor 5 we find a serious problem of fornication and incest that was in the church, and most like in church leadership addressed. – 1 Cor 5:1-8 The incestuous between the man and his step mother or adopted mother was against the Law of Moses, against the Law of Christ as delivered in the gospels, and against Roman Law as well. And this was a real burden for Paul and problem in that church because it was destroying the testimony of the church and hindering the work of God at Corinth. So discipline was recommended by the apostle so the church could be spared. – 1 Cor 5:5-8 Notice the word spirit in verse 5 is with a small “s”. It is the spirit of the church that Paul is writing to save. This church was becoming known for its problems and that because they were under constant surveillance. The report that Paul received most likely did not come from within the church.
I. Which brings me to the theme of this message: 1 Cor 5:1 This message is primarily for the Christian. As we sit here this morning, you in the pew and me behind the pulpit we need to realize that we are under constant surveillance. The Christian is always being watched and the church as well. The Christian is under constant surveillance. In fact there are things that are commonly known about each of us here this morning, there are things that are commonly reported, commonly known about all of us. Christian do you know that you are being watched today? The Christian is under constant surveillance.
A. The Christian is being watched by at least five individuals: You may come up with more but at least these 5 individuals and each for a different purpose.
1. The Christian is being watched by God: Watched by God to provide, protect, direct, instruct and then to judge. What God knows us for as Christians will determine reward or loss at the judgment seat of Jesus Christ in heaven.
2. The Christian is being watched by Satan: Watched by Satan to temp, persecute and accuse before God. And what Satan knows us for will determine what he temps us with, how he persecutes us and what he accuses us of before God.
3. The Christian is being watched by those in his or her family: That includes children, grandchildren, wives husbands, parents, grandparents and extended family. Often they watch to see of faith is real and genuine.
4. The Christian is being watched by other Christians: They look for an example of what it is to walk with Christ. And other Christians will be strengthened and encouraged by what they see or weakened and discouraged by what they see.
5. The Christian is being watched by the world or by those who are lost in sin: They watch to ridicule and mock. And the lost will either be drawn to Jesus Christ by what they see or driven away from Jesus Christ by what they see.
B. But Christian, you are under constant surveillance and there are things commonly known: 1 Cor 5:1
II. My question is; what are you known for, what is commonly reported about you today? And what effect is that having on those around you? What influence is what you are known for having for Christ? What influence is it having or will it have on your family? What is it giving to Satan for fuel as he opposes you in this world and accuse you before God? And what will it determine before the judgment seat of Jesus Christ, rewards or loss? What are you known for today, what is commonly reported about you?
PROP: Each of us is commonly known for something. TS. What are you commonly known for and what you like to be commonly reported about you today?
I. Everyone is known for something because everyone is being watched by at least five individuals: Being watched by God, being watched by Satan, being watched by family, being watched by Christians, and being watched by the lost. And how one is known, what is commonly reported about someone does have an impact, does have an influence on others.
A. Consider what these ones are known for, what is commonly reported: I am going to give some names of men and women from the Bible and think of what they are commonly known for. I will give the answers as well. What are these ones known for.
1. What is commonly known about Job? Job is known for patience and perseverance in difficult trials. – Job1:9-20; 2:6-10 Satan was watching Job and accused him before God and was allowed to touch the life of Job. Job lost his children, his wealth and his health and yet Job continued faithful to the Lord. – Job 1:20-21; 2:10 – Most people read this and never really consider what Job went through. Have you ever stopped to think how this man must have been feeling?
a. Only a parent who has lost a child can understand how Job felt when his children were killed.
b. Only a person dealing with a very severe illness can know how Job felt when his body was afflicted.
c. Only a person who has lost everything and has next to nothing can know how Job felt.
d. Yet Job is known for his faithfulness to the Lord and his patience in the face of difficult trials. What a blessing.
2. What is commonly known about Joseph? Joseph is known for remaining pure before God and man in the face of temptation when no one would know what Joseph did. – Gen 39:7-12 There is no doubt in my mind that Joseph could have gotten away with this sin. She came to him tempting him day by day and I am sure that he could have gotten away with this sin.
a. Any why not? Who would have been hurt by this?
b. The relationship that Joseph had with the Lord would have been hurt by this sin.
c. Joseph remained pure before God and man in the face of temptation. What a blessing.
3. What is commonly known about Esther? Esther is known for standing up for her people and for the Lord when it may very well have cost her life. – Esther 4:12-14 The book of Esther is a wonderful picture of the sovereignty of God. An evil man in the court of the king had gotten a law passed to kill the Jews in the kingdom. Esther had been made queen and the knowledge that she was a Jew had been kept secret.
a. Esther may very well have escaped the oncoming slaughter of the Jews. She may very well have been safe.
b. And to go before the king may have very well cost her life. – Esther 4:10-11
c. But Esther stood up and went before the king and the Jews in the kingdom were saved.
d. Ester is known for standing when it may have cost her life. What a blessing.
4. What is commonly known about David? David is known for fighting a battle he could not win. – 1 Sam 17:42-45 When David stepped onto the field to fight Goliath he was entering into a battle he could not win.
a. But David went into that fight knowing what God could do. – 1 Sam 17:45-46
b. David is known for fighting a battle he could not win and winning. What a blessing.
5. What is commonly known about Daniel: Daniel is known for faithfulness through the years, for remaining faithful to the Lord all the days of his life, for finishing well. – Dan 1:8; 6:5,16 Daniel is a very young man in chapter 1 and a very old man in chapter 6 and nothing changed with Daniel.
a. At the outset Daniel purposed to be faithful to God and he never lost that purpose. Daniel finished well.
b. Daniel is known for remaining faithful through the years, finishing well. What a blessing.
6. What is commonly known about Paul? Paul is known for giving his all to Jesus Christ. – Phil 1:21; 3:7-8 Paul gave up absolutely everything for the cause of Jesus Christ and kept looking for more to give up for his savior. – Phil 4:13-14
a. No one gave up more for Christ and had a greater transformation in his life than Paul did.
b. Paul is known for giving his all for Jesus Christ. What a blessing.
7. What is commonly know about John? John is known for his love for Jesus. – John 13:23 That disciple is John and he is referred to at least 5 times in the gospel of John as the disciple that Jesus loved.
a. The thought is not that Jesus loved John more than the others but that John loved Jesus more than the others did.
b. That thought is confirmed at the foot of the cross. – John 19:26-27
c. John is known for his love for Jesus. What a blessing.
B. There are others who are commonly known as well: Consider these ones.
1. What is commonly known about Peter: There is a lot that Peter is known for, one of the inner circle of disciples, the first one to preach the gospel both to the Jews and Gentiles. But what do we first think of? – Matt 26:69-75 When Jesus needed Peter the most he denied even knowing Him.
a. Jesus had done so much for Peter yet when Jesus needed Peter the most Peter denied even knowing Him.
b. Peter is known for denying the Lord. Not so much a blessing is it?
2. What is commonly known about the Pharisees? The religious leaders of the day were known for being self righteous hypocrites. – Matt 15:7-8, 12-14 Many times Jesus called the hypocrites and if you research that you find that no one was offended over that but the Pharisees. The reason why was because everyone knew what they were.
a. The religious leaders of Israel were self righteous hypocrites.
b. Not such a blessing is it?
3. What is commonly known about Demas? Demas was part of a missionary team led by Paul but he is known for his love for the world more than his love for Jesus. – 2 Tim 4:10 – Demas is first seen in the book of Colossians working with Paul.
a. But now he is seen as one loving the world more than he loved Jesus.
b. Not such a blessing is it?
4. What of the general multitude of disciples that followed Jesus; what is commonly known about them: I am not speaking here of the 12 but of the general multitude of disciples that followed Jesus. – John 6:66 When things began to get difficult in following Jesus these ones turned away. And they are called His disciples. – John 6:66
a. When things were easy they followed Jesus but when things began to get difficult they turned away.
b. Not such a blessing is it?
5. What is commonly known about Eli: Eli was a priest in Israel who lost his children. – 1 Sam 3:12-13 He was supposed to be a man of God, a man who ruled his own house well but he lost his children.
a. Eli lost his children to the world.
b. Not such a blessing is it?
C. All of these ones are found in heaven but some were a blessing and some were not and all were commonly known:
II. Now I want you to think of the influence these ones had: They all had an influence on those who were watching them.
A. Some to good and a blessing and they has an influence:
1. People in trial can still go to the book of Job and find strength for the hour: If you want to see someone who went through great trial and shed many tears read in prayer Job chapter 3. And you can be encouraged by Job.
a. What of Job’s friends, what of Job’s wife? They saw what he went through and the way he went through it.
b. Job was an influence on those who were watching him.
2. In temptation you can go And see Joseph: Alone in the world, taken from home and family, sold as a slave, who would even know if Joseph gave into the temptation?
a. But as Joseph was pure he was noticed by the Pharaoh as a man in whom was the Spirit of God.
b. Joseph was an influence on those who were watching him.
3. Those who are called to stand in difficult can look to Esther: To go before the king could cost her life but the words of Mordecai rang in her ears, perhaps that was the very purpose God always had for her.
a. God gave Esther the courage to stand and the Jews soon were standing against their enemies as they say Esther stand.
b. Esther was an influence on those who were watching her.
4. Like David you may face a battle that you know you cannot win: The Christian stands on a battlefield and faces a powerful enemy. It may be that we are called to a battle that we know we cannot win.
a. David ran onto the battle field to face the giant and soon the army of Israel was running into the fight themselves.
b. David was an influence on those who were watching him.
5. Like Daniel we may be growing older and time has passed us by: We may look back on years of faithful service and wonder if it is worth going on in the fight.
a. But the generation that was watching Daniel was soon given permission to go home again and they went and rebuilt.
b. Daniel was an influence on those who were watching him.
6. Like Paul we are to sell out for the Lord: Paul gave all he had to the cause of Christ.
a. And the churches that Paul planted became the centers of Christianity as people sold out for the Lord.
b. Paul had an influence on those who were watching him.
7. Like John we are to love Jesus with all our heart, soul, and mind: People could see the love that John had for Jesus.
a. You can see that same love in those to whom John wrote in I, II, III John.
c. John had an influence on those who were watching him.
B. One can say the same about the second list of men we looked at: But not quite the blessing as the former.
1. What about those standing around the fire with Peter: What of those who had saw him with Jesus, what of those who questioned him one time, then two, and then a third? What of those who head him deny and curse the name of Jesus?
a. What must those ones have thought of the faith of Peter?
b. I wonder how many may have turned away from Jesus Christ because Peter cursed His name.
c. Peter had an influence on those who were watching him around that fire.
2. What of the Pharisees, those proud, self-righteous leaders? People followed them.
a. But no man ever found the truth when they followed the blind leaders of the blind.
b. I wonder how many they turned away from the Messiah?
c. The Pharisees had an influence on those who were watching them.
3. What of Demas? What of that one who turned away from the work and went back to the world?
a. How many others may have been contemplating the same decision and saw Demas?
b. How many did Demas influence to turn away from eh work and turn back to the world?
4. What of that multitude of disciples following Jesus who turned away when things became difficult? I wonder if that started with one or two, then three or four, and then as it says many turned back.
a. I wonder how many may have stayed with Jesus if the majority would have?
b. Those that turned away most likely turned others away as well.
5. What of Eli and his children? Did you know they turned almost an entire generation away from the tabernacle?
a. People looked at the corrupt priest and did not even want to go to the tabernacle to sacrifice.
b. They turned almost an entire generation away from the Lord.
C. Christian you are an influence on others, people are watching you, you are under constant surveillance:
III. How are you commonly known today and how do you want to be? There are people watching you today. Everyday, all the time there is someone watching you. (1) The Lord Jesus Christ is watching you. (2) Satan is watching you. (3) Your family is watching you. (4) Other Christians are watching you. (5) And the world, the lost are watching you. What are they seeing? How are you commonly known?
A. Are you known as someone who has sold out for the Lord: Rom 12:1-2; Phil 1:21 Is that you today?
1. When People hear your name, see you, do they at once think of Jesus Christ? Do they think there is a Christian. In all they do, in everything they say, in every aspect of their life they put Jesus Christ first.
2. Are other people encouraged to put Jesus Christ first in their lives because of what they see in you?
B. Are you known as someone who has turned away from the world and turned to Jesus Christ? 1 John 2:15-16 So all that is of the world is just not important to you.
1. Can others draw the strength to turn away from the world because of what they see in you?
2. How many follow you into a closer walk with Jesus?
C. Are you known as someone who has a zeal for the house of God? John 2:17; Heb 10:25 How many are sitting in church this morning, will be this evening, will be on Wednesday evening because they watched your and saw your zeal for the house of God?
1. How many of those who thought of coming to church followed you? They thought Sunday morning, Sunday evening, Wednesday night, there must be something there.
2. How many followed you to church?
D. Are you known as someone who has a burden for the lost: Rom 9:1-3 That you will do all you can to bring others to Christ.
1. Do others see you as one who has a real burden for the lost?
2. Do others become fishers of men because of what they see in you?
E. Is your family closer to the Lord because of the way that you live?
F. Or could it be that the cause of Christ is hindered because of what is seen in you, what you are commonly known for? That was the case with the church at Corinth. – 1 Cor 5:1
IV. And here is a sobering thought Christian and one I will leave you with this morning: How you are commonly known will be how this church is commonly known. Think of that for a moment.
A. When people hear the name Cherry Corner Bible Church a certain image will come to mind: That image is painted in their minds eye by you.
1. What is commonly reported about you is what is commonly reported about this church:
2. How you are known is how this church is known:
B. Are you helping or hindering the cause of Christ by how you are commonly known?
The message this morning is “Commonly Known”.
I. Everyone is known for something because everyone is being watched by at least five individuals: Being watched by God, being watched by Satan, being watched by family, being watched by Christians, and being watched by the lost. And how one is known, what is commonly reported about someone does have an impact, does have an influence on others.
II. Now I want you to think of the influence these ones had: They all had an influence on those who were watching them.
III. How are you commonly known today and how do you want to be? There are people watching you today. Everyday, all the time there is someone watching you. (1) The Lord Jesus Christ is watching you. (2) Satan is watching you. (3) Your family is watching you. (4) Other Christians are watching you. (5) And the world, the lost are watching you. What are they seeing? How are you commonly known?
IV. And here is a sobering thought Christian and one I will leave you with this morning: How you are commonly known will be how this church is commonly known. Think of that for a moment.