
February 7th, 2010 by Pastor Solley

0202710AM Why No Drawing of Men Today.
Sub. Drawing men to Jesus Christ.
Theme: Why few are drawn to Christ today.
Text: John 12:20-32
“Why No Drawing of Men Today” John 12:20-32
IntroductionThis morning I would like to look at a statement made by the Lord Jesus Christ in John 12. A statement that was certainly true when Jesus made it and because the Word of God is eternal truth should be true today as well. But it is a statement that is not being fulfilled today. So is there a problem with the statement or a problem with man? We know the answer to that before we begin. Whenever there seems to be a contradiction in the Bible or a statement that doesn’t seem to be true the problem is never with God or His Word, the problem is always with man.

I. The events recorded in John 12 occur just days before Jesus Christ would shed His blood on the cross: His triumphal entry into Jerusalem when He offered Himself to Israel as their Messiah and King is recorded in John 12:12-19. The last Passover supper is recorded in John 13. So the events recorded in John 12 occur just before the cross.

A. There were certain one who came with a desire to see Jesus: John 12:20-22 These certain Greeks or Gentiles were most likely proselytes to the Hebrew religion who were in Jerusalem for Passover. Mosaic Law forbade them to enter the temple but they would still be in Jerusalem for the feast days.

1. While they are there they witness the presentation of Jesus as the Messiah: John 12:13-19
2. Now they want to see this Jesus: John 12:21 They want to see and know the one that would do for them what the Law of Moses could not. They want to see and know the Lord.
3. As they are brought to Jesus He begins to preach to them the cross: John 12:23-29 A person needs to see Jesus, needs to meet Jesus Christ at the cross. That was true then and it is true today.
4. The glory of Jesus can be seen, Jesus can be known only when one meets Him at the cross: John 12:23,28

B. To that end Jesus makes this statement: John 12:32 That if He would be lifted up would draw all men unto Himself, draw all men to the cross. My fried one needs to meet Jesus, one needs to see Jesus at the cross.

II. Here is a question to begin; is that statement true, has it been proved to be true, is it being proved true today? Are all men being drawn to the cross. Jesus said all men would be drawn to Him. – John 12:32 Is the statement true?

A. We most certainly can see a time when it was true: All you need to do is read the book of Acts. – Acts 2:41; Acts 4:4;
Acts 4:31-33; Acts 17:6 There was a time when that statement could be seen as true.

1. All men were being drawn to the cross, all were being drawn to Jesus Christ: Not all were saved, but all were drawn.
2. During that time in the early church all were being drawn to the cross:

B. But what of today? Is the statement still true today? Are all men being drawn to the cross, all being drawn to Jesus Christ? Just think of what we see in the world today and in the church today. This is what our country knows as Super Sunday.

1. Yet tonight sports bars will be filled and churches will sit empty: Where is the drawing?
2. Tonight Christians will sit in front of a TV and the Bible will be closed: Where is the drawing?
3. Many if not most churches have canceled services this evening: Where is the drawing?
4. Is there a problem with the statement or a problem with man:

PROP: This morning let us consider the statement of Jesus, “I will draw all men unto me”. TS. Why it was so true at that time and why it is so lacking today.


I. First consider the statement that Jesus made in light of if it is for today: John 12:32 The immediate answer is of course that it is for us today and that is the correct answer as well. It is the will of God, the plan and purpose of God, the program of God that the gospel go into every corner of the world. That is why Jesus in the great commission commanded to go ye into all the world and preach the gospel..

A. And it is in the plan and program of God that the believer in Christ play a vital role in the spreading of the gospel: God could have used angels, could have written the gospel message in flaming letters across the sky. Be God did not do that.

1. It is the Christian, the believer in Jesus Christ who is the light in the world today: There are only two who are called the light of the world in the Bible. The Lord Jesus Christ and the believer in Christ. – Matt 5:14
2. And if our light does not shine then the world will remain in darkness:
3. Be sure we can do noting apart from the Spirit of God: But He is never called the light of the world, we are.
4. But did Jesus really mean draw all men? That is what the Bible says. – John 12:32 The world “all” in this verse means the same thing that it does in Rom 3:23 and Rom 5:12. All means all and that is all that all means.

B. So we ask again “where is the drawing today”? What are you doing to draw all men to the cross of Jesus Christ?

1. That is the directive of Jesus Christ: You cannot get around it.
2. That makes it our responsibility: And when it is not seen today then we are at fault and not God.

II. Now consider what we see in Philip and Andrew that will help draw men to Christ and the cross: John 12:20-22 When these certain men would see Jesus they came to Philip and Andrew. Why not go to Jesus directly? Because there was something in Philip and Andrew that would help draw those men to the Jesus. Consider these four things.

A. There was a focus on spiritual things in Philip and Andrew: These men find Jesus in John 1. Andrew was pointed to Jesus by John the Baptist, Philip is the first of the disciples to be called directly by Jesus. – John 1:35-40, 43 These two men were saved at this time I believe.

1. From that time on they began to focus on spiritual things in their lives: They probably both were fisherman, we know Andrew was and Bethsaida was a fishing city. But even though they continued fishing from that time on the focus of their life turned to spiritual things.
2. So that when Jesus called to forsake all and follow Him it was an easy decision: Luke 6:12-14 From the time that they met the Lord Jesus Christ they began to focus on spiritual things.
a. Now fishing and the material things of the world were not so important to them.
b. Now family and friends were not so important to them.
c. Now self and self interest were not so important to them.
3. Because they were focused on spiritual things they were willing to take those certain Greeks to Jesus:

B. They also had a concern for lost souls: They knew that they were saved and on their way to heaven but what of those around them? They knew they had sins forgiven by Jesus Christ but what of those around them? They knew that they had escaped God’s eternal judgment in hell but what of those around them?

1. They were concerned with the souls of men, they had a burden for the lost: If that was not there they would have had nothing to do with those Greeks who came in search of Jesus. The Jew had no dealing with the Gentiles.
2. Even Mosaic Law forbade those ones from entering into the temple: It mattered not what they believed, how sincere they were, they were Gentiles and they were barred from the temple.
3. If they had no burden for lost souls Philip and Andrew would have had nothing to do with those certain Greeks:

C. They also had an involvement in the plan and program of God: In other words they wanted to do their part.

1. If that meant a complete commitment to Jesus then they would do it: As we noted there was no hesitation when Jesus called them, they were part of the twelve.
2. If that meant going out two by two they would do it: Luke 10:1-3 The twelve are part of the seventy I believe.
3. If that meant turning their back on all that they had known they would do it: Luke 9:61-62
4. They wanted to be involved in the work of the Lord: And they were.

D. They also had a testimony for the Lord: John 12:20-21 Why do you think they sought out Philip here?

1. There was a multitude of people who had just praised the name of Jesus: John 12:12-14 Why not approach one of them?
2. What made Philip stand out? I believe it was his walk with the Lord. Both Philip and Andrew were known to be men who walked with Jesus.
3. They had a testimony for the Lord:

E. These four things need to be seen in the believer in Jesus Christ for they to be a drawing of men to Jesus: (1) A focus on spiritual things. (2) A concern for lost souls. (3) An involvement in the plan and program of God. (4) A good testimony. And when they are not there no drawing will be seen.

III. There is a definite lack of focus on spiritual things today: There are so many things to catch the eye of man, so many things to take attention away from spiritual things, so many things to be drawn to that many Christians are not drawn to Christ. And not everything that one gets involved in is bad. In fact none of it may be bad in and of itself but when it takes us away from spiritual things, when it draws us away from our Lord then it is bad.

A. Consider two sisters who were very close to the Lord Jesus Christ: Luke 10:38-42 These two sisters were saved individuals to put it in our terminology. They were the sisters of Lazarus and the Bible tells us in john 11 they were loved by Jesus.

1. Jesus and the disciples are being received into their home: Luke 10:38
2. And Martha busies herself getting everything ready for the Lord: Luke 10:40 And she most likely did a lot. Cleaned the house, sat the table, prepared the meal and much more.
3. And Martha gets weary in the work: Luke 10:40 She needs help in serving and all that she is doing is good.
4. Notice the response of Jesus: Luke 10:41-42 She became so busy in getting things ready for Jesus that she forgot about spiritual things. Martha here had a wrong focus.
5. But Mary decided to focus on spiritual things: Luke 10:41-42 And spiritual things were better.

B. But how many of us lose our focus today? And not all that we get our minds turned to is bad but if it begins to take away from spiritual things then it hinders our spiritual life and usefulness for the Lord.

1. So many concerned about the nation and the way the world is heading today: But what does that do for us?
2. So many concerned about money: But what does that do for us.
3. So many focused on self: This is a me first world. JOY
4. So many focused on sports: And where will that leave you.
ILL. Believe me when I say that one things we will not give an account for on judgment day is this football game tonight. But even right now some here are most likely giving more thought to that than to this sermon…

C. Stop and consider where you focus is today: Is your focus hindering or helping your spiritual life?

IV. Few have any real burden for the lost today: And that will follow when we lose our spiritual focus but so few professing Christians have any burden for the lost today. You do have the message the lost need to save them from an eternity in hell and most just keep hidden like it is some type of secret code. Where is out burden today.

A. I have a friend that I met through another pastor about 10 years ago: This man is quite a bit older than I am but we have always gotten along and through the years I would stop and see him in his home and just visit. This other pastor told me he was saved when we first met and I think one time about 8 years ago I talked to him about salvation and the Lord.

1. About a year ago the doctors found a spot on his liver and it was cancer: He had been through cancer treatment before and decided he was not going to do that again so he made a decision to let it run its course. I talked to him again at that time.
2. This past week he called me and told me the doctor gave him just 2 – 3 weeks to live: That afternoon I went to see him and do you know what we talked about? I went to see him again yesterday and do you know what we talked about?
3. Why is it now that I make sure we talk about sin, repentance, Christ and forgiveness? Because he is going to die soon.

B. Do you realize Christians that we stand in the midst of a lost and dying world: And the cancer the world has is far worse than any cancer that simply takes the physical life. There is a cancer called sin that take the spiritual life.

1. And you have the cure but you do not care: I have the cure for the need of all men but do I care?
2. What happened to our burden for the lost?

C. God does expect us to have a great burden for the lost and will hold us accountable: Ezek 3:18-19

1. We are not to save anyone: That is the work of the Spirit of God and the blood of Jesus Christ.
2. But God does expect us to warn the lost: Ezek 3:18-19
3. So what are you doing to draw others to Christ, to bring them to the cross? And don’t say that you can’t.
a. Anyone can invite someone to church.
b. Anyone can just had someone a gospel tract.

D. What is your burden for the lost?


V. Few want to be actively involved in the plan and program of God: And the key there is actively.

A. People will fulfill what they consider their obligation: They will attend the services of the church, they will put their money in the offering plate, they will pray for the welfare of the church. And many think that is service.

1. What if the pastor took that approach: I gave an offering and I am here this morning.
a. So I don’t have to go on visitation because I did my part.
b. I don’t have to go to hospitals because I did my part.
c. I don’t have to study because I did my part.
d. I don’t have to do any work because I did my part.
2. You know that is not my part to just give an offering and attend the services of the church: That is not doing my part.
a. What is the difference between the pastor and the person sitting in the pew? In many ways very little.
b. I believe this is God’s will for my life? Does God have His will for your life?
c. I am just trying to please God. Are you to try and please God?
d. I am just trying to be that living sacrifice. Are you to be that living sacrifice?
3. We ought to be asking what we can do above and beyond for the Lord:

B. The same as God called Elisha God calls all of us: 1 Kings 19:19-21 This is one of my favorite passages of Scripture where God called a man to serve.

1. Elisha is just going about his daily business when the prophet passed by and cast his mantle upon him: 1 Kings 19:19
2. When Elisha asks leave to tell mother and father goodby notice the response of the prophet: 1 Kings 19:20
a. Elisha tells him I haven’t called you, I haven’t done a thing to you.
b. In other words I am going to continue to serve, you do what you want.
3. But if Elisha wanted any real joy in his life, any reward of God he would have to serve: 1 Kings 19:21

C. Listen please, when you preach on service some people leave with the wrong idea: They say that preacher expects us to do this and that preacher expects us to do that. He doesn’t understand this about me or that about me.

1. I don’t expect you to do anything: I know what God called me to do, I know in part what God expects of me and that is what I am going to do. I don’t expect anything from you.
2. But God expects a lot from you:
3. Don’t worry about pleasing me or the church; please God:

D. What can you do to become more involved in the plan and program of God?

VI. And there is most certainly a lack of testimony, a lack of good old fashioned holiness in the people of God today: Philip and Andrew had a testimony for the Lord. One should not need a scorecard to tell who the Christians are.

A. Just think of what a poor testimony can do to harm the cause of Christ:

1. When David sinned his enemies mocked the Lord:
2. When Lot tried to witness his sons in laws laughed at him:
3. The church at Corinith became a shame to the cause of Christ:
4. Who would want to follow a leader like king Saul?
5. A poor testimony will often overshadow the cross:

B. And yet when we have the testimony of being with and walking with Jesus others take notice: Col 1:26-27 How is it that others are going to see Jesus?

1. It is Christ shining through you that allows others to see Him and the cross: Col 1:27
2. People will see Jesus in you if you allow it: Acts 4:13

C. What is your testimony before the lost?

1. Are others moved to come to church because of your faithfulness to the house of God?
2. Are others drawn to Christ because of your closeness to Him?
3. Do others seek our Christ because they see you seeking and walking in His presence?

D. A good testimony demands a sacrifice: But wouldn’t it be worth it if just one person got saved?

1. There is a song I am very fond of: If just one more person would walk down that aisle it would be worth every heartache, worth every trial.
2. Is a good testimony worth it to you?


Why is it my friend that few men are being drawn to Jesus Christ today? Is the fault with Him and His Word? Or is the fault with you and me?

I. Where is your focus today?

II. What is your burden for the lost?

III. What are you willing to stand up and do?

IV. What is your testimony for the Lord today?

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