December 20th, 2009 by Pastor Solley122009AM Jesus Is Still the Answer.
Sub. Jesus being given into the world.
Theme: Jesus still the answer to the needs of man.
Text: Gal 4:3-5
“Jesus Is Still the Answer” Gal 4:3-5
IntroductionI want to look this morning at Jesus Christ still being the answer for the needs of man in this world. The Bible tells us in Galatians 4 that Jesus Christ was given to this world in the fullness of time. – Gal 4:3-5
I. The fullness of the time is an interesting statement: It refers to something being filled up to its fullest point. That nothing else can be added to it. It is like pouring sugar into a bowel, it can only hold so much, it is at its fullest point. Many wonder why Jesus Christ came into the world when He did. Why wasn’t Christ given sooner, why not later, why then?
A. Jesus Christ was given into the world at the fullness of the time: In other words in the perfect moment of time. Why?
1. The first reason is that it was the Father’s chosen time: Gal 4:3 And God is never early or late.
2. The world was also united under one language: Everyone spoke their own natural dialect but the world was also united under one language, Greek. If a person spoke Hebrew they also spoke Greek. If they spoke Latin they also spoke Greek. So it would be very easy to spread the news of the coming of the Son of God throughout the world.
3. The world was united under one government, that being Rome: All operated under the authority of Rome. And Rome was different from the other world powers that proceeded it. Rome had complete domination of the world.
a. But Rome permitted its conquered peoples to freely travel from one province to another.
b. Rome also permitted religious liberty among its conquered peoples. Each nation was permitted to worship as it wished.
c. So Rome was different from the world powers that proceeded it.
d. All the most populated areas of the world were under the authority of Rome.
4. Jesus Christ then came into the world at the fullness of the time: The time when it would be the easiest to spread the news of the giving of the Son of God, the gospel message and the time when people were free to believe and receive Jesus Christ.
B. There is another aspect to the fullness of the time as well: That Jesus Christ came into the world at the very time that people needed Him the most, and the time when people were looking for Him the most.
1. At a time when Israel was in need of the Messiah: In need of their savior.
2. At a time as well when the Gentiles needed to see a savior: And at a time when many were looking for salvation.
C. Jesus Christ was given into the world in the fullness of the time: And Jesus was the answer for every need.
II. Jesus Christ is still the answer today: I want to bring a message this morning looking at Jesus Christ still the answer.
PROP: Jesus Christ is still the answer to the needs of all men. TS. All men need to look to Him and Him alone.
I. Our word today is not so different than the world that Christ came into over 2,000 years ago: And the first thought that comes to mind is that this world is vastly different than the world was then. In many ways that is true with the advancements made if science, medicine, travel, technology and such. But it many ways it is not so true as well.
A. When Jesus Christ came into the world the voice of God had almost been silenced: God’s voice was not heard in the world. In fact for about 400 years there had been no new revelation from God. From the last prophet of the Old Testament which was Malachi to the first prophet of the New Testament which was John the Baptist there was a 400 year period of silence. The voice of God was not heard, there was no new revelation.
1. Centuries before Israel had began to turn a deaf ear to the voice of God: 1 Sam 3:1-3 This is over 1,000 years before the Son of God was given into the world. But the lamp of God was being snuffed out. – 1 Sam 3:3 Very few in Israel were hearing the voice of God because very few in Israel were listening for and to the voice of God.
2. God continued to send the prophets to Israel: But one by one they became less and less effective in reaching the people for the Lord. If you follow the history of the prophets from Samuel all the way to Malachi you find them less and less effective in reaching the people for the Lord. And it was not the fault of the prophet.
3. The nation turned a deaf ear to God: Isa 30:8-9 And God was speaking to the world through Israel and the prophets so if Israel would not listen the world would not hear. The voice of God was almost silent in the world.
B. The world was being brought under a one world government: Rome was already in power when Christ came into the world but it was not yet complete.
1. So Rome was still expanding its empire: Still growing, still conquering more and more nations.
2. So it was a fast changing world at that time: That added to the anxiety of the people. Most people do not like change.
C. They were also very stressful economic times when Christ came into the world: As Rome expanded its territories the people that were taken in for the most part became slaves of Rome. The only way to avoid that was to buy your way out of it.
1. So most people had little or nothing: All that they worked for went to the government in higher and higher taxes.
2. Many people did not even have homes they could call their own: Remember what Jesus said in Matt 8:20 “The foxes have holes , and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.”
3. People just didn’t have anything: Most all they did have went to the government.
D. The world was also very dangerous at that time: The Good Samaritan my be a parable but it related to people because that happened all the time. People without money will be left to steal and rob. They even feel justified in it.
E. So when you stop to think about our world today is not so different than the world was then: Not really.
1. The voice of God has almost been silenced in our world today: Taken out of the schools, taken out of government, trying to get the name of God taken off our money, no public mention of the name of Jesus, no public prayer. Many even take great offense to the words Merry Christmas. The voice of God has almost been silenced today and few people even try to hear.
2. This world is being swiftly brought under a one world government: Our President has clearly said that we no longer strive to be a sovereign nation but that we are now globalist.
a. So we see a one world economic summit. And that is to dictate what we do in our nation.
b. We see a global warming summit. And that is to dictate what we do in our nation.
c. We see cap and trade. And that is going to raise taxes to a higher level and raise energy costs.
d. We see health care that will raise taxes more than 40% for the common man.
3. One world government, bigger government will mean harder economic times: All through the history of mankind that is what one dominate government has brought to its people. Hard economic times and poverty. Why would it be different now?
4. That makes for dangerous times: And that is what we are living in right now.
F. The world that we live in today is not so different than the world Christ came into:
II. When Jesus Christ was given into the world He was the answer to all these different needs of man: Stick with me for a moment. In truth Christ didn’t come to meet any of the needs we have addressed. Christ came to meet the spiritual needs of man. There will be a time when Jesus Christ does meet all of the needs we have addressed in the world but in His first advent He came to meet the spiritual needs of man.
A. Because Israel was looking for the Messiah to meet the needs of the world was one reason they missed Him: Israel wanted a king to solve all the problems we mention but they did not want a savior to meet the need of the soul.
1. They wanted a king to overthrow Rome: They wanted a king powerful in the world, not the king of righteousness.
2. They wanted someone to meet their economic woes: Which is why they wanted to crown Him after the feeding of the 5000 and the 4000. They wanted a king to meet those material needs.
3. They wanted someone to give them peace and safety: Make it a better world to live in.
4. But they did not want one to meet their spiritual needs: That is not what they wanted from Jesus and so when Jesus Christ spoke os sin, forgiveness and righteousness the people turned away. That was not what they wanted from their Messiah.
B. Neither has that changed today: Our world today is just the same as it was then. People want Jesus to take care of their needs as long as it is not their spiritual needs. They will take care of their own there.
1. I see this as I volunteer in the hospital: People are quick to tell me their different problems and want prayer. But as soon as I begin to address the condition of their soul so many turn away and want to hear nothing about sin, Christ and salvation.
2. People miss Christ today just as then because they are looking for the answer to the wrong problems: The first needs Jesus seeks to address is the first need He came into this world to meet.
C. Jesus Christ was given into this world to meet the spiritual needs of man: But pastor you just said He was the answer to all those other needs and He is. But that was not and is not the primary purpose of Jesus Christ.
1. Consider why Jesus Christ came into this world: Luke 19:9-10 The lost here means those lost in sin.
2. Jesus came into this world to give His life a ransom for many: Matt 20:28 A ransom for sin.
3. Jesus Christ came into this world to pay for your sin and mine: Rom 5:6-8 To die for our sin.
4. Jesus Christ came into this world so we could be saved through Him: Rom 5:9-10
5. Jesus came to meet the chief need of man: That means forgiveness of sin and salvation by His blood.
C. The greatest need of man today, your greatest need and mine is salvation: And if that need is not addressed then it does not matter how many other needs are fulfilled. – Mark 8:36-37
1. You can have the best government in the world: But what good was it if you spend eternity in hell?
2. You can have all the money in the world: But what good was it if you spend eternity in hell?
3. You can have peace and security: But what good was it if you spend eternity in hell?
4. You can have the best this world has to offer and give God praise for it: But what good was it if you spend eternity in hell?
D. Please understand what your greatest need is this morning: The greatest need is a spiritual need.
III. When Jesus Christ meets that need then all the others will take care of themselves: That is why Jesus Christ was the answer for the needs of man then and why He is still the answer for the needs of man today. When Christ meets the need of the soul, when Christ meets the need of salvation then all the other needs are taken care of as well.
A. Think of the things that we have named here this morning: The needs that are in the world that are taken care of when we come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
1. The problem of hearing the voice of God is met when we know Jesus Christ: John 10:16-18; 27-28 Hearing the voice of God is never a problem for a Christian if you are listening for His voice, if you are willing to hear His voice.
a. I have heard the voice of God this past week. No I am not turning into a Charismatic, no the trees did not whistle with the voice of God, no one tapped me on the shoulder, I had no visions.
b. But everyday as I opened His Word and asked Him to open my heart I heard again and again the very voice of God.
c. And every Christian can hear the voice of God.
2. The problem of government is met when we know Jesus Christ: I am a citizen of the United States of America, I thank God that He has allowed me to live in this country, I pay my taxes, pray for the military, live under the laws of this land.
a. But my first citizenship is to another country, another king and another kingdom. – 1 Tim 6:14-15 Jesus is my king.
b. Of His government there will be no end and He is a king that really does care about His people.
3. The problem of poverty and provision is met when we know Jesus Christ: Matt 6:31-34 And the Christian can really turn to his king to provide for him and our king will do it.
a. When we depend in faith upon Him Jesus will meet our needs. – Matt 6:31
b. But this demands a seeking of His kingdom before our wants and desires. – Matt 6:33
4. The problem of a dangerous world is met when we know Jesus Christ: Understand I am not saying noting bad can ever happen but we do have one who will watch over us and one who does care for us.
a. We have one who will stand beside us in every situation. – Heb 13:5
b. We have one who will send angels to strengthen us. This is seen all throughout the Bible. – Heb 13:2
B. When Jesus meets the greatest need in our lives He meets the other needs as well.
IV. And Jesus Christ is still the answer today: After a little over 2,000 years nothing has changed. Jesus Christ is still the answer today.
A. Isn’t it wonder to be a Christian especially at Christmas time? Isn’t it wonder to be redeemed, to be justified, to be a child of God? Isn’t it wonderful to be a Christian today?
B. Is Jesus Christ your answer this morning?
I. Our word today is not so different than the world that Christ came into over 2,000 years ago: And the first thought that comes to mind is that this world is vastly different than the world was then. In many ways that is true with the advancements made if science, medicine, travel, technology and such. But it many ways it is not so true as well.
II. When Jesus Christ was given into the world He was the answer to all these different needs of man: Stick with me for a moment. In truth Christ didn’t come to meet any of the needs we have addressed. Christ came to meet the spiritual needs of man. There will be a time when Jesus Christ does meet all of the needs we have addressed in the world but in His first advent He came to meet the spiritual needs of man.
III. When Jesus Christ meets that need then all the others will take care of themselves: That is why Jesus Christ was the answer for the needs of man then and why He is still the answer for the needs of man today. When Christ meets the need of the soul, when Christ meets the need of salvation then all the other needs are taken care of as well.
IV. And Jesus Christ is still the answer today: After a little over 2,000 years nothing has changed. Jesus Christ is still the answer today.