August 16th, 2009 by Pastor Solley081609AM A Changing God.
Sub. A God that will change.
Theme: A different God than man wants to see.
Text: Hebrews 13:5-9
“A Changing God” Hebrews 13:5-9
IntroductionI am going to bring a message this morning titled “A Changing God”. That should seem like a strange title especially in light of our Scripture text. – Heb 13:5-9 Here we have one of the most comforting and assuring passages in the Bible and one of the most comforting and assuring truths set forth in the Word of God. – Heb 13:8 We know from the testimony of the Bible that Jesus Christ is God. John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
John 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. John 10:30 I and my Father are one. Jesus Christ is God and if Jesus is God we can then deduce that God never changes. – Heb 13:8 Isn’t that true?
I. Think for a moment how much we can glean from that tremendous truth: The Greek word translated yesterday in this verse is an active verb meaning that the actions of Jesus Christ, the actions of God yesterday do not change today, tomorrow or forever. Think of that blessed truth this morning.
A. How Christ moved on behalf of man, on behalf of His children yesterday: How God moved yesterday.
1. How that Jesus Christ stood with His sword drawn ready to fight for Joshua: The walls of Jericho fell before Jesus Christ.
2. How The Son of God was seen in the fires of the furnace of Babylon: Jesus Christ stood with the three in the fire.
3. How that Jesus Christ came and shut the mouths of the lions: It was Jesus Christ that spent the night with Daniel.
B. When one reads Heb 13 we find such comfort and assurance because Jesus Christ is the same today: When we read these verses it should be with an eye that looks backward if you would.
1. Heb 13:5-6 takes on a greater meaning when I remember what Jesus Christ did in the past: Heb 13:5-6 He never changes.
2. And it takes on an even greater meaning when I consider that it will continue for ever: Heb 13:8
3. What a comfort this is, how assuring this is, what a tremendous blessing this is: Heb 13:8
II. Let me also add that the character and nature of God never changes as well: The actions of God are a result of the character and nature of God. The love that sent Jesus Christ into this world to the cross is the result of the nature of God for God is love the Bible tells is in 1 John 4:8, and 16. The actions of God are a result of the character and nature of God.
A. This is where many people go amiss I fear: They want to look at the actions of God and ignore His character and nature.
1. For example they will look at the actions of God in the examples named above: How God did stand and fight for Joshua, how He was in the fire with the three in Babylon and protected them, how He shut the mouths of the lions for Daniel while at the same time ignoring the lives that those men lived in light of the character and nature of God.
2. Those were all men who had purposed in their hearts to live for and please God: Many ignore that fact.
B. And for many people God is going to change: The God that they want to look at in this world is going to change for them on the other side of the grave. They are going to stand and give an account before a God that is far different than the one they want to look at in this world. For many they are going to find a God who for them has changed on the other side of the grave.
PROP: Let us look this morning at the never changing God of the Bible. TS. So that God doesn’t change for any who are here this morning on the other side of the grave.
I. First let is look at the never changing character and nature of God: The chart on the platform is a dispensational chart we are going through on Sunday evenings. It is a time chart that goes from eternity past and begins with creation all the way to eternity future and ends with the Second coming of Jesus Christ, the Millennial reign and the new heaven and earth.
A. One thing that is constant throughout the chart is the character and nature of God: The character and nature of God has never changed and as a result the actions of God never change. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and forever. The never changing character and nature of God is clearly seen throughout the Bible and in each dispensation. If God never changes then His character and nature can never change and never has. For example.
1. As soon as God moved in relation to this world there was light: Gen 1:1-3 This is the first act of creation because when God moved in relation to the world there had to be light for God is light. – 1 John 1:5
a. What happened when Jesus Christ came into this world? – Matt 4:14-16; John 8:12
b. Jesus Christ is the light of the world because that is the character and nature of God.
2. As God moved in creation we find that God is a God of division: Gen 1:4-7 God is a God of division.
a. What did Jesus say of Himself? – Luke 12:51-53
b. People were divided by the preaching and person of Jesus Christ because God is a God of division.
3. We find in the book of Leviticus the declaration of the holiness of God: Lev 11:44-45 The holiness of God is seen before this but this is a clear declaration of the holiness of God.
a. We then are called to be holy before God just like Israel in the Old Testament. – 1 Peter 1:15-16
b. Holiness is part of the character and nature of God.
4. Everything you find concerning God and the Lord Jesus Christ in the NT you will see in the OT: The reason being that the character and nature of God never changes. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to do, and forever. Everything you see concerning God and the Lord Jesus Christ in the NT can be seen in the OT. God never changes.
B. That includes salvation: So many think that God has had different plans of salvation down through the ages. This is the age of grace and we are saved today by the grace of God and blood of Jesus Christ. The Bible states in Acts 10:34 and Rom 2:11 that God is no respecter of persons. That means those in the OT had to be saved the same way we are today. Lets see.
1. When Adam sinned and needed to be saved blood had to be shed: Gen 3:21 When a lost sinner seeks God’s salvation today there needs to be the shedding of blood. – Heb 9:22
2. Preacher we are saved by grace today: Eph 2:8 How were they saved then? – Gen 6:8
3. Preacher we are saved through faith today: Eph 2:8 What were they saved through? – Rom 4:1-3
4. Preacher when God gave the Law all that changed: Did it? – Rom 4:5-8 David lived under the Law and His testimony is that God imputes righteousness apart from the works of the Law. – Rom 4:6-7 Covered by blood and not works of the Law.
5. A God who never changes cannot have two plans of salvation: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to do, and forever.
C. And the things that God hated in the OT God hates today: Prov 6:16-19 If God was against it in the past then you can be sure that God is against it today.
1. In short God hates sin: God hated sin in Genesis, in Proverbs, in Daniel, in Malachi and God hates sin today.
2. This list in Proverbs is not complete but here are some things God hates: Prov 6:16-19 God hates sin today.
3. And things that God judged in the OT God will judge today: Sodomy, homosexuality, witchcraft, idol worship, adultery, fornication, lust and other things that God judged in the OT God will judge today.
4. Preacher times have changed: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to do, and forever.
D. People do try and twist Scripture to get around this principal: One passage people use is Acts 5. – Acts 5:1-5 His wife tells the same lie and God kills her as well. God killed these two for telling this lie.
1. I have heard people ask aren’t you glad God doesn’t kill liars anymore, God has changed: I am not so sure.
2. God didn’t kill all liars then: When the mob asked Peter if he knew Jesus what did Peter do? Peter lied about it and God didn’t kill Peter. God didn’t kill all liars then.
3. It could be that Ananias and Sapphira told this lie to gain power and influence in the church: And that Satan could then use these two to destroy the church at Jerusalem through their weak character. So God simply stopped it.
4. God will protect His work: 1 John 5:16 This is speaking to the Christian, notice the word brother. – 1 Jn 5:16
5. And I have seen God protect His work:
E. The point is that the character, nature and actions of God have never changed and never will: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.
II. Man does not like much of what has been said this morning so people through the ages have tried to change God: Instead of repenting and humbling themselves before a holy, just and righteous God. Instead of doing what God says, instead of obeying God they try to make God in their own image.
A. This is not a problem that began in our day and age: This began in the very beginning.
1. Eve wanted a God that would put no restrictions on her at all: And so she ate of the forbidden fruit.
2. They would not get into the Ark with Noah because they did not want a God of judgment: And they perished in the flood.
3. At Babel they did not want a narrow minded God: So they tried to get to heaven on their own.
B. This is how idol worship and all the false religions of the world began: Man trying to make a God that suited him.
1. An idol was made to be a God that suited a man: Isa 44:9-17 Man did not want to suit God but for God to suit him.
2. And men would die for these dead idols instead of coming to God: Elijah killed 450 prophets of Baal.
3. The angel of God killed 185,000 idol worshipers in the days of Hezekiah:
C. And man continues to change God today to fit into his image of what God should be: To find a God that suits him.
1. Man has made a God today that accepts everyone: I often hear when making visits or knocking on doors that we are all going to the same place. You believe what you believe and I’ll believe what I believe as long as we both believe.
2. Man has made a God today who welcomes the most vilest sin: The homosexual and sodomite are made by God just as we are so we should just wink at the sin because God no longer minds it at all.
3. Man has made a God that no longer considers marriage to be permanent and the family sacred: Just try it out for a while and let the TV and video games raise your children. This is a different world.
4. Man had made a God that no longer names adultery and fornication as sin: Times have changed.
5. Man has made a God who no longer works through the church: A God who works through nature more than the church.
D. Because man does not like the character and nature of God man has sought to change God to suit his needs:
III. Can you imagine how much God is going to change for the lost man on the other side of the grave? Can you imagine a lost person, one who has thought all was well, one who has thought we are all going to the same place, one who has made a God to suit him or her, how much God is going to change for that one on the other side of the grave?
A. Philip and I were knocking on doors about a month age and we talked to a lost man: A man who acknowledged heaven and hell, knew who Jesus is and what Jesus did on the cross. A man who believed the Bible to be true and the Word of God.
1. And this man admitted to being a sinner: He acknowledged sin in his life and sin before God as we talked to him.
2. Then we asked what he was depending upon to get to heaven: He said he read that God is a God of love and forgiveness and because he was trying to live as best as he could now he believed God would forgive him and take him to heaven. The sins he committed were a long time ago and he was doing better so all would be well with God.
3. I said what if I had committed a crime 20 years ago and had just now been arrested: That I had been able to hide it for 20 years and I told the judge it happened a long time ago, I never did it again, and I was obeying the law, what would happen?
4. He said now you are starting to scare me and the conversation ended: And he did not want to get saved.
5. For that man God is going to change on the other side of the grave: There is going to be a changing God for him.
B. Joe Dunlap and I had a similar experience in Clearfield: A young couple more interested in renting a movie than getting saved. They knew they would be OK with God but they were not saved.
C. But they is not alone are they? For how many is God going to change on the other side of the grave?
1. And they are going to come face to face and stand before a God of Judgment: Rev 20:11-15 And they will be called to give an account before a holy, just and righteous God. Not a God of their making but the God of the Bible.
2. And as the books are opened God will question them: Rev 20:12 And God will question them of sin and of why they refused to repent and receive Jesus Christ.
3. And people will try and run and hide from the God that they thought accepted everybody: Rev 20:11
4. Every sin that they ever committed will be made known: Rev 20:13
5. And the God of love and forgiveness is going to cast them into the Lake of fire: Rev 20:14-15
D. Just imagine if you can how much God is going to change after the grave for those who are lost: They have made a God to suit them. A God who accepts everything and everybody, a God who winks at sin, a God who loves and forgives all. They have made a God that they can live with in this world.
1. But on the other side of the grave they will meet a holy God: One who hates sin.
2. On the other side of the grave they will meet a just God: One that will judge sin.
3. On the other side of the grave they will meet a righteous God: One who cannot be found in the presence of sin.
4. On the other side of the grave they will meet a God who for them has changed:
E. Just imagine of you can how much God is going to change on the other side of the grave for the lost: It is not going to be a happy time is it? They will meet a changing God.
IV. I fear this may be the case for many a Christian as well: We need not fear the Great White Throne judgment, we not fear the Lake of Fire. Those things were taken care of when we repented of sin and received the Lord Jesus Christ. Those things were taken care of by the blood of Jesus Christ.
A. But we will also stand before God, books will be opened and we will give an account to God: 2 Cor 5:8-10; 2 Tim 4:1 The word quick here is speaking of those who have been made spiritually alive by Jesus Christ. – Eph 2:1
1. The Christian according to the Bible will also give an account in heaven before God:
2. We will give an account of our life after salvation: How we lived for Jesus Christ.
3. We will give an account of our service for Jesus Christ: What did we do for our savior.
4. We will give an account of how we were or were not an ambassador for Jesus Christ: What type of witness for Christ.
5. We will stand as well and give an account: Of that which was done that was good and bad according to 2 Cor 5:10
B. There are so many I fear who simply don’t care: The attitude seems to be that I’m saved, I”m going to heaven and that is all that matters to me. As long as I get in that is all that matters.
1. You do not find that in the Bible:
2. And no right thinking person should feel that way: It does matter if God says it does.
3. This is a true story: A family was trapped in a burning house, a father and mother and two little girls. Trouble was dad and mom thought the girls were at a neighbors house and they got out and never looked for the girls. They were found in the basement trying to hide behind a water heater from the flames but both lost their lives.
a. Can you imagine the dad looking at the mom and saying we lost the girls, but aren’t you glad we got out?
b. In truth that dad and mom were destroyed.
4. It does matter how you live Christian:
C. There is a time coming when we will give an account: 1 Cor 3:11-15 People ignore and make light of this judgment.
1. But those words suffer loss carry a great meaning: 1 Cor 3:15
2. If it matters to God it should matter to us: 1 Cor 3:16-18
3. The apostle of grace lived his life in light of this time when he will give an account: 1 Cor 9:25-27
4. And the tears in heaven are not wiped away until after this judgment:
D. Don’t meet a changing God on the other side of the grave:
I. First let is look at the never changing character and nature of God:
II. Man does not like much of what has been said this morning so people through the ages have tried to change God:
III. Can you imagine how much God is going to change for the lost man on the other side of the grave? Can you imagine a lost person, one who has thought all was well, one who has thought we are all going to the same place, one who has made a God to suit him or her, how much God is going to change for that one on the other side of the grave?
IV. I fear this may be the case for many a Christian as well: We need not fear the Great White Throne judgment, we not fear the Lake of Fire. Those things were taken care of when we repented of sin and received the Lord Jesus Christ. Those things were taken care of by the blood of Jesus Christ.