Willing to Step Inside

June 13th, 2009 by Pastor Solley

061409AM Willing to Step Inside.

Sub. Peter stepping into the tomb.

Theme: An illustration of our need to step in.

Text: John 20:1-10

“Willing to Step Inside” John 20:1-10



I would like to bring a message this morning titled “Willing to Step Inside” based on the Biblical principal of stepping closer to the Lord using John 20 as a primary text. In doing so I am going to use an Old Testament illustration and a New Testament application. For every Biblical truth we find in the New Testament we can also find an Old Testament illustration.

I. In John 20 we find the account of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ:

John 20:1-8 Three days earlier Jesus Christ had given His life as a sacrifice for the sin of man on the cross. Because it was Passover, a high Sabbath, the physical body of our Lord was laid hastily in a new tomb.

A. Now on the first day of the week, the Sabbath being over, Mary and others came to take care of the body of Jesus: Jn 20:1 The Law kept them from taking care of His body because of the Sabbath but now it could be done. But when they arrived they found the stone taken away and an empty tomb.

1. I am sure that many of the things Jesus taught them were running through their minds: Jesus had been teaching them about the cross, about His sacrificial death and about His resurrection from the grave. They were slow to believe because they were looking for the Kingdom of God to be set up at that time and the cross did throw them. But now the tomb was empty.

2. So Mary ran at once to the disciples to tell them the news: John 20:2 And as soon as Peter and John hear they take off for the tomb as fast as they can get there. – John 20:3-43. The thought is that John outran Peter because he was about 10 years younger: John 20:4news: John was the youngest disciple.

B. Notice as they arrive, John stops at the entrance of the tomb and looks inside, but Peter enters in: John 20:4-6 When they get to the entrance of the tomb John stops, but as Peter arrives he rushes past him and enters in. – John 20:5-61. I believe they both knew what to expect to find there: Jesus was so clear in teaching them that he was not going to remain in the grave. That on the third day He would arise victorious over sin, death and the grave. They both knew that.

2. As they get to the tomb John stops just short of going in: He looks inside, he knows what has taken place, but he does not enter in. We are not told what stopped him, but he did not step inside.

3. When Peter gets there he goes at once within and sees the truth of the resurrection: John 20:6-74. When John steps inside he as well sees in fulness the truth of the resurrection: John 20:8-9 When it says in verse 9 they knew not the Scripture that He must rise again it means they had not yet witnessed it or experienced it. But now they had.

II. Which brings us to the Biblical principal of being willing to step inside:

There is very little difference between these two men, their life experiences and what they believed. They were partners in a fishing business, they were both saved at the same time, both gave their lives to following the Lord. There is very little difference between these two men.

A. But there would have been if both had not entered in: As these men stood before the tomb there is very little difference between them but there would have been if they both had not entered in.

1. When Peter stepped inside he experienced first had the power of the resurrected Lord: John 20:9 But now he knew.

2. Had John remained outside he would have had to rely on what Peter told him: He still would have believed because he could see somewhat within. He still would have believed because he trusted Peter. But he would not have known.

3. It was not until he stepped inside that he experienced the power of the resurrected Lord: John 20:9 And now he also knew.

B. The Christians life should not be one we only read and hear about and believe: It should be one we experience. And that is only possible if we are willing to step inside.


Every Christian should be willing to step inside. TS. So we can not only believe but know.



I. I want to begin by looking at an Old Testament illustration of being willing to step inside:

Josh 24:15 If you recall Joshua had been leading a people who were not willing to step inside. Not willing to step inside the Promised Land about 60 years before and it cost them 40 years of wondering in the wilderness and the death of an entire generation. This is about 60 years later and near the time Joshua is going to die.



A. So there is a challenge issued to the people: Josh 24:15 They had been in the Promised Land for over 20 years at this point. Many of the heathen peoples had been conquered. But now Joshua is about to die and there is still much to do, still land to be possessed and nations to be driven out. So this challenge must be given for Joshua knows these people.

1. Make a decision about what you want to do: Over 60 years before when faced with a similar decision the people would not enter into the land. Instead they wanted to make a captain and go back to Egypt.

2. They had been told of the blessings of the Promised Land by God and the spies: But they could not experience it unless they entered in and they would not. Because of that an entire generation missed the blessings of the Promised Land.

3. And Joshua is afraid that the same thing is going to happen again after he dies: There is still much to do and Joshua is afraid that after he dies the people will stop short of what God wants them to do.

4. That is why this challenge is given:B. The people would certainly know better than to serve the gods of the Amorites: Josh 24:15 It is plural for a reason. The people who dwelt in the land had many different gods. They had a god for every occasion. If they needed water they worshiped the rain god. If they needed warmth they worshiped the sun god. If they needed victory they worshiped the war god.

1. They had a god for every occasion: That is why God commanded Israel to drive them out of the Promised Land.

2. And Israel certainly knew better than to worship the gods of the Amorites:C. But notice also the gods which your fathers served: Josh 24:15 That is puzzling. You might say it is in reference to all those who would not enter the Promised Land 60 years before and that is correct in part. That does apply and fit here.

1. But all through Scripture when the fathers of Israel are mentioned it refers to the patriarchs: It refers to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the sons of Jacob. They are the fathers of Israel. There is a deeper meaning than just those who did not enter in.

2. What then was wrong with the fathers of Israel? What was wrong with the way they served God?

II. Consider now the shortcomings of the fathers of Israel:

In some ways they were not willing to step inside. In some ways they were just like the generation that would not enter into the Promised Land. Consider the fathers of Israel. They were men of faith but in some ways they were not willing to step inside.

A. Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness in Rom 4:3: And because of the faith of Abraham God promised to give him a son and make of him a great nation. – Gen 12:1-7 This promise is repeated several times.

1. All Abraham had to do was wait upon the Lord: God doesn’t break His promises and all Abraham had to do was wait.

2. But as time passed Abraham and Sarah became more and more impatient: Gen 16:1-5 And here they decided to take matters into their own hands. God promised but time is passing by, time is running our so we better do something.

a. Perhaps God isn’t going to keep His word. – Gen 16:2b. So we had better do something.

3. Abraham was not willing to step into that place of complete trust in the promises of God: And we can still see today the results of Abraham’s lack of trust in the promise of God.

4. Later on in Gen 22 Abraham was willing to step into that place of complete trust in God: He should have been right here.

B. Isaac was then promised all that God promised Abraham: Gen 26:1-5 God tells him to stay right where he is, God is going to take care of him, provide for him and protect him. All Isaac has to do is trust and wait on the Lord.

1. But as the famine increased Isaac did move: Gen 26:6 After all God would not want him to starve.

2. And then he did become afraid: Gen 26:73. Isaac like Abraham was not willing to step into that place of complete trust in the Lord: He knew God would take care of him, that God would provide, but in some ways God would need his help.

4. It resulted in him not being where God wanted him to be and not resting in the Lord: Gen 26:16-18 Perhaps these well wold never have been stopped up had Isaac just stayed where God wanted him to be and trusted in the Lord.

C. Jacob was the set apart son of Isaac: Gen 25:19-23 God knowing the spiritual makeup of these two boys set apart the younger for service. It would be Jacob that would receive the birthright, Jacob who would serve, Jacob who would be used.

1. But he just couldn’t wait on God: Gen 25:27-34 He decided to help God out and take from another what God promised to give to him. Jacob was not willing to step completely into that place of trust in the Lord. And it sets a pattern for his life.

2. He deceived his father and stole the blessing that God was going to give to him:


3. He tried to bargain with God to receive what God was going to freely give: Gen 28:20-21 The problem with Jacob praying this prayer is that God had already promised to do these things unconditionally.

4. Jacob was not willing to step into that place of complete trust in the Lord:D. And this was what was wrong with the generation that would not step into the Promised Land: And this is why Joshua gave the challenge. – Josh 24:151. They would not choose the gods of the Amorites: They knew better than that.

2. But are you willing to step into that place of trust in the Lord? Are you willing to step in and go beyond your fathers?

E. This is the Old Testament illustration of being willing to step it:III. Now the New Testament application:

John 20:4-7 Ever wonder why Peter just ran past John into the tomb? Ever wonder why Peter was so willing to step inside?

A. Because just a few days before that when Peter was faced with a similar decision he would not step in: Go back to Jesus in the garden at Gethsemane when he was betrayed by Judas and arrested. As Jesus was led away by the mod to be put on trial before the Jewish council Peter and John followed. – John 18:12-151. As they took Jesus inside John followed: John 18:15 He stayed with Jesus.

2. But when Peter was given the same opportunity he would not step inside: John 18:16 And while he did step within the outer gate he never fully stepped inside with Jesus. He was not with Jesus and John, he was not willing to step inside.

3. And even to get where he was it seems he was forced against his will: John 18:16 John had to get him that far.

B. And what did it cost Peter; because he was not willing to step inside what did it cost him?1. Instead of standing with Jesus when He needed him Peter stood with those who would condemn the Lord: John 18:17-182. Instead of standing up for Jesus Peter denied even knowing Him: John 18:17,25-273. Instead of being strong with Jesus Peter was weak with the world:C. I am not sure what Peter was afraid of, but no matter what it was he still found it on the outside: Think of that a moment.

1. Perhaps he was afraid of the enemies he would find inside: He found them outside.

2. Perhaps he was afraid he would have to say something inside: He was called to say something outside.

3. Perhaps he was afraid he would be found out on the inside: He was found out on the outside.

4. Peter might as well have stepped inside:D. And think also of what he missed because he was not willing to step in: No wonder John was the disciple Jesus loved.

1. As they questioned Him Jesus could look at John standing close by: John stepped inside.

2. As they lied about Him Jesus could see John standing close by: John stepped inside.

3. As they mocked Him and began to beat Him Jesus could see John standing close by: John stepped inside.

4. As He hung on the cross Jesus knew John had stood by Him: And so Jesus called on the John to take care of Mary.

5. Jesus knew John had stepped inside:E. Peter didn’t find an easier way on the outside, he found a harder way:IV. So now when faced with the same decision again, Peter steps inside:

John 20:6 I think he ran inside because Peter knew by experience that whatever it cost him to step inside would be better than standing without. I am sure John did not find it easy to stand inside that council room with Jesus but Peter found it harder to stand without.

A. Please understand this morning that Christ wants us to step inside, wants you and me to step within: Josh 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. We are called to make a decision.

1. The first decision is that of wanting the gods of the world or the true and living God: I am not sure this morning what or who you are depending upon in this world but it needs to be Jesus Christ.


Man who was saved Thursday…


2. And then we need to decide just how much of Christ we want, which God we will serve: Not the gods of the fathers who were on the other side, not the gods of the fathers who would not step in.

a. Not to stand on the outside of the Promised Land and miss what is inside.

b. I believe the vast majority of those Israelites who died in the wilderness are in heaven. They would not step inside.

3. We need to decide just how much we are going to be given to Christ, to be willing to step inside:B. And this does not mean we will be free from all trouble and trial: I wish that were so but it is not.

1. After Israel stepped inside they had to fight the battles of the Promised Land:2. Life was not easy for Peter after he stepped inside: He found a lot of trials in his life of service.

a. He was beaten for preaching the gospel after he stepped inside.

b. He was jailed for preaching the gospel after he stepped inside.

c. He was killed for preaching the gospel after he stepped inside.

3. Life was not easy for John after he stepped inside:4. Life was not easy for Paul after he stepped inside:C. So then why the challenge to step inside: And there are several reasons but here are a few.

1. Because life is harder when we don’t: Prov 13:15 Whatever we go through when walking with Christ can you imagine how hard it would be without Him?

a. How many people stumble through life because they will not step inside with Jesus? – Prov 4:19b. How many cause themselves much trouble. – Jer 2:19c. Life is harder when we don’t step inside.

2. Because God knows better than we do what is best: Isa 55:7-93. Because we miss so much when we stand on the outside and just look in: John 20:4-8 What if John would have just stood without and never stepped in? Think of what he would have missed.

V. Let me ask you this morning; what are you missing in your Christian life, in your walk with the Lord?

Could it be that some are standing on the outside looking in but are not willing to step inside?


I. We need to be willing to step inside, not just look:

II. There is an Old Testament illustration:

III. And there is a New Testament application:

IV. Are you willing to step inside?

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