
May 30th, 2009 by Pastor Solley

053109AM LikemindedSub. Being likeminded

Theme: What is being likeminded and how to be likeminded.

Text: Rom 15:1-6

“Likeminded” Rom 15:1-6


I am going to bring a message this morning on being likeminded. That is a word or term that is found three times in the Bible. It is found in our text passage in verse 5, in Philip 2:2 and Philip 2:20. But the idea of being likeminded can be found many other places in the Bible. “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” speaks of being likeminded. The word likeminded is defined in the Webster 1828 dictionary as “having a like disposition or purpose. The Greek word translated Likeminded in the Bible means basically the same thing but goes a little deeper. To be likeminded means “to be mentally disposed, earnestly and intensively in a certain direction.” It means to have minds united, focused, headed in the same direction.

I. In Romans 15 the Spirit of God gives instruction as to the outworking of the local church:

And it speaks of the church both working within and without.

A. We see what the church is to be concerning those within:

Rom 15:1-4 The church was not established simply to give the Christian a place to spend an hour or two or three each week.1. The church is a place where we can grow and learn spiritually through the preaching and teaching of the Word:

Rom 15:4 


2. The church is a place where we can find encouragement and be built up in the things of God: Rom 15:2 


3. The church is a place where we can serve and help one another: Rom 15:1 


4. The church is a place where we can learn to be like Jesus Christ: Rom 15:3 


B. We also see what the church is to be concerning those without: Rom 15:6 How do we see that here?1. Those without should see this church as being one that brings glory and honor to God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: That we bring glory and honor to God in the way we worship, the way we live separated lives unto Him and the way we serve.

2. We should be a church concerned with the souls of the lost, one seeking to bring the lost to Jesus Christ: Because nothing brings God more glory than seeing souls saved, nothing honors Christ more than souls being saved.

3. And the church should produce strong spiritually minded Christians: Not worldly Christians but spiritual Christians.





II. But right in the middle of the working of the church we see we need to be likeminded:

Rom 15:5These things can never be possible unless the people of the church are likeminded. Unless all are headed is the same direction., unless all have a common purpose, unless all are earnest and intense in following the will of God.A. You will not find the church fulfilling its responsibilities to those within or without unless there are those likeminded: You will not grow, be an encouragement to others and a help unless you are likeminded. Others will not be those things to you unless they are likeminded. We will not see souls saved, not see the church fulfilling the plan and purpose of God unless we are likeminded. The church cannot fulfill its responsibilities unless it is likeminded.

B. That means that you and I need to be likeminded today: Do we have a like mind and what exactly is that?


We need to know what it is to be likeminded today. TS. So that we can be all that God wants us to be. So that we can fulfill our responsibility as a local New Testament Church.


I. First, notice the necessity of being likeminded:


Rom 15:5This is given in the middle here for a reason. No institution can be all that it could be or should be unless those within are likeminded, unless they have a single purpose.A. There are several illustrations that point out the need to be likeminded: I am going to bring out just three this morning.

1. Sports serve as a good illustration of the need to be likeminded: This can be seen in several ways.

a. You can have a football team with 9 or 10 players striving for the good of the team but if you have 1 or 2 who don’t care, who play only for themselves that team will fail.

(1) Not every player needs to agree with the play that was called.

(2) But all 11 need to give 100% effort for that play to be successful.

b. You can have a baseball team with 7 or 8 players giving 100% effort to the team. But if you have 1 or 2 who do not care you can be sure they will have the ball hit to them or come up to bat in that crucial situation and the team will fail.




c. You can have most of the soccer players doing their job but if that one defensive player wants to score more than they want to play defense that team is not going to be successful. That team will loose.

2. The military serves as a good illustration of the need to be likeminded: Why is it so essential for a soldier to follow orders? It is theirs not to question why but to do or die.

a. You can’t order the company to charge and half of them decide it is not the right thing to do.

b. You can’t order the company to defend the battlefield and half of them decide it will not be worth the cost.

c. Unless all are likeminded the army will be defeated.

3. The home and family serves as a good illustration of the need to be likeminded: The reason there are so many failed marriages today, the reason so much of the youth of today is lost to the world is that those in the home are not likeminded.

a. There can be no real harmony in the home between husband and wife without bing likeminded –


Amos 3:3The Bible says “they shall be one”, not two.(1) That is why the Bible is so specific as to whom one is to marry and why. “Unless the Lord build the house…”

(2) A marriage without Christ at the center may endure but it is not happy and not what it could be.

(3) The divorce rate and so many unhappy homes today is proof of what I am saying.

b. The relationship between parents and children is a good illustration of the need of being like minded. –


Eph 6:4 Because a Godly parent does not want to leave their children to the wrath of God there will be rules in that home that are unlike the homes of those around you. Why can’t we go here, why do we have to be in at a certain hour, why can’t we choose our own friends or our own fashions are questions every parent is faced with. And there is opposition between parent and child.(1) You need to get them to understand that they rules that govern your home are based on Biblical principals. If they can understand that, come to that mind, they will not resent you. They will still resist you, but they will not resent you.

(2) They will at least understand why you are doing what you do in the home if they are likeminded.

B. If there is a need to be likeminded in those areas then so much the more the spiritual: The reason I used those three areas, sports, the military and the family is because the Christian life is likened to all three in the Bible. If there is a need to be likeminded in those areas then so much the more in the spiritual realm, in the Christian and in the church.

1. Unless there is a likeminded nature in the church we will not be what we should for one another: People will often let you down especially when they are not of like mind.

2. Unless there is a likeminded nature in the church we will not be what we should be for Christ: We will let the Lord down if we are not likeminded in our purpose.

3. Just like the sports team, the military man and the family just one or two can hinder the program of God: 90% can be likeminded but 10% who are not can harm and hinder the program of God.

4. And this is a problem in the local church today: People are not likeminded.

II. Second, notice that to be likeminded means we take on the mind of Christ, not the world:


Phil 2:2-5 Again we see the call to be likeminded. – Phil 2:2 Be of one accord, of one mind. But one must be careful here. Today the world tells us that we need to accept everything and everybody, that we need to be understanding and tolerant. After all God loves everybody, we are not all the same but we are all going to the same place. Therefore we need to have like minds.A. But notice it is to be likeminded based on the mind of Jesus Christ:


Phil 2:5 Did Jesus love and tolerate everything and everybody, did Jesus accept everything and everybody? That is far from the truth my friend.1. Notice Jesus and the woman found in sin:


John 8:10-11 See pastor Jesus accepted her just as she was. No he didn’t.a. Jesus didn’t condemn her. –


John 8:11



b. But this is based only on her repenting of her sin. – John 8:11 


c. Jesus didn’t accept her in her sin and she would have been condemned if she had not repented.2. Notice Jesus and the religious leader:

John 3:1-2 This man was doing all that the law required, Jesus would be pleased.a. But what was the first thing that Jesus told him? –

John 3:3, 7 


b. Unless this man would repent and be born again he would not be accepted by God.3. Notice Jesus and the man full of Good works:

Luke 18:18-24 This man was full of good works, Jesus would be pleased.a. But all the good works of this man were not enough for him to be accepted by God.

b. Unless this man repented later on and got saved he is in hell today.

4. To be likeminded does not mean we accept everything and everybody: Rather it means we have the mind of Christ.

B. And the mind of Christ is centered on the truth of the Word of God: This book is what we need to follow and His will is what we need to carry out. To be likeminded we need to have our mind centered on the truth and will of God.







III. Third, notice how rare it is to be likeminded:

Phil 2:20-21One would think it would be a common thing to be likeminded but would you notice that it is a very rare thing.A. The apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit states that he has no man likeminded:


Phil 2:20 Paul was a man I believe completely sold out to the Lord. For Paul to live was Jesus Christ. He surrendered his life completely and entirely to the Lord Jesus Christ and he never looked back to the world. Paul was a man sold out to the Lord.1. And Paul had many good, Godly, devoted Christians serving the Lord under his guidance: There was Silas, Titus, Timothy, Barnabas, and many others named in the various books the Holy Spirit used Paul to write.

2. But the Bible states that there was no man likeminded as Paul was:


Phil 2:20 You could say that has only to do with the work as it relates to the believers at Philippi but I think it goes beyond that.3. No one was as completely sold out to the Lord as Paul was and it hindered the work: No man was likeminded.

a. Paul had men like Demas with him. –


2 Tim 4:10



b. And it was not just Demas. – 2 Tim 4:16 


4. It was a rare thing for Paul to find someone likeminded:B. Jesus faced the very same thing in His earthly ministry: As the cross grew ever nearer Jesus began to explain to the disciples how He would suffer and die for the sin of man and be raised again the third day. This was the plan and will of God.

1. But not all had the same mind:

Matt 16:21-23 Here is Peter rebuking the God of heaven, here is Peter rebuking the Lord of glory. – Matt 16:22 And why would he do this?2. Because Peter was not likeminded:

Matt 16:23 


3. If Peter had gotten his way we would all be headed to hell right now, even Peter:B. When People are not likeminded it hinders the work of God as well as the growth of the church: And only the judgment seat of Christ in heaven will reveal the extent of that.

1. Paul through the power of the Spirit of God accomplished great things in the name of Jesus Christ: How much greater would they have been if everyone was likeminded?

2. The first local church was hindered because of those who were not likeminded:

Acts 5:1-5 Believers were selling all that they had and giving the money to the church for the work of God and being praised for it. This man wanted the praise.a. But he was not likeminded and it cost him his life. –

Acts 5:3,5 


b. I think this most likely hindered the work in Jerusalem.3. The church at Corinth was hindered by those who were not likeminded:

1 Cor 1:10-12 This church never did anything for Christ, it never did grow, it never did prosper. There was no one likeminded.4. The church that Gaius had charge of was hindered by one who was not likeminded:

3 John 9-10 This man would not allow John to come to the church. He was not likeminded.C. And those who are not likeminded will hinder the plan and program of God today, will hinder the church: What was true with Jesus, Paul and the early church is still true today. It doesn’t take many to hinder the work of God.

1. Because when people are not of a like mind they usually do not keep it to themselves: They try to move others to their point of view, try to get sympathy. Does the preacher really have to preach that way? Do we really need to do this? Why don’t we get involved with other churches more? Why can’t we have different speakers come in?

2. And even one who is not likeminded can cause division and strife in the church:D. It is rare to find a place where all are likeminded: 

IV. Fourth, notice the ability to be likeminded:

Rom 15:5 You may think it impossible to be likeminded but that is not true for it is a gift of God. – Rom 15:5



A. First I want to point out what it does not mean to be likeminded: It doesn’t mean that you are going to like or agree with everything that goes on in a local assembly.1. You may not like what you hear every week especially if it comes from the Word of God as it should: There will be times when you think the preacher is preaching at you because he is and it hurts. But that is Biblical preaching.




2. You may not like the style of the evangelist that comes into speak: And each one has his own personality and style.

3. You may wonder why we would try and build a camp in trying economic times: It will take a ton of money.

4. You may wonder why we take on certain missionaries and some we don’t:5. You may want blinds on the windows and we have none:6. To be likeminded does not mean that you agree with every way we cross our “t’s” and dot our “I’s:B. But to be likeminded means we all become bent to accept the truth of the Word of God: That when the preacher or the evangelist offends instead of getting mad we get right with God.

1. And go ahead and study tings in light of the Word of God:

1 John 4:1 I don’t expect anyone to believe something because they heard this preacher say it. Take notes during the message, get the tapes, study the Bible, try the spirits.2. No preacher who is worth anything is afraid of you looking into what has been preached: Search the Scriptures.

a. And if it is Bible then believe, receive and practice what is said.

b. If it is not Bible bring it to the pastor.

C. To be likeminded means that we support that which is the will of God: And for this you must have a confidence that the pastor is seeking the mind and will of God and that God is directing the church. –

Eph 6:5-7 


1. You need to have a confidence that the pastor is seeking by prayer the will and mind of God: That he is bent to God’s will.2. You need to have confidence that the pastor has your best interest at heart:

Heb 13:17 


3. You need to have confidence that he seeks vision from God: Prov 29:18 


4. When you have that confidence then you can support the programs of the local church:D. To be likeminded means that you join in the work:

Neh 4:6 How much and in what can you be involved? In everything and as much as you want.1. We had 10 people go out on visitation Tuesday night: We need 30 more.

2. You may know children who need a ride to VBS:3. Bring someone to church with you:4. We need workers for camp:5. We need people to come work on the camp:E. To be likeminded means we put the needs and cares of others before our own:

Rom 15:1-2 That you want to be a part of this church and involved in the ministries of this church to worship and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. And when that is true you do put the needs of others before self.1. I am not here for myself this morning: I don’t have my best interest at heart.

2. And when we worship and serve Jesus Christ we will look to the needs of others before our own:F. These things are possible because to be likeminded is a gift from God:

Rom 15:5 

V. Fifth, notice the joy that comes when God’s people are likeminded:


Phil 2:2 We speak of the joy of the Lord, of the peace of God and how that should be a constant in the life of the believer.A. Yet that joy will not be there unless we stand likeminded:

Phil 2:2 



1. Even in preaching you see faces of people who are disgruntled: There is no joy.

2. You see faces of people who are indifferent: There is no joy.

3. And in the very same message you will see on the faces of people the joy of the Lord that is in their hearts:B. Many times we lack joy because we are not likeminded:1. No matter what the Bible says I will do what I want: And it eats away at our joy.

2. I don’t like the way this person preaches so I just will not go: And it eats away at our joy.

3. I am a better judge of what the church should do so I will not support it: And it eats away at our joy.

4. And you end up with a lot of Christians with no joy: 



C. When we become likeminded we become full of joy:



Having looked this morning at what it is to be likeminded what can we then say?



I. First, notice the necessity of being likeminded:

Rom 15:5This is given in the middle here for a reason. No institution can be all that it could be or should be unless those within are likeminded, unless they have a single purpose. II. Second, notice that to be likeminded means we take on the mind of Christ, not the world:


Phil 2:2-5 Again we see the call to be likeminded. – Phil 2:2 Be of one accord, of one mind. But one must be careful here. Today the world tells us that we need to accept everything and everybody, that we need to be understanding and tolerant. After all God loves everybody, we are not all the same but we are all going to the same place. Therefore we need to have like minds.III. Third, notice how rare it is to be likeminded:


Phil 2:20-21One would think it would be a common thing to be likeminded but would you notice that it is a very rare thing.IV. Fourth, notice the ability to be likeminded:


Rom 15:5 You may think it impossible to be likeminded but that is not true for it is a gift of God. – Rom 15:5V. Fifth, notice the joy that comes when God’s people are likeminded:


Phil 2:2 We speak of the joy of the Lord, of the peace of God and how that should be a constant in the life of the believer.

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