Daily Devotions

September 30th, 2024 by Pastor Solley

Gen 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
These things remain and will until God decides it is time for them to end. Global warming, WWIII, floods, storms, bombs, none of them will destroy this world and things will remain until God decides it is time for this world to end. But doesn’t time pass so quickly? It is already the last day of September and it feels like the year has just begun to this old man. What do you have to get done while this earth remains? Should this be the day of salvation for you? Is this the day you are going to start to read your Bible as you should? Is today the day you will make a real commitment to our dear Lord and serve Him as your should? Is this the day you become a true prayer warrior? What do you need to do today that you said you would start yesterday? Time passes quickly my friend and we can never get back those days we have wasted. Why not begin today, while you still have time, to get done what should have been done yesterday?

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