
Our church camp this year is August 2nd – 7th. The camp is for ages 8-18. Come for a great week filled with chapel services, activities, and games. It is truly a blessing to those young and old able to attend. Early registration price for camp is $100 and $110 for late registration. Money does not have to be paid until arrival at camp. Camp begins Monday morning at 10:00AM and concludes Saturday morning after breakfast and cabin cleanup. Campers can be picked up beginning at 10:00AM Saturday morning.

Our evangelist for the week will be Dan Manka who will be joined by his family. The evening chapel services at 7:00 PM are open to the public and we use them as an old fashioned camp meeting in our chapel on the campground.

The camp is located a tenth of a mile from the church. 1464 Church Road, Curwensville, PA.