Daily Devotions

July 16th, 2024 by Pastor Solley

Prov 26:20 Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth.
Continuing with the theme from yesterday, the priest keeping the fire burning in the tabernacle, we find that where there is no wood the fire goes out. The application today is not about being a talebearer, but about keeping the fire we have for the Lord burning in our lives. In the winter we heat our house with wood and it is common for the fire in the furnace to burn down and go out through the night if no wood is added. That leaves the house cold in the morning so one must make a decision in the night, will I get up, go downstairs to the furnace room, poke the wood in the furnace back to life and then add more wood, or will I just stay in a warm bed and deal with a cold house and starting a fire in the morning? It is better to keep the fire burning but there are many times when I take the easy way and just stay in bed and deal with the cold house and starting a fire in the morning. That should never be true spiritually. It is easy to read my Bible later, pray later, but that is most certainly not better as we need to keep the fire burning for our Lord in our lives. We do that by reading His Word, praying as we should, going to the house of God, fellow shipping with others of like precious faith and serving our Savior. Too many Christians take what they see as the easy way, ignoring what they know they need to be doing, and then wondering why things seem so cold spiritually. Keep putting wood on the spiritual fire.

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