Daily Devotions
December 13th, 2024 by Pastor SolleyJer 33:2-3 Thus saith the Lord the maker thereof, the Lord that formed it, to establish it; the Lord is his name;
3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
For a while this morning we had no internet service here at our home. What to do? There is one who is always available to talk to, to dial up if you would. There is one who is never out of service, that you never have to wait until the spinning circle stops and a connection is made. There is one who will always answer the call. Why do people depend more upon the internet than they do on the Lord? I grew up during a time when there were no cell phones, no internet, a computer was something big offices had but no one else. It was a better time, a time when you began the day in prayer and the Bible and not facebook or e-mail. It was a time when one spent quiet time in prayer and not staring at a three inch square you hold in your hand. A time when people talked to God and not treated the internet like a god. Yes, I do use the internet and it can be used for good but it should never replace our quiet times with our God.