Daily Devotions

December 11th, 2024 by Pastor Solley

1 Thess 5:24-25 Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
25 Brethren, pray for us.
I wonder if this could be a project for the New Year, to list the things one prays for and then the answers that come to those prayers? Many people wonder why God is not answering their prayers and there are things that we pray for that we have to wait upon the Lord, sometimes for years, to answer or so it seems. But what of all the things God does for us in answer to prayer day unto day that we overlook. For example I prayed God give safety for two men from our church yesterday that had to drive about twenty hours. Prayer answered. I prayed for family members who were driving about five hours yesterday. Prayer answered. I went through a list of family members asking God to watch over and provide. Prayer answered. I prayed for many church members and while I may not see the answers right away I know God is working so I will say prayers being answered. On and on I could go and I know my God is answering my prayers. The next time you may think God is not answering your prayers remember the above verses and begin to list the things God is doing and the answered prayers you can give thanks for.

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