Daily Devotions
November 22nd, 2024 by Pastor SolleyPs 74:17 Thou hast set all the borders of the earth: thou hast made summer and winter.
Gen 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
No global warming here in PA this morning as cold and snow settled in during the night. I am reminded with the first snow of winter that there is one greater than man in charge of all things. God has set the borders of the earth, made the summer and winter and those things will not stop until God stops them. All of the earth is under the authority of God and so are we dear friend. The changing of the seasons is just another reminder of one whom we will answer to one day. Are you ready to meet the God of heaven today? Have you trusted Jesus Christ as your savior from sin and hell? Are you serving Jesus today, living for Jesus today? Not only does the changing of the seasons remind me of our Lord, they also remind me that time is passing by and the time of His appearing is drawing ever closer. No global warming this morning but there is still our God in heaven and we must be ready to give account of our lives to Him.