Daily Devotions

September 20th, 2024 by Pastor Solley

Jer 33:1-3 Moreover the word of the Lord came unto Jeremiah the second time, while he was yet shut up in the court of the prison, saying,
2 Thus saith the Lord the maker thereof, the Lord that formed it, to establish it; the Lord is his name;
3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
This call for the prophet to pray comes at a time when Jeremiah was shut up in the court of the prison. (Verse 1) I have heard more than one time in my life that if one wants the blessings of God, a good life, an easy life, all they need do is obey God, pray, and those things will be ours. I have heard that many times over the years, but it is not true. Jeremiah was a man serving the Lord, speaking the Word of the Lord, and a man of prayer and yet we find him in prison for doing those very things. Walking with our Savior today does not secure a life without trials or heartaches as any Christian knows. What it does secure is that one is standing with us, will never forsake us and will show us great and mighty things as we continue to call out to Him. Jeremiah, like all the other true prophets of God, suffered persecutions, but he never suffered them alone. Time and time again God delivered His prophet and encouraged Jeremiah as well. Do you need delivered from a trial today, do you need encouraged today? Then continue to stay faithful and call out to the one who can deliver and encourage you.

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